Modify Web.config

All Creatio products

Generate a unique machineKey value for your application.

  1. Download the PowerShell script. Download the script.
  2. Run the PowerShell console as an administrator.
  3. Specify the path to the root application folder and run the script. Script launch example:
    .\UpdateMachineKey.ps1 "path\to\root\Creatio\folder"

As a result, a unique machineKey value will be generated in Web.config files located in the root application folder and the Terrasoft.WebApp folder.

Additional Web.config setup (Oracle only)

When deploying an Oracle-based Creatio application, altering the application configuration Web.config file is the next required step after configuring the ConnectionStrings.config file to ensure Creatio operates as intended.

To configure Web.config:

  1. Go to the root directory of the Creatio application ~\WebAppRoot\Creatio.

  2. Open the Web.config file in a text editor.

  3. In the general parameter of the <db> block, change the value of the currentSchemaName attribute to the schema name that is specified in ConnectionStrings.config. This is to allow the website application to read the connection configuration parameters.

         <general securityEngineType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleSecurityEngine, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" executorType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleExecutor, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" isCaseInsensitive="true" maxAnsiJoinCount="0" engineType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleEngine, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" metaEngineType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleMetaEngine, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" metaScriptType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleMetaScript,  Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" typeConverterType="Terrasoft.DB.Oracle.OracleTypeConverter, Terrasoft.DB.Oracle" connectionStringName="db" binaryPackageSize="1048576" useOrderNullsPosition="true"  currentSchemaName="[Oracle database schema name]" maxEntitySchemaNameLength="30" /> 
  4. Make sure that the library version is specified in the <DbProviderFactories> block. The parameter defines the data provider to connect the website to the database.

               <remove invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" /> 
               <add name="Oracle Data Provider for .NET" invariant="Oracle.DataAccess.Client" description="Oracle Data  Provider for .NET" type="Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleClientFactory, Oracle.DataAccess, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89b483f429c47342"/> 
  5. Specify the quartz.dataSource.SchedulerDb.provider key value in the <quartz> block. The parameter is required by the scheduler to interact with the database tables.

    <add key="quartz.dataSource.SchedulerDb.provider" value="OracleODP-1123-40" />
  6. Save the changes.