Setting up the ConnectionStrings.config for the Oracle Database
To set up the ConnectionStrings.config file:
1.Go to the root directory of the Creatio application ~\WebAppRoot\Creatio.
2.Open the ConnectionStrings.config file in a text editor.
3.Specify connection parameters (connectionStrings): the Oracle server network address ([Database server name]), [Oracle service name], name of the restored database ([Schema name]) and password ([Schema password]).
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<add name="db" connectionString="Data Source=(DESCRIPTION =
(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = [Database server name])(PORT = 1521))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = [Oracle service name]) (SERVER = DEDICATED)));User Id=[Schema name];Password=[Schema password];Statement Cache Size = 300" />
<add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;
maxReadPoolSize=10;maxWritePoolSize=500" />
<add name="defRepositoryUri" connectionString="" />
<add name="defWorkingCopyPath" connectionString="%TEMP%\%WORKSPACE%" />
<add name="defPackagesWorkingCopyPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\TerrasoftPackages" />
<add name="clientUnitContentPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\ClientUnitSrc" />
<add name="sourceControlAuthPath"
connectionString="%TEMP%\%APPLICATION%\%WORKSPACE%\Svn" />
Starting with Creatio version 7.13.4, you can set up a password-protected connection with Redis. To do this, specify the password when setting up the ConnectionStrings.config file:
<add name="redis" connectionString="host=[Computer name];db=[Redis DB number];port=6379;password=xxx;maxReadPoolSize=10;maxWritePoolSize=500" />
See also
•Web.config configuration (Oracle only)
•Checking Windows mandatory components