How to set up rules and schedule for a general duplicate search
You can enable or disable specific duplicate search rules, determine which rules will be used when saving contacts or accounts and configure automatic execution of a general search for duplicate records.
General duplicate search is not available for Oracle-based bpm’online applications.
To enable deduplication rules:
1.Open the system designer by clicking the button in the top right corner of the application window.
2.Open the [Setup duplicates rules] link.
3.Select a rule from the list and click the [Open] button.
4.On the rule page:
a.Clear the [Active] checkbox to disable the rule.
b.Select the [Active] checkbox to enable the rule.
5.Click the [Save] button.
The general search will be performed based on the rules with a checked [Active] checkbox.
To determine which rules will be used when saving a contact or account, select the [Use this rule on save] checkbox on the rule settings page. As a result, the duplicates search will be performed when saving contact or account record.
To set up auto duplicate search:
1.Go to the system designer.
2.Open the [Setup duplicates rules] link.
3.Select the [Setup automatic duplicate search] option from the [Actions] menu on the duplicate search page.
4.Set the parameters for the automatic general duplicate search on the [Duplicate search schedule] page (Fig. 1):
Fig. 1 Setting up a schedule for an automatic general duplicate search
a.Select a time and date for the search to run.
b.Select days of the week for the search to run.
5.Save the changes.
As a result, a general contact and account duplicate search will be performed automatically based on the active rules.
To disable an automatic duplicate search, clear the values in the time and date field and clear the checkboxes for the days of the week of the search and save the changes. The auto duplicate search will be disabled.
See also
•Preconfigured duplicate search rules for contacts and accounts