Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Opportunities] section

scr_section_opportunities_icn.pngIn Creatio you can manage all opportunities in a single section. Here you can capture information about the deal development from the moment a client is interested in cooperation with your company and until the deal is closed.

Outline tactics, key competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, as well as key parties to the deal and their roles in decision-making. Predict the success of an opportunity, based on the client's budget, the current opportunity stage, the likelihood and date of its closure.

The system stores a complete history for each opportunity: emails, discussions in the feed, files and comments. You can view a list of leads, which the selected opportunity closes, work with a range of products and services that are implemented as part of the sale.

scr_section_opportunities_icn_process.pngTo manage long opportunities, use the corporate sales process. Manage sales quickly — in one click you can jump to the required stage by using the workflow bar. At each stage of opportunity, a list of suggested next steps is displayed on the workflow bar. This helps organize and simplify the sales manager work.

scr_section_opportunities_icn_analytics.pngUse charts, metrics and rating lists to analyze statistical data. You can track opportunities, evaluate their statuses and evaluate sales manager performance. Analyze the effectiveness of your sales managers at each opportunity stage by using the sales pipeline. You can estimate the conversion rate between stages, pipeline completeness, and compare pipelines of individual managers or sales teams. The sales pipeline graphically displays how the sales plan is executed. The system provides in-depth information on every opportunity stage as well as company-wide opportunity statistics.


Opportunity page

How to specify a customer in an opportunity

Corporate sale process

How to start the corporate sale process

How to work with the corporate sales process

The [Qualification] stage

The [Presentation] stage

The [Contracting] stage

How to complete the process

How to work with a sales pipeline

The [Opportunitystages] lookup

Opportunities FAQ

See also

Percentage of profile completion

Video tutorials

Managing opportunities Long sales

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