Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Project page

The project page consists of the field group containing general data, and several tabs.

Common data


The project name.


Project completion status, for example, “Planned”, “In progress”, or “Completed”.


Employee responsible for managing this project.

The [General information] tab


Account and/or contact that is the customer of the project. Filling in one of these fields is required.


Completion %

Actual project completion percentage at the current time. When the [Calculate automatically] checkbox is selected, the field will become non-editable, and its value will be calculated as the percentage ratio of total actual working time and total estimated working time, basing on the[List of resources] detail.


Planned start and end dates of the project.

Due date


Type of the project, for example, “Internal project” or “Complex project”.


Project task duration in hours and minutes. The field is non-editable and is calculated automatically as a sum of working hours within the planned start and end dates of the project.


Date the project is scheduled to be completed.


You can copy projects along with their tasks. The project and task dates are modified using current date as the start date for the copied project. Read more >>> 

Connected to


Opportunity that encompasses performing the project.


Company that is a supplier in the project. As a rule, your company is the supplier.

This detail displays connections to other system objects.

List of resources

List of resources needed for the project.


Resource name, for example, employee's name or role in this project “Analyst”, “Developer”, or “Designer”. This field is filled in with the value from the [Contact] field once it is filled in.

Expected working time, h

Employee's planned working hours within the project. The field is non-editable and is calculated by the system automatically as a sum of all planned working hours of the project tasks within the project. Planned working time for the project task is stored on the [Resources] detail.

Actual working time, h

Number of hours actually spent on the project by the employee. This is a non-editable field. The [Calculate actual working time] action automatically calculates the value for this field.


Prime cost of the resource for the company. The field is filled in automatically if the external fee specified on the [Wages] detail for the selected contact is valid at the project start date.

External fee

Cost of employee's work for the customer. The field is filled in automatically if the external fee specified on the [External fees] detail for the selected contact is valid at the project start date.

The [Structure] tab

The [Structure] tab represents the structure of tasks related to the project implementation.


When copying a project all tasks related to the project will be also copied. The project and task dates are modified using current date as the start date for the copied project. Read more >>>.


[Up], [Down] – move the selected item up or down one position in the list. You can move items of the same level only.

The [Add] button menu contains the following commands:

  • [Add root project task] – add a subordinate task for the current project.

  • [Add subordinate project task] – add subordinate project tasks for the currently selected one in the [Structure] detail.

Actions on the [Structure] tab

[Edit project task timeframe] – the action offsets the timeframe for the selected project task and all its subordinate project tasks for the specified time period.

The [Financial indicators] tab

Financial indicators

This detail contains financial information about the project. It is based on the data from the [Cash flows] and the [List of resources] details.

Total inflow


Expected revenue amount of the project. The calculation is done based on cash flows of the “Inflow” type that have the “Budgeted” status.


Actual revenue amount of the project. The calculation is done based on cash flows of the “Inflow” type that have the “Performed” status.

Total outflow


Expected outflow amount of the project. The calculation is done based on cash flows of the “Inflow” type that have the “Budgeted” status.


Actual outflow amount of the project. The calculation is done based on cash flows of the “Outflow” type that have the “Budgeted” status.

Total cost


Expected estimated cost of the project for the customer. The value is calculated as a sum of products of expected working time and external fees for the project participants.


Actual estimated cost of the project for the customer. The value is calculated as a sum of products of actual working time and external fees for the project participants.

Prime cost


Expected estimated cost of the project for the company. The value is calculated as a sum of products of expected working time and wages for the project participants.


Actual estimated cost of the project for the company. The value is calculated as a sum of products of actual working time and wages for the project participants.



Expected financial result of the project. The value is calculated by subtracting the expected outflows and prime cost from the project expected revenue.


Actual financial result of the project. The value is calculated by subtracting the actual outflows and prime cost from the project actual revenue.

Margin, %


Percentage of expected margin to expected revenues of the project.


Percentage of actual margin to actual revenues of the project.


Deviation of the obtained values from the planned values. The value is calculated as a difference between actual and expected values, for example, between actual and expected revenues.

Deviation, %

Percentage of deviation from the expected value.


When calculating the financial indicators, the system includes the rates from such details as [Resources] by project tasks and [List of resources] by projects.

[Calculate] – recalculate financial indicators for the current time. Clicking the button launches the [Calculate financial indicators] action.

See also

Actions in the [Projects] section > Calculate actual working time

Project page > List of resources

Cash flows

This detail is used to keep record of cash flows within the project.


Operation sequence number. This is automatically populated non-editable field.


Type of the cash flow, for example, “Inflow” or “Outflow”.


Planned or actual cash flow date.


Cash flow purpose.

Amount, base currency

Total cash flow amount in the base currency. The field is populated by the user in the currency in which the operation was performed and is automatically recalculated taking into account the exchange rates.


Name of the project the operation is related to. This is a non-editable field.


Operation status – “Budget”, “Completed” or “Canceled”.


Cash flow category, for example, “Compensation of expenses” or “General expenses”.

See also

Actions in the [Projects] section > Calculate actual working time

Project page > List of resources

The [History] tab

The [History] tab contains system records connected to the project.


Tasks connected to the project. This detail displays information from the [Activities] section. To connect an activity to the project item, fill in the [Project] field of the activity page.


This detail contains a list of documents connected to the selected project. This detail displays information from the [Documents] section. To connect a document to a project, fill in the [Project] field of the document page.


List of invoices issued within the project. This detail displays information from the [Accounts] section. To connect an invoice to a project, fill in the [Project] field of the invoice page.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab contains additional information about the current project, as well as attachments and links to web resources related to it. Read more >>> 


Use this detail to store files and links related to the project. For example, on this detail you can add documents or useful links related to the project.


The [Notes] detail is used to store additional text information about the project. You can edit and organize your notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the project page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

The [Feed] tab displays messages related to the project.

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