How to notify the assignee/assignee group about the case
Notifications are sent to the assignee/assignee group only if a case has become active and the [Assignee] and/or [Assignee group] fields are populated. Notifications are sent to the assignee/assignee group only if an active case has been assigned to an assignee/assignee group.
A case is considered active if it is in one of the following states: “New”, “In progress” or “Reopened”.
Notifications are sent to the assignee if the [Assignee] field is filled in. The [Assignees group] field and be either empty or filled in.
Notifications are sent to the assignees group if the [Assignees group] field is filled in and the [Assignee] field is not. In this case, in the [To] field is automatically filled in with email addresses of all group members.
The notification text sent to the assignee/assignees group is set up in the [Emails templates] lookup.
See also
•How to connect incoming emails to existing cases and create new incidents automatically