Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config file
Use the following parameters in the ConnectionStrings.config file:
db – the element that ensures connection with the database. In this element, you configure the path to the database you need to establish connection with and the method of authorization on the database server.
<add name="db" connectionString="Server=[Database server address];Port=[Database server port];Database=[Database name];User ID=[Public user’s name];password=[Public user’s password];Timeout=500; CommandTimeout=400;MaxPoolSize=1024;" />
Redis – the element that ensures interaction with the Redis server.
<add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Servername];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;maxReadPoolSize=10;maxWritePoolSize=500" />
Previous step
•Set up Creatio caching server (Redis) on Linux
Next step
•Deploy Creatio .NET Core application server on Linux directly
•Deploy Creatio .NET Core application server on Linux using Docker