Sales Creatio, commerce edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Dashboards in the [Invoices] section

The Dashboards view contains consolidated analytics (diagrams, metrics, rating lists and reports) based on the section data.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup can be found in the corresponding articles.

The [Invoice analytics] tab

Invoice summaries.


Filters set in this section will be applied to all dashboard components.

Paid invoices amount

Indicator displaying the total amount of all paid invoices.

Draft invoices amount

Indicator displaying the total amount of all unissued invoices. It shows information about invoices with the “Draft” payment status.

Unpaid invoices amount

Indicator displaying the total amount of all unpaid invoices. It shows information about invoices with the “Unpaid” and “Partially paid” payment status.

Top 5 paid invoices

List of 5 invoices that were paid in full. It shows the invoices with the largest amount. The records are sorted in descending order of invoice amount.

Top 5 unpaid invoices

List of 5 invoices that were issued but not paid in full. The largest invoices are displayed in descending order of invoice amount.

Invoice payment dynamics

Diagram displaying the progress of invoice payments. Payment amounts are shown by the day the invoice was paid. The tile data are sorted in chronological order.

See also



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