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Version: 8.1

Customize buttons

Level: beginner

Button containers

Creatio implements the following button container types:

  • Action button container. Holds section page action buttons. Holds standard button containers and the dropdown menu button container.
  • Standard button container. Holds the Save, Cancel, and Tags buttons, as well as the dropdown menu of the Actions button.
  • Dropdown menu button container. Holds the dropdown menu of the Print and View buttons.

Buttons containers are different for section pages, record pages, and the page that adds new records.


Creatio uses HTML container meta names. It generates actual IDs that match the HTML elements of the record page based on the meta names.

View the meta names of button containers in the table below.

Meta names of button containers

UI element name


Action button container

Standard button container

Dropdown menu button container

Section page




Record page




Page that adds new records




View Section page button containers in the figure below.

View Record page button containers in the figure below.

View the button containers of the page that adds new records in the figure below.

New button

The procedure for adding a button varies depending on the button type.

Creatio implements the following button types:

  • simple button
  • color picker button

Add a simple button to the record or section page

  1. Create a replacement view model of the section or record page to place the button. To do this, follow the procedure covered in a separate article: Implement a replacing module.

  2. Add a localizable string with the name of the button to the replacement model schema.

  3. Implement the button logic in the replacement model.

    1. Implement the following in the methods property:

      • The handler method triggered by a button click.
      • Auxiliary methods required for the control’s operation. These can be methods that regulate the visibility or availability of the control.
    2. Add a configuration object with the settings that determine the button position on the section or record page to the diff array of modifications. In the array, specify the container to place the button.


Combined mode is a display mode of the record page that has an open vertical list. To place a button on a record page in the combined mode, edit the section page’s replacement view model schema and the record page’s replacement view model schema.

Add a color picker button

  1. Create a replacement object schema. To do this, follow the procedure covered in a separate article: Implement a replacing object.

  2. Add a column of the Text (50 characters) type to the replacement object schema. The column will store the data about the picked color. To do this, follow the procedure covered in a separate article: Specify the object ID for custom parent object.

  3. Create a replacement view model of the section or record page to place the button. To do this, follow the procedure covered in a separate article: Implement a replacing module.

  4. Implement the button logic in the replacement model.

    1. Implement the following in the methods property:

      • The handler method triggered by a button click.
      • Auxiliary methods required for the control’s operation. These can be methods that regulate the visibility or availability of the control.
    2. Add a configuration object with the settings that determine the button position on the section or record page to the diff array of modifications.

      • Specify the COLOR_BUTTON type in the itemType property.
      • Bind the added replacement object’s schema column in the value property.

Add a tooltip to a button

Tooltips are text messages that provide the user with additional information about the button functionality. Hover over a button to bring up its tooltip.

To add a tooltip to a button:

  1. Create a replacement view model of the section or record page to place the button. To do this, follow the procedure covered in a separate article: Implement a replacing module.
  2. Add a localizable string with the name of the button to the replacement model schema.
  3. Implement the tooltip in the diff array of changes to the replacement view model schema.

You can add tooltips to a button configuration object in several ways:

  • Use the hint property.
  • Use the tips property.

To add a tooltip to a button using the hint property, add a hint property with the tooltip text to the values ​​property of the control.

To add a tooltip to a button using the tips property:

  1. Add a tips property to the values ​​property of the control.
  2. Add a tooltip configuration object to the tips array using the insert operation.
  3. Add a content property with the tooltip text to the values property of the tooltip configuration object.

Using the tips property to add a tooltip to a button lets you:

  • change the display style
  • bind the tooltip visibility to a view model event
  • add controls, etc.

The types of elements that let you use the tips property:

  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.LABEL
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.COLOR_BUTTON
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.HYPERLINK
  • Terrasoft.ViewItemType.INFORMATION_BUTTON
  • Elements that have the generator property specified

See also


Configuration elements

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