Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to set up a list of promoted products for med rep visits

When monitoring SKUs, a med rep should be able to view only products promoted for the current doctor or pharmacy. This is done by setting up individual lists of promoted products for each customer contact or account. There are two ways to do this.

To set up the list of products promoted via accounts:

  • Go to the [Accounts] detail of the product page and add the list of all accounts that promote the product. The information about the product will be automatically added to the [Products] detail of an account page.

  • Alternatively, add the promoted products to the [Products] detail of the account page of the account where the products must be promoted. The information about accounts will be added to the [Accounts] detail of the product page.

To set up the list of products promoted via contacts:

  • Go to the [Contacts] detail of the product page and add the list of all contacts that promote the product. The information about the product will be automatically added to the [Products] detail of a contact page.

  • Alternatively, add the promoted products to the [Products] detail of the contact page of the contact who promotes the product. The information about the product will be automatically added to the [Products] detail of a contact page.

As a result, the connection between promoted products and accounts/contacts will be set. During a visit to a pharmacy, when performing the [SKU monitoring] action, a med rep will see only the products promoted via this account. During a visit to a doctor, when performing the [Promoted products] action, a med rep will see only the products promoted via this contact.


If an account has more than one subsidiary companies, when adding products to the [Products] tab of the parent company, added products will appear on the corresponding tabs of the subsidiary companies. However, when adding new products to subsidiary company pages, the products will not be added to the parent company page. When deleting products from the [Products] tab of the parent company, the products will not be removed from the subsidiary companies’ pages.

See also

How to complete the “SKU Monitoring” action

How to set up a med rep visit rule

How to manage med rep visit actions

How to add a presentation to a visit

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