Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Processing applications from a regular queue in the home page.

Let's take a look at the typical procedure to process cases via the home page using a regular queue. When an agent a verifier takes a case from a queue to process it, the “Agent desktop: Queue applications processing” business process starts.


You can set up your own business processes to handle the cases in your bank.

To start working on a application from a regular queue:

1.Select the necessary record from the list and click the [Open] button (Fig. 1). When the verifier takes an application, the application is no longer visible   for other verifiers.

Fig. 1 Taking a case from a regular queue


The page of the selected application will open.

Fig. 2 — Page of a case in progress

2.Perform one of the following actions:

 To handle the application click the activity header on the action panel. In the opened window, specify the verification results. 

After you save the page, the [Home page] section will be displayed again. The processed application will be removed from the queue.

To postpone processing the application to another specific time, click the [Postpone till] button and enter the date and the time.

Click the [Submit] button to return to the home page. The application will not be displayed in the home page until the specified processing time comes. After that it will be displayed at the top of the list in the queue of the  verifier who initially took this application.

To put off processing the  application, click the [Re-queue] button.

The [Home page] section will be displayed again. The postponed case will be placed at the end of the queue regardless of the set record sorting rules in the queue..

To cancel processing the application, click the [Cancel] button.

You will return to the home page and the application  will be queued back to the same position it had before you started processing it.

See also

Home page overview

Managing records displayed in the home page via regular and blind queues

Sorting records on the home page

Processing applications from a blind queue in the home page

How to process cases from incoming calls on the agent desktop home page

The [Home page] section

How to set up a regular or a blind queue on the home page

How to sort queue elements on the home page by the object columns

The [Queues] section

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