Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Automatically categorizing cases registered from email

Speed up processing of new cases by configuring automatic identification of category for cases registered from incoming emails. You are able to assign categories for cases received from different shared email accounts. As a result, new cases will be assigned to the corresponding specialists and their teams faster.


Automatic case categorization setup is performed after the shared email accounts have been configured.

To set up automatic categorization of cases

1.Enable automatic categorization by editing the [Enable the relationship between support mailboxes and the categories of processed cases] system setting and selecting the [Default value] checkbox in it.

2.In the [List of mailboxes for case registration] lookup configure connection between support service mailboxes and case categories. To do this:

a.Select a mailbox to set connection with case categories and click btn_edit.png.

b.On the opened edit page, specify the value in the [Case category] field. This value will be assigned to all cases registered from this mailbox. For example, “Service request”.

c.If you already have configured case registration from incoming emails for several mailboxes, repeat steps a and b for each mailbox.

See also

Shared email account setup

How to create incidents from incoming emails automatically

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