Overdue/remaining time indicators
On the case page, there are special indicators that show the progress in processing the case. They are available next to the [Scheduled response time] and [Scheduled resolution time] fields (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Overdue/remaining time indicators
The indicator appearance depends on the current case status and its compliance with the deadlines.
The time displayed by the indicators is always calculated in calendar units (minutes, hours, days).
Depending on the timely resolution of the case:
Prior to the deadline, the indicator is green and displays the remaining time.
After the deadline, the indicator is red and displays the overdue time.
If the time until deadline exceeds 14 days, the indicator appears as “> 14 d“.
If the overdue time exceeds 14 days, the indicator appears as “> 14 d“.
Depending on the case status:
If the actual time is filled in (for example, the case is resolved), there are two options:
•If the actual value is less than the planned value (the case has been processed within the planned time), the indicator is hidden.
•If the actual value exceeds the planned value (the case is overdue), the indicator is displayed yet the clock is stopped.
If the actual deadline is not filled in:
•The indicator is visible and the countdown is on for active cases (in the “open”, or “in progress” status).
•The indicator is not visible for paused cases (cases that are awaiting customer’s response). When the case processing resumes, the indicator is displayed and keeps counting.
The checkbox for the final status, as well as for the pause status, is selected in the [Case statuses] lookup.
See also