Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Dashboards in the [Contracts] section

The Dashboards view contains consolidated analytics (diagrams, metrics, rating lists and reports) based on the section data.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup is available in a separate article.  Read more >>>

The [Contact contract analytics] tab

Summary data about contact contracts.


Filters set in the section will be applied to all dashboard tiles.

Contracts to be prolonged next week

The list of contracts, whose End date falls within next week. The tile displays signed contracts whose validity expires next week.

Contracts to come into effect

The list of signed contracts that come into effect today or tomorrow. This dashboard tile displays the contracts with the “Signed” status and whose start date is today or tomorrow.

New contracts by month

The diagram displays monthly dynamics of the contract number indicator. The contracts are grouped by contract start date and sorted in chronological order.

The [Legal entity contract analytics] tab

Summary data about legal entity contracts.

Contracts to be prolonged next week

The list of contracts, whose End date falls within next week. The tile displays signed contracts whose validity expires next week.

Contracts to come into effect

The list of signed contracts that come into effect today or tomorrow. This dashboard tile displays the contracts with the “Signed” status and whose start date is today or tomorrow.

New contracts by month

The diagram displays monthly dynamics of the contract number indicator. The contracts are grouped by contract start date and sorted in chronological order.

See also



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