How to set up customer parameters
This article covers the setup procedure for the customer’s parameters. For example, the customer has the following parameters:
Age: 21 to 65 years.
Residency status: resident.
Employment status: has been employed for no less than 12 months with the current employer.
Has been a local resident for no less than 6 months.
To specify the customer parameters:
1.Go to the [Products] section, create a new product, or open the needed product page.
2.Click the button on the [Product details] detail (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Adding a product condition
3.On the [Product details] page (Fig. 2) enter the start and end dates for the product conditions.
4.Click the [Add parameter] button on the [Customer characteristics] tab.
5.Select “Male age, years“, for example, in the empty field (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Selecting characteristics
As a result, the [Male age, years] field will appear on the [Customer parameters] tab.
6.To specify a range instead of one specific value, change the view of the field for entering values:
a.Place the cursor over the selected value.
b.Click the button.
c.Select [Value range (minimum/maximum)] (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4 Changing the field view
d.Enter the required range of values (Fig. 5).
Fig. 5 Specifying a value range
7.Click the [Add parameter] button. Select the [Resident] parameter, for example, and set the value to “Yes” (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 Specifying a Boolean value
8.Click the [Add parameter] button. Select the “Total work record” and specify ”12” in the field that appears to the right, for example (Fig. 7).
Fig. 7 Specifying a fixed numeric value
9.Add and fill in the parameters for residence.
10.Click [Save].
As a result, the specified customer parameters (Fig. 8) will apply when matching products to applications.
Fig. 8 Example of customer parameters
See also
•How to set up product features
•How to set up bank sales conditions
•Setting up the document package
•Setting up condition change criteria