Business process setup guide (BPMS)
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

[Process log] section

In the [Process log] section, you can see the list of all started business processes (process instances) in the system and their statuses.

A business process can be started several times by different users at different times. A new “process instance” is created on each launch of process. Each instance of the process corresponds to a record n the [Process log] section. Records are added to the section automatically when the business process starts. Information about each instance will be displayed as a separate log record, which is added to the section list when you start a business process.


The information in this section is added automatically and cannot be edited.


Access to the section can be granted in the [Object permissions] section. You can find more detailed descriptions of the administration tools ob bpm'online Academy website.


This section contains several views:

  • btn_com_list_view.png – the list of processes. Displays information about the started processes as a list of records. All list columns are described below in the context of the Read more >>>.

  • btn_com_analytics.png – process analytics. It displays charts, indicators and ratings, which can be used for analyzing processesRead more >>>.


  • btn_com_filter_day.png – processes that were launched today.

  • btn_com_filter_week.png – processes that were launched current week.

  • btn_com_menu_period_filter.png – shows records for the standard period, for example, “Yesterday”, “Current week”, “Next week”, “Previous month”, and so on. You can also set a custom period by specifying its start and end dates using the built-in calendar.

  • btn_com_menu_filter_owner_73.png – processes that were launched by specific employee.

  • [Archived] – select the checkbox to display archived processes.

Archiving process log records

To speed up the work with the log, process records completed more than 30 days ago are automatically archived. Their data is saved in its entirety, including connections to other system objects. Select the “Archived” checkbox to view all archived process records.


The interval in days after which the records will be transferred to the archive is configured in the “Process log archiving period(days)” system setting. More information about the system settings is available in a separate article Read more >>>.


The toolbar is available for the selected section record. It contains the [Open] and [Cancel execution] button and can also have more buttons for additional actions with the selected process instance.

Click the [Process Designer] button to open the process diagram in the Process Designer. You can edit the instance of the running process.

Click the [Execution diagram] button to open a graphical process diagram on the additional page. The top right corner of the process item indicates how many times the item has been performed in this particular process.


Process instance page

Actions in the [Process log] section

Reports in the [Process log] section

See also

Monitoring business processes

Running business processes

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