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Version: 8.2

Implement a custom web service

Level: intermediate

A web service is software reachable via a unique URL, which enables interaction between applications. The purpose of a web service is to integrate Creatio with external applications and systems.

Based on the custom business logic, Creatio generates and sends a request to the web service, receives the response, and extracts the needed data. Use this data to create or update records in the Creatio database as well as for custom business logic or automation.

Creatio supports the following web service types:

  • External REST and SOAP services that you can integrate with no-code tools. Learn more in the user documentation guide: Web services.

  • System web services.

    • System web services that use cookie-based authentication.
    • System web services that use anonymous authentication.
  • Custom web services.

    • Custom web services that use cookie-based authentication.
    • Custom web services that use anonymous authentication.

.NET Framework system web services use the WCF technology and are managed at the IIS level. .NET system web services use the ASP.NET Core Web API technology.

Learn more about the authentication types Creatio provides for web services: Authentication. We recommend using authentication based on the OAuth 2.0 open authorization protocol. Learn more about OAuth-based authentication: Set up OAuth 2.0 authorization for integrated applications (user documentation).

Creatio system web services that use cookie-based authentication include:

  • odata that executes OData 4 external application requests to the Creatio database server. Learn more about using the OData 4 protocol in Creatio: OData.
  • EntityDataService.svc that executes OData 3 external application requests to the Creatio database server. Learn more about using the OData 3 protocol in Creatio: OData.
  • ProcessEngineService.svc that enables external applications to run Creatio business processes. Learn more about the web service: Service that runs business processes.

Creatio services that use anonymous authentication include AuthService.svc that executes Creatio authentication requests. Learn more about the web service: Authentication.

This article covers custom web services. Learn more about system web services: Integrations tools.

Develop a custom web service

A custom web service is a RESTful service that uses the WCF (for .NET Framework) or ASP .NET Core (for .NET) technology. Unlike system web services, custom web services let you solve unique integration problems.

The web service development procedure differs for each Creatio deployment framework. View the unique features of the custom web service development for the .NET Framework and .NET below.

You can use Postman to test querying a custom web service. Learn more about Postman: official vendor documentation (Postman). Learn more about querying Creatio using Postman: Working with requests in Postman. Learn more about calling a web service via Postman: Call a custom web service from Postman.

Develop a custom web service that uses cookie-based authentication

  1. Create a Source code schema. Learn more about creating a schema: Source code (C#).

  2. Create a service class.

    1. Add the Terrasoft.Configuration namespace or any of its nested namespaces in the Schema Designer. Name the namespace arbitrarily.
    2. Add the namespaces the data types of which to utilize in the class using the using directive.
    3. Use the Terrasoft.Web.Http.Abstractions namespace if you want the custom web service to support both .NET Framework and .NET. If you develop the web service using the System.Web namespace and have to run it on .NET, adapt the web service.
    4. Add the class name that matches the schema name (the Code property).
    5. Specify the Terrasoft.Nui.ServiceModel.WebService.BaseService class as a parent class.
    6. Add the [ServiceContract] and [AspNetCompatibilityRequirement] class attributes that contain the needed parameters. Learn more about the [ServiceContract] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft). Learn more about the [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft).
  3. Implement the class methods that correspond to the web service endpoints.

    Add the [OperationContract] and [WebInvoke] method attributes that contain the needed parameters. Learn more about the [OperationContract] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft). Learn more about the [WebInvoke] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft).

  4. Implement additional classes whose instances receive or return the web service methods (optional). Required to pass data of complex types. For example, object instances, collections, arrays, etc.

    Add the [DataContract] attribute to the class and the [DataMember] attribute to the class fields. Learn more about the [DataContract] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft). Learn more about the [DataMember] attribute: official vendor documentation (Microsoft).

  5. Publish the schema.

As a result, you will be able to call the custom web service that uses cookie-based authentication from the source code of configuration schemas as well as from external applications.

Develop a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication

A custom web service that uses anonymous authentication does not require the user to pre-authenticate, i. e., you can use the service anonymously.


We do not recommend using anonymous authentication in custom web services. It is insecure and can hurt performance.

Develop a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET Framework

  1. Take steps 1-5 in the Develop a custom web service that uses cookie-based authentication instruction.

  2. Add the SystemUserConnection system connection when creating a service class.

  3. Specify the user on whose behalf to process the HTTP request when creating a class method. To do this, call the SessionHelper.SpecifyWebOperationIdentity method of the Terrasoft.Web.Common namespace after retrieving SystemUserConnection. This method enables business processes to manage the database entity (Entity) from the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication.

  4. Register the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication.

    1. Create an *.svc file in the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel directory. The file name must match the web service name.

    2. Add the following record to the file.

      <% @ServiceHost
      Service = "Service, ServiceNamespace"
      Factory = "Factory, FactoryNamespace"
      Debug = "Debug"
      Language = "Language"
      CodeBehind = "CodeBehind"

      The Service attribute contains the full name of the web service class and specifies the namespace.

      Learn more about the @ServiceHost WCF directive: official vendor documentation (Microsoft).

    3. Save the file.

  5. Register a non-standard text encoding (optional).

    Creatio lets you use arbitrary character encodings in .NET Framework web services that use anonymous authentication. For example, you can use such encodings as ISO-8859, ISO-2022, etc. Learn more about encodings: Character encoding (Wikipedia).

    To register an arbitrary character encoding:

    1. Add a <customBinding> section to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\http\bindings.config file.

    2. Add the following attributes to the <customBinding> file section:

      • name attribute of the <binding> element. Fill it with a custom name of the encoding.
      • encoding attribute of the <customTextMessageEncoding> element. Fill it with the code of the encoding, for example, ISO-8859-1.
      • manualAddressing attribute of the <httpTransport> element. Set it to true.
      Example of changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\http\bindings.config file
      <binding name="CustomEncodingName">
      <customTextMessageEncoding encoding="ISO-8859-1" />
      <httpTransport manualAddressing="true"/>

      Register each encoding (i. e., add <binding> file section for each) individually.

    3. Save the file.

    4. Add an identical record to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\https\bindings.config file.

  6. Enable both HTTP and HTTPS support for the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication.

    1. Add the following record to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\http\services.config file.

      Example of changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\http\services.config file
      <service name="Terrasoft.Configuration.SomeCustomNamespace.SomeServiceName">
      <endpoint name="SomeServiceNameEndPoint"
      contract="Terrasoft.Configuration.SomeCustomNamespace.SomeServiceName" />

      The <services> element contains the list of Creatio web service configurations (the <service> nested elements).

      The name attribute contains the name of the type (class or interface) that implements the web service contract.

      The <endpoint> nested element contains the address, binding, and interface that defines the contract of the web service specified in the name attribute of the <service> element.

      The binding attribute contains the value of the character encoding. Must match the name of the file section where the encoding that the web service uses is registered. Set to "webHttpBinding" to use the UTF-8 encoding. Set to "customBinding" to use a custom encoding.

      The bindingConfiguration attribute. Must be present if the binding attribute is set to "customBinding." The value of the current attribute must match the value of the <binding> element’s name attribute specified on the previous step.

      Learn more about the web service configuration elements: official vendor documentation (Microsoft).

    2. Save the file.

    3. Add an identical record to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\ServiceModel\https\services.config file.

  7. Enable all users to access the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication.

    1. Add the <location> element that defines the relative path and access permissions to the web service to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file.

      Example of changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file
      <location path="ServiceModel/SomeServiceName.svc">
      <allow users="*" />

    2. Add the relative web service path to the value attribute of the <appSettings> element's AllowedLocations key in the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file.

      Example of changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebApp\Web.config file
      <add key="AllowedLocations" value="SomePreviousValues;ServiceModel/SomeServiceName.svc" />

    3. Save the file.

  8. Restart Creatio in IIS.

As a result, you will be able to call the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication from the source code of configuration schemas as well as from external applications. You can access the web service both with and without pre-authentication.

Develop a custom web service that uses anonymous authentication for .NET

  1. Take steps 1-5 in the Develop a custom web service that uses cookie-based authentication instruction.

  2. Enable all users to access the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication.

    To do this, add the web service data to the AnonymousRoutes block of the ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json configuration file.

    Example of changes to the ..\Terrasoft.WebHost\appsettings.json file
    "Terrasoft.Configuration.SomeServiceName": [
  3. Restart Creatio.

As a result, you will be able to call the custom web service that uses anonymous authentication from the source code of configuration schemas as well as from external applications. You can access the web service both with and without pre-authentication.


Reconfigure the web service after updating Creatio. The existing configuration files are overwritten as part of the update.

See also



Service that runs business processes

Source code (C#)


Web services

Integrations tools

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the WCF technology)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the ASP.NET Core Web API technology)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [ServiceContract] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [AspNetCompatibilityRequirements] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [OperationContract] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [WebInvoke] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [DataContract] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the [DataMember] attribute)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the @ServiceHost WCF directive)

Official Microsoft documentation (description of the service configuration elements)

Concept of encoding

Official Postman documentation