Creatio administration
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Deploy PostgreSQL database for Creatio

To restore a PostgreSQL database from a backup file, you will need psql and pg_restore utilities. They are located in the PostgreSQL software setup folder.

To restore the database from a backup file:

1.Enter DB connection password in the environment variable:

set PGPASSWORD=pg_password (“export PGPASSWORD=pg_password” – for linux)

pg_password – user password for connecting to the PostgreSQL server.

2.Create a database where the backup data will be restored:

psql --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname –c "CREATE DATABASE pg_dbname WITH OWNER = pg_user ENCODING = 'UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT = -1"

pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address

pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port

pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server

pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed

3.If you are using AWS RDS:

Download the ChangeTypesOwner.sql script.

In the script, replace the “postgres” value with a valid Postgres username.

Run the updated ChangeTypesOwner.sql script.

4.Restore the database from the backup file:

pg_restore --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname --verbose \\path\to\db.backup

pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address

pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port

pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server

pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed.

5.Execute type converstion:

psql --host pg_server_ip --port pg_server_port --username=pg_user --dbname=pg_dbname --file=CreateTypeCastsPostgreSql.sql

pg_server_ip – PostgreSQL server address

pg_server_port – PostgreSQL server port

pg_user – user for connecting to the PostgreSQL server

pg_dbname – name of the PostgreSQL DB where the instructions will be executed

file – path to the CreateTypeCastsPostgreSql.sql file


If you are deploying 7.15.0 or lower version, use the СreateTypeCastsPostgreSql_7_15_0.sql script.

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