Service Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Analytics in the [Releases] section

The Dashboards view contains consolidated analytics (diagrams, metrics, rating lists and reports) based on the section data.


More information about working with dashboards and dashboard setup can be found in the corresponding articles.

The [Release half-year KPIs] tab

Average working time per release

Calculated indicator. It displays the average working time per release in the current half-year.


Calculated indicator It displays the average working time spent on the release development in the current half-year.


Calculated indicator. It displays the average working time spent on the release testing in the current half-year.


Calculated indicator It displays the average working time spent on the release testing in the current half-year.

Incomplete releases

The list of 10 releases with scheduled release date overdue

Registered cases vs. completed releases

The diagram displays how the case dynamics has been changing in association with completing the releases in the current half-year. The data is grouped in series and displayed in chronological order.

The [Release calendar] tab

Upcoming releases

The diagram displays the number of releases to be completed in the current half-year. The number of new releases is grouped by month and displayed in chronological order.

Releases by change

The diagram displays the number of changes connected to

releases in the current half-year. The data is grouped by month and displayed in chronological order.

Changes not connected to releases

List of 20 changes that don't have any connected releases. It displays uncompleted releases of the current half-year in chronological order.

See also



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