Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.10.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.


Glossary Item Box

General information

Charts display multiple system records in the form of diagrams of different types. For example, you can display a pie chart of accounts distributed by type. Charts display information in the form of different diagram types or in a data list form. Learn more about charts in the “The “Chart” dashboard component” article. Chart settings are described in the How to set up a “Chart” dashboard component article.

The “Charts” dashboard

Charts functionality implementation classes

ChartViewModel – chart view model.

ChartViewConfig – generates the chart view model.

ChartModule – a module designed to work with charts.

ChartDesigner – view model schema of a chart.

ChartModuleHelper – generates a query using the Terrasoft.EntitySchemaQuery object.

ChartDrillDownProvider – contains methods for working with the “Show data” function (used for working with chart series).

Chart setup parameters

To configure a chart, you need to add the JSON configuration object with the chart properties to the widget module configuration. The widget module configuration is defined by the Items property of the SysDashboard object. Learn more about the SysDashboard object and its properties in the “Dashboard widgets” article.

Set the “Chart” value to the widgetType property in the JSON configuration object with widget settings. In addition, assign the parameters property to the object with necessary parameters. Possible chart parameters are listed in table 1.

Table 1. Chart setup parameters

Name Type Details
seriesConfig object The settings of an embedded chart in a series.
orderBy string Sorting field.
orderDirection string Sorting direction.
caption string Chart header.
sectionId string Section id.
xAxisDefaultCaption string Default X-axis header.
yAxisDefaultCaption string Default Y-axis header.
primaryColumnName string Name of initial column. The “id” column is the default one.
yAxisConfig object Array of the Y-axis name settings.
schemaName string Chart object.
sectionBindingColumn string Section link column.
func string Aggregate function.
type string Chart type.
XAxisCaption string X-axis caption.
YAxisCaption string Y-axis caption.
xAxisColumn string The X-axis grouping column.
yAxisColumn string The Y-axis grouping column.
styleColor string Chart color.
filterData object Filter settings.

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