Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to move through the process stages

Moving through stages via the workflow bar

You can go from one process stage to another in the order that is convenient for you. All transitions between stages are carried out using the workflow bar. If necessary, you can skip one or several stages of the process, for example, if all the necessary materials for the current stage have been prepared at an earlier stage. This can be done by changing the process stage on the workflow bar and clicking [Save]. In this case, the [Opportunity history] tab will display the corresponding activity, which will also be displayed on the action panel. Uncompleted activities of the current stage will be canceled.

After an opportunity has moved to the final stage, you cannot go back to previous stages.

How to automatically move through stages during the sales process

If the sales process is running for the opportunity and after all activities of the current stage are completed, you will automatically move to the next stage.


You can return to any stage by using the workflow bar. Each stage can be performed as many times as required to manage an opportunity.

See also

How to work with the process activities

Opportunities FAQ

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