Creatio administration
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.14.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to set up the start of the business process for detail record

The start of the business process can be set up for the records of any section or detail.


The start of business process for section records is described in the separate article. Read more >>>

Once the setup is done, the btn_run_process_for_detail_record.png button will be displayed once you click on a record of the detail with configured business process. You can select which process to run for the selected record in the button menu (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1 Launch of the process for the [Participants] detail record of the activity page



Set up the start of the business process of confirmation the registration of activity participants for the [Participants] detail of the activity page.

To set up the start of the business process for a detail record:

1.Check if the necessary process is available in the process library. If the necessary process is not available in the library, create it via the process designer.


Working with the process designer is described in the BPMS documents. Read more >>> 

2.To connect with the records for which it will be executed, a business process requires unique Id of that record. Using the process designer, set up a process parameter, where bpm’online will be passing the record Id.

a.Open the business process in the [Process library] section (in this case it is the registration confirmation request). The process designer will open in a new tab of your browser.

b.Select the [Parameters] tab in the process properties area and add a parameter which Id will be passed to this process (in our case it will be an activity participant). To do this, click the [Add parameter] button and select “Lookup”. Fill in all fields as given on the sampleFig. 2.

Fig. 2 Adding a process parameter


c.Save changes on the [Parameters] tab and save the business process.

3.Connect the process with a detail for records of which it will be launched. Configuration is performed in the detail wizard. To do this:

a.On the activity page, go to the [Participants] tab. In the [Participants] detail menu select the [Detail setup] option. The detail setup page will be opened.

b.Open the [Business process] tab. Click the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png on the [Run business process from detail] detail. The window of the business process launch settings will be opened.

c.Select the necessary process in the [Which process to run] field.

d.Specify the parameter name that you configured in previous step in the [Process parameter where the record is passed] field In our case it is an “Activity participant” (Fig. 3). Save the changes.


If the process already has a parameter that matches the launch settings of the configured process, it will be selected automatically. If there are two or more parameters, then select the corresponding parameter from the list.

Fig. 3 Configuring the launch of a business process


e.Save all changes in the detail wizard.

As a result, you will be able to launch the registration confirmation process  for one or multiple records of the [Participants] detail (Fig. 1).

To launch the process for the one record of the detail, click on the corresponding record and launch the process with the btn_run_process_for_detail_record00001.png button.

To launch the process for more than one record select records with the [Select multiple records] command in the actions menu and launch the process.

See also

How to configure detail properties

How to configure detail page

Section Wizard

Video tutorials

Detail wizard


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