Financial Services Creatio, sales edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Contract page

A contract page contains a set of fields with general contract data and several tabs.

General contract data

General information about a contract.


Contract number. Creatio generates the number automatically. Use the "Contract number mask" system setting to customize auto numbering of contracts.


Contract type. The [Contract types] lookup contains the following types: “Contract”, “Addendum”.


The current status of the contract. The [Contract statuses] lookup contains the following statuses: “Signed”, “Draft”, “To be signed”, "Canceled”.


Product of the contract.


The name of a manager who is responsible for signing the contract.

Signed on

The date when the contract was signed.

Start Date

The start date of the contract validity.

End date

The contract expiry date.

The [General information] tab

This tab contains information about the contract, its customer, as well as links to other contracts.

Legal entity

A legal entity of the contract.

Legal entity banking details

Legal entity payment details. You can select data from the [Banking details] detail of the [Legal entity info] tab on legal entity page.

Contact person

Contact person of the legal entity. You can select data from the [Contacts] detail of the [Contacts and structure] tab on legal entity page.


A branch of the bank the legal entity is assigned to.

Our banking details

Payment details of the bank. You can select data from the [Banking details] detail of the [Legal entity info] tab on your bank page.

Connected to

This field group contains other Creatio objects connected to the contract.


An opportunity connected to the contract. The connection is based on the [Contracts] detail of the opportunity page.

Parent contract

The current contract is subordinate to this contract. The field is editable only for contracts of the “Addendum” type and is populated automatically for contracts added to the [Subordinate contracts] detail.

Subordinate contracts

The detail contains connections to other contracts for which the current contract is a parent contract. Only contract records with the “Addendum” type are available on the [Subordinate contracts] detail.

To add a new subordinate contract, click the btn_com_add_tab.png button. The [Parent contract] field on the subordinate contract page will be populated automatically.

To connect an existing subordinate contract to the current contract, click the btn_com_roles_actions_menu.png button and select the “Connect to existing” option from the menu.

The [Parameters] tab

The [Parameters] tab contains contract-specific conditions, for example, currency, amount and payment terms specified in the contract.

The [History] tab

The tab contains Creatio records connected to the activity.


Activities connected to the contract. Displays information from the [Activities] section. Activities are linked to contracts via the [Contract] field of the activity page.


This detail displays emails connected to the contract. Emails are linked to contracts  manually or automatically according to the [Rules for connecting emails to system sections] lookup.


Documents connected to the contract. This detail displays information from the [Documents] section. Documents are linked to contracts via the [Contract] field of the document page.


Invoices connected to the contract. This detail displays information from the [Invoices] section. Invoices are linked to contracts via the [Contract] field of the invoice page.


Cards connected to a contract. Displays information from the [Cards] section. The connection of a card to a contract is based on the [Contract] field of the card page.

The [Approvals] tab

This tab contains information about all created and processed approvals. Working with the [Approvals] detail is described in a separate article. Read more >>>

The [Attachments and notes] tab

This tab contains additional information on the contract as well as related files and Internet links. Read more >>>

The [Feed] tab

This tab displays feed messages connected to the contract. You can post comments in the contract feed or view other Creatio users’ comments.


Working with the feed is described in a separate  article. Read more >>>

See also

The [Products] section

The [Activities] section

The [Cards] section

Communication panel

The [Feed] section

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