Service Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Dashboards] section

The Dashboards section displays data from different sections of the system. We recommend you use this section to analyze and plan the work of each employee, each department and the company as a whole.

The functionality of this section is similar to that of the Analytics view in the system sections, and is described in the “Dashboards” chapter.


The [Current status] tab

The [Leaders of the week] tab

The [Monthly KPIs] tab

The [Half-year analytics] tab

The [Current status] tab

This tab contains summary information required to make quick decisions.

Number of overdue cases

Calculated indicator that displays the number of cases for which the scheduled resolution time is due.

Number of active cases

Calculated indicator that displays the number of cases that are not in the final status.

Workload per support line

Diagram displays how active cases are grouped by support line.

Top services by active cases

List of ten services that have the maximum number of active cases. The data is sorted in a descending order based on the number of cases.

Scheduled vs. actually resolved cases this week

Diagram displays the number of scheduled and actually resolved cases. Data is grouped by day. Only cases whose scheduled or actual resolution date in the current week are used for calculation.

The [Leaders of the week] tab

This tab contains ratings of employees, based on work results in the current week.

Best 1st-line support employee

Name of the 1st-line support employee who received the highest level of user satisfaction. The rating is calculated based on the average case rate by each assignee. The diagram only displays the cases that were closed by the 1st-line support in the previous month.

Best 2nd-line support employee

Name of the 2nd-line support employee who received the highest level of user satisfaction. The rating is calculated based on the average case rate by each assignee. The diagram only displays the cases that were closed by the 2nd-line support in the previous month.

Best 3rd-line support employee

Name of the 3rd-line support employee who received the highest level of user satisfaction. The rating is calculated based on the average case rate by each assignee. The diagram only displays the cases that were closed by the 3rd-line support in the previous month.

Top employees by rating

Diagram displays the rating of employees with the highest level of user satisfaction. The rating is calculated based on the average case rate by each assignee. The diagram only displays the cases that were closed in the current week.

Deadline compliance leaders

Diagram displays employees that have the maximum number of overdue cases. The diagram only displays the cases that were closed in the current week.

User rating

Comment on the last positive rating received from the user based on the results of the case closure.

The [Monthly KPIs] tab

The tab displays work effectiveness of the service team for the month. Only cases registered in the current month are used for calculation.

Overdue response cases

Diagram displays overdue response cases over the total number of cases.

Overdue resolution cases

Diagram displays overdue resolution cases over the total number of cases.

User satisfaction level

Calculated indicator displays average case rating in the current month.

Number of registered cases

Calculated indicator that displays the total number of cases registered in the current month.

Number of rated closed cases

Calculated indicator displays the number of cases rated by the user.

Number of cases closed by 1st-line support

Calculated indicator that displays the number of cases that were closed by the 1st-line support.

The [Half-year analytics] tab

The tab displays work effectiveness of the service team for the half-year.

Registered and closed cases by month

Diagram displays the total number of new and closed cases that are grouped by month. The chart that displays the number of new cases takes into account the cases registered within the current half-year. The chart that displays the number of closed cases takes into account the cases closed within the current half-year.

Overdue cases by month

Diagram displays the number of cases for which the scheduled response or scheduled resolution time is due. The data is grouped by month. Only cases which were registered (response time) or closed (resolution time) in the past half-year.

Top services by incidents

Diagram displays the services that have the maximum number of registered incidents in the current half-year.

Registered and closed problems by month

Diagram displays the total number of new and closed problems that are grouped by month. The chart that displays the number of new problems takes into account the problems registered within the current half-year. The chart that displays the number of closed problems takes into account the problems closed within the current half-year.

User satisfaction statistics

Diagram displays changes in average case rate. Only cases that were closed in the past half-year are used for calculation.

See also


Video tutorials

Analytics in Creatio. Working with dashboards


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