Sales Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.13.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Installing bpm’online

To install bpm'online the following components are required:

1.Database management system (DBMS). The following DBMS are supported:

  • MS SQL Server 2012 SP3 or higher

  • Oracle Database 11g Release 2 or higher

  • PostgreSQL, the last official version on the bpm’online release date


PostgreSQL is supported only by bpm’online studio 7.13.


PostgreSQL setup files are available for download at


If you have all the components of the database server installed by default, no additional DBMS settings are required to deploy bpm'online.

2.Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2;


Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7 or higher – for bpm'online version 7.11.1 – 7.13.1, Microsoft .Net Framework 4.7.2 – for bpm'online version 7.13.2 or higher;

3.IIS 8.0 or higher;


Starting with version 7.13.3, the IIS version 7 and 7.5 (Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2) is no longer supported. The application server requires IIS version 8.0 and higher (Windows Server 2012 and higher).

4.Redis Server 3.0 or 3.2.


To deploy bpm’online database on Oracle, set up Oracle Data Access Components (ODAC) version 11.

The general procedure for bpm'online application on-site deployment is as follows:

  • Install and/or enable required Windows components.

  • Install the Redis server.

  • Deploy the  database.

  • Modify the ConnectionStrings.config file.

  • Create and set up application website using IIS.

Please note that the specifics of the deployment procedure may vary, depending on the chosen DBMS.


MS SQL Server, Oracle Database and SVN server deployment procedures are covered in the documentation of these products.
The procedure for running PostgreSQL in Docker is covered in the Docker documentation.


It is not recommended to unpack any bpm’online setup files using the built-in Windows archiver. Use 7-Zip, WinRAR or WinZIP instead.


Deploying the bpm’online database

Installing the Redis Server

Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config file

Web.config configuration (Oracle only)

Checking Windows mandatory components

Creating and setting up application website using IIS

See also

Bpm’online setup FAQ

Deploying the bpm’online database

Deploy the bpm'online database on the database server by restoring it from a backup copy file located in the application folder. You can also use a backup copy of an existing bpm’online database if you are deploying a website for development or testing environment.


The procedure for creating a MS SQL Server DB backup is described in a separate article.

The procedure for restoring the database from a backup copy depends on the chosen DBMS.

Deploying the MS SQL Server DB

To restore a database:

1.Log in to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

2.Click the [Databases] catalog and select the [Restore Database] option from the context menu (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Selecting database backup command


3. In the [Restore Database] window:

a.Specify the name of the database in the [Database] field;

b.Specify the [Device] checkbox and specify the path to the database backup copy file. By default, the backup file is supplied together with executable files and is located in the “~\DB” folder (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Selecting database backup


4.Go to the [Files] tab. In the [Restore the database files as] area, specify the paths and the names of the database files (Fig. 3). Specify the paths to the TS_Data.mdf and TS_Log.ldf database files.


It is required to create a folder that will be used for database files restoring beforehand, as the SQL Server may not create directories.

Fig. 3 Specifying the names and paths to TS_Data.mdf and TS_Log.ldf files.


5.Click the [OK] button and wait for the database restore process to be finished.

Deploying the Oracle Database

Download and unzip the archive with the SQL scripts that are used to restore the database from the Oracle backup file.

To restore the database:

1.Open the CreateUser.sql and RecompileSchema.sql scripts in the editor and modify the following macros:

  • YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME – schema name

  • YOUR_SCHEMA_PASSWORD – schema password

  • \\\Share – path to the backup (.dmp file).


By default the Oracle DB backup file is located in the ~\db folder with the bpm’online executable files. If the backup file is located not on the Oracle server, it should be located in the network folder with general access.

2.Open the backup file in a text editor, find and save the name of the used schema located before the “.SYS_EXPORT_SCHEMA” record (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 The schema name in the backup file


3.Remove the modified scripts on the Oracle server. To create a new schema, execute the following command from the folder with the scripts:

sqlplus.exe "SYS/ AS SYSDBA" @CreateUser.sql

  • SYS_PASSWORD – a password for authorization on the Oracle server

  • – network address of the Oracle server

  • YOUR_SERVICE_NAME – Oracle service name.

4.Run import of the DB backup copy in the created schema:


  • YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME – the name of the schema specified in the CreateUser.sql

  • – network address of the Oracle server

  • ORIGINAL_SCHEMA_NAME – the name of the schema from the backup file (step 2).


The sqlplus and impdp utilities are installed with the Oracle server.

5.Consistently run:

sqlplus.exe "YOUR_SCHEMA_NAME/"


PostgreSQL database deployment

To restore a PostgreSQL database from a backup file, you will need psql and pg_restore utilities. They are located in the PostgreSQL software setup folder.

To restore the database from a backup file:

1.Enter DB connection password in the environment variable:

set PGPASSWORD=pg_password (“env PGPASSWORD=pg_password” – for linux)

  • pg_password – user password for connecting to the PostgreSQL server.

2.Create a database where the backup data will be restored:

psql --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname –c ”CREATE DATABASE pg_dbname WITH OWNER = pg_user ENCODING = 'UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT = -1”

  • pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address;

  • pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port;

  • pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server;

  • pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed.

3.Restore the database from the backup file:

pg_restore --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname --verbose \\path\to\db.backup

  • pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address;

  • pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port;

  • pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server;

  • pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed.

4.Execute type converstion:

psql --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname --file=CreateTypeCastsPostgreSql.sql

  • pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address;

  • pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port;

  • pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server;

  • pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed;

  • file – path to the CreateTypeCastsPostgreSql.sql file.

Installing the Redis Server

Use the following link to download Redis Server setup file.

Run the redis-server.exe file to start Redis Server setup. During the installation, a number of commands will be run sequentially. After the completion of each command, click [Next] and wait for the process to complete.

Start the Redis Server after the installation. To do this, go to the menu [Control Panel]-[Administrative Tools]-[Services] or enter "Services.msc" in the command line (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Redis Server service start window


Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config file

Use the following parameters in the ConnectionStrings.config file:

Db – the element that ensures connection with the database. In this element, you configure the path to the database you need to establish connection with and the method of authorization on the database server.

<add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=[The database server name];
Initial Catalog=[The database name];
Persist Security Info=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
[Authorization method on the database server]; Pooling = true; Max Pool Size = 100; Async = true" />

redis the element that ensures interaction with the Redis server.

<add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;
maxReadPoolSize=25;maxWritePoolSize=25" />


The number of Redis database must be unique for each application site.

defPackagesWorkingCopyPath – the path to the working copy of application (if version control system is used):

<add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath" connectionString=[Path to the working copy of application in version storage system (SVN)] />

tempDirectoryPath – path to the temporary directory used by the package installation mechanism:

<add name="tempDirectoryPath" connectionString=[Path to the temporary directory used by the package installation mechanism] />

sourceControlAuthPath – path to the authorization data of the version storage system (SVN, if used):

<add name="sourceControlAuthPath" connectionString=[Path to the authorization data of the version storage system (SVN)] />

elasticsearchCredentials – ElasticSearch authorization data for the global search operation:

<add name="elasticsearchCredentials" connectionString="User=[The ElasticSearch user name]; Password=[The ElasticSearch user password];" />

The settings in the ConnectionStrings.config depend on the chosen DBMS.

Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config for the MS SQL Server

1.Edit the ConnectionStrings.config file that is located in the root folder of bpm'online. Specify the connection parameters (connectionString) for the restored database (name=”db”) and Redis Server (name=”redis”).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=[The database server name];
Initial Catalog=[The database name];
Persist Security Info=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
Integrated Security=SSPI; Pooling = true; Max Pool Size = 100; Async = true" />
  <add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;
maxReadPoolSize=25;maxWritePoolSize=25" />
 <add name="reports" connectionString="XpoProvider=MSSqlServer;
Data Source=[Database server name];Initial Catalog=[Database name];
Integrated Security=SSPI" />
 <add name="defRepositoryUri" connectionString="" />
<add name="defWorkingCopyPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%WORKSPACE%" />
 <add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\TerrasoftPackages" />
 <add name="clientUnitContentPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\ClientUnitSrc" />
 <add name="sourceControlAuthPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\Svn" />
<add name="elasticsearchCredentials" connectionString="User=[The ElasticSearch user name]; Password=[The ElasticSearch user password];" />

2.You can see the database server name (Data Source) in the authorization window while connecting to the server using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 SQL server authorization window


3.The (Initial Catalog) database name should match the [Database] field value that you specified when restoring database (Fig. 2).

4.The Integrated Security authentication based on the SPPI interface) is used by default to connect bpm’online to the database server. To ensure successful connection to the database, it is necessary to specify the Windows user under which the connection to the database server will be performed.

If you want to log in to the MS SQL server with the user's login and password, you need to modify the ConnectionStrings.config file located in the bpm'online site root folder. Replace the Integrated Security=SSPI variable with the UserID and Password variables in the database connection string (add name=”db”):

<add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=TSW\MSSQL2014;
Initial Catalog=;
Persist Security Info=True; MultipleActiveResultSets=True;
User ID=Sup; Password=password; Pooling = true; Max Pool Size = 100; Async = true" />

In the case of using the login and password, it is also necessary to create a login and password for corresponding user on the MS SQL server.

Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config for the Oracle Database

1.Edit the ConnectionStrings.config file that is located in the root folder of bpm'online. Specify the connection parameters (connectionString) for the restored database (name=”db”), the reports (name=”reports”) and Redis Server (name=”redis”).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
 <add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =
 (ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = [Database server name])(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = [Oracle service
name]) (SERVER = DEDICATED)));User Id=[Schema name];Password=[Schema
password];Statement Cache Size = 300" />
 <add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB
maxReadPoolSize=25;maxWritePoolSize=25" />
 <add name="reports" connectionString="XpoProvider=Oracle;Data
TCP)(HOST = [Server network address])(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA =
(SERVICE_NAME = [Oracle service name]) (SERVER = DEDICATED)));User
 Id=[Schema name];Password=[Schema password];Statement Cache Size = 300" />
 <add name="defRepositoryUri" connectionString="" />
<add name="defWorkingCopyPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%WORKSPACE%" />
 <add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\TerrasoftPackages" />
 <add name="clientUnitContentPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\ClientUnitSrc" />
 <add name="sourceControlAuthPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\Svn" />


The number of Redis database must be unique for each application site.

Specify the server network address, Oracle service name, name of the restored database and password.

ConnectionStrings.config setup for PostgreSQL

Edit the ConnectionStrings.config file that is located in the root folder of bpm'online. Specify the connection parameters (connectionString) for the restored database (name=”db”), the reports (name=”reports”) and Redis Server (name=”redis”).

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <add name="db" connectionString="Server=[Database server name];Port=[Database server port];Database=[Database name];User ID=[PostgreSQL user for connecting to the database];password=[PostgreSQL user password];Timeout=500; CommandTimeout=400;MaxPoolSize=1024;" />
  <add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;maxReadPoolSize=150;maxWritePoolSize=150" />
  <add name="redisSentinel" connectionString="sentinelHosts=localhost:26380,localhost:26381,localhost:26382;masterName=mymaster;scanForOtherSentinels=false;db=1;maxReadPoolSize=250;maxWritePoolSize=250" />
  <add name="reports" connectionString="XpoProvider=PostgreSQL; Server=[Database server name];Port=[Database server port];Database=pg_database;User ID=[PostgreSQL user for connecting to the database];password=[PostgreSQL user password];Timeout=500; CommandTimeout=400;MaxPoolSize=1024;" />
  <add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%APPPOOLIDENTITY%\%WORKSPACE%\TerrasoftPackages" />
  <add name="tempDirectoryPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%APPPOOLIDENTITY%\%WORKSPACE%\" />
  <add name="sourceControlAuthPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%APPPOOLIDENTITY%\%WORKSPACE%\Svn" />
  <add name="elasticsearchCredentials" connectionString="User=[The ElasticSearch user name]; Password=[The ElasticSearch user password];" />
  <add name="influx" connectionString="url=; user=; password=; batchIntervalMs=5000" />

Web.config configuration (Oracle only)

If you are deploying an Oracle-based bpm’online application, you will need to configure the Web.config file located in the bpm’online root folder:

1.In the general parameter of the <db> block, change the value of the currentSchemaName attribute to the schema name that is specified in ConnectionStrings.config:

    <general securityEngineType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleSecurityEngine, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle"
executorType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleExecutor, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle"
isCaseInsensitive="true" maxAnsiJoinCount="0"
engineType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleEngine, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle"
 Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" typeConverterType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleTypeConverter,
Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" connectionStringName="db"
binaryPackageSize="1048576" useOrderNullsPosition="true"
 currentSchemaName="[Oracle DB schema name]" maxEntitySchemaNameLength="30" />

2.Make sure that the library version is specified.

           <remove invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" />
           <add name="Oracle Data Provider for .NET"
invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data
 Provider for .NET" type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess,
Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342"/>

3.Specify the quartz.dataSource.SchedulerDb.provider key value in the <quartz> block:

<add key="quartz.dataSource.SchedulerDb.provider" value="OracleODP-1123-40" />

4.Save changes.

Checking Windows mandatory components

Make sure that Web Server IIS and Windows components are installed on the web server before creating and setting up a website.


Component items

Common HTTP Features

Static Content

Default Document

HTTP Errors

HTTP Redirection

Application Development


.Net extensibility

ISAPI extensions

ISAPI Filters

WebSocket Protocol

Microsoft .Net framework 3.5.1

Windows Communication Foundation HTTP Activation

Windows Communication Foundation Non-HTTP Activation

Microsoft .Net Framework  4.7 Advanced Services and up (Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016).


ASP.NET 4.6.2 or 4.7;

WCF services

HTTP Activation

Message Queuing (MSMQ) Activation

Named Pipe Activation

TCP Activation

TCP Port Sharing

Health and Diagnostics:

HTTP Logging

Logging Tools

Request Monitor

Custom Logging


Basic Authentication

Request Filtering

IP and Domain Restriction

To check the availability of the needed components:

1.Enter the “control panel” in the [Start] menu and select the [Control Panel] (Fig. 7).

Fig. 7 The [Control Panel] section in the [Start] menu


2.Select the [Programs] option in the opened window (Fig. 8).

Fig. 8 The [Programs] menu


3.From the [Programs and Features] menu, select the [Turn Windows features on or off] option (Fig. 9).

Fig. 9 Selecting the [Turn Windows features on or off] option


4.Select all required components in the [Windows Features] window (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 Selecting Web Server IIS and Windows components


Creating and setting up application website using IIS

To create and set up a website:

1.In the IIS control window, click the [Sites] folder and select the [Add Website] option from the context menu (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Creating a website for bpm'online application


2.Specify the name of the website, the path to the root folder with bpm’online files, IP address and website port (Fig. 12).


The following path C:\Inetpub\wwwroot is used by default. If needed, specify your own IP address.

Fig. 12 New website parameters window


3.In the [Connections] field, click the created website and select the [Add Application] option in the menu (Fig. 13).

Fig. 13 Selecting IIS application adding command


4.Specify the name of the application "0" in the [Alias] field. Specify the “Terrasoft.WEBApp” directory (Fig. 14).

Fig. 14 The application parameters selection window


5.Go to the [Application Pools] section.

6.Select the [BPMonline] pool.

7.Select the [Integrated] mode in the [Managed pipeline mode] field.

8.Specify the Asp.Net - 4.0.30319 version in the [.Net Framework version] field (Fig. 15).

Fig. 15 Applications Pools parameters input window


9.Check if the specified ASP.Net version is allowed. To do this:

a.Go to the ISAPI and CGI Restrictions on the web-server level (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16 Opening ISAPI and CGI Restrictions


b.Make sure that the [Allowed] status is checked in the [Restriction] field for the used ASP.Net version (Fig. 17).

Fig. 17 Status check for the ASP.Net version used


10.Make sure that all the required permissions are active. To do this:

a.Open the Handler Mappings on the server level (Fig. 18).

Fig. 18 Opening the Handler Mappings


b.Select the [Edit Feature Permissions] action in the [Actions] area.

c.Make sure that all the required checkboxes are selected in the [Edit Feature Permissions] window (Fig. 19).

Fig. 19 Checking required parameters in the [Edit Feature Permissions] window


11.Make sure that MIME-type for the .svg files is configured in the new application. This configuration can be performed both on the level of the server (in this case it is inherited for all the applications located thereon) as well as on the level of the application. To verify:

a.Go to MIME Types on the server or application level (Fig. 20).

Fig. 20 Opening MIME Types


b.Make sure that configuration for .svg files is available. If the configuration is available, go to step 12.

c.If configuration is not available, click [Add] in the [Actions] area. In the opened window, specify .svg and MIME-type of the data that corresponds to this extension (Fig. 21).  

Fig. 21 Configuring MIME-type of the data for .svg files


12.Restart the website with the [Restart] command on the [Manage Website] area (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22 [Restart] command at the [Manage Websites] area


13.Open the site with the address or use the [Browse] command (Fig. 23). make sure that the authorization page is displayed.

Fig. 23 Selecting the [Browse] command in the website [Actions] area



To log in to a newly deployed application, use the default Supervisor user account. It is highly recommended to change the Supervisor password immediately. Login: Supervisor; Password: Supervisor.

14. To enable additional interface language:

  • Go to the [Languages] section in the system designer.

  • Select the needed language and click [Open].

  • Select the  [Active] and [Use by default] checkboxes on the opened page. Save the changes.

15.In system designer, click [System settings] and change the [Order of first/last names] system setting value to “Last name, First name [Middle name]”. It is necessary to correctly display contact names per separate columns: [Last name], [First name], [Middle name].


To enable a language, the user who has run the IIS application pool needs to have access permissions to read, edit and delete application files and content subordinate catalogs (catalog .\Terrasoft.WebApp\conf).


Websockets setup

Switching from HTTP to HTTPS

Setting up additional parameters and integrations

Bulk email setup

Bpm’online setup FAQ

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