Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Application page

The application page consists of the borrower and application profiles in the left side of the page and several tabs. The application number is generated automatically, according to the template. Use the [Application number mask] system setting to customize the automatic numbering of application.

Borrower profile

A borrower profile is displayed as a small information block at the top left side of the application page. It contains brief information about the borrower. All contact information is added to the profile from the application form. All profile fields are non-editable. To edit the borrower’s profile, first you need to edit the application form.


Contact’s photo.

Contact name

Contact’s first name and last name in the application form.

Application profile

The application profile is located in the bottom left side of the page. The profile contains brief application information: issue date, selected product, owner, etc.


The product for which the application is created. This non-editable field is filled in automatically with the data from the [Selected product] tab.

Organizational unit

Bank office that processes the application. The bank office information is filled in on the mini page when creating an application. This is a non-editable field. You can change the branch or office data on the [History] tab.

Registration date

Application creation date. This is a non-editable field.


An employee responsible for creation and processing the deal.


How the application was created. For example, “Personal visit” or “Website”.

The [Selected product] tab

The tab contains main information about the product of the application.

Product category

Product category, such as "Financing" or "Lending". The field is enabled if the [Product] field was cleared with type and category change.

Product type.

Types of products offered within the current category. The field is enabled if the [Product] field was cleared with type and category change.


The product for which the application is created. In this field you can select products, category and type of which correspond to the category and type specified during application creation. A list of products is presented for all sale conditions configured on the product page (the [Product terms] detail). If you delete a value in the field with the category and type, all active products will be available for selection.

Product terms

Detail is automatically populated with the characteristics of the selected product that are defined based on the active conditions of the selected product. Customer characteristics specified on the product conditions page are not considered as product conditions in the application because these parameters describe deal participant and are applied separately. To modify the list of conditions, click the btn_com_roles_actions_menu00003.png button and select the [Generate product conditions] action. All previously configured parameters will be deleted, the list of conditions will be updated.

All parameters that are defined based on the product cannot be deleted. If the application requires special conditions, you can add them manually by clicking the btn_com_add_tab00004.png button.

Parameters for which a single value is specified in the product will be applied automatically in the application and not available for editing. Parameters that several lookup values specified in the product will be marked as required. These parameters will contain a hint with acceptable range of values. Only the values that are appropriate for the current product will be available in the parameters of the lookup type. The lending condition parameters take precedence over the product feature parameters.

The [Participants and documents] tab

The tab contains details that display information about all the deal participants and the list of documents required to close the deal.

Application forms

This detail displays a list of application forms of all the deal participants. The deal participants include the borrower as well as the guarantor, lender, co-borrower, etc. The application form contains detailed information about contacts (deal participants), for example, their registration data and solvency information, based on which a decision on deal closure is made. You can edit this data on the application form page. More information about application form setup is available in a separate article.

Required documents

The detail contains a full list of documents required for the deal. This list is generated in the product conditions and is added to the detail by clicking the [Generate the list of documents] action. The information on the detail is edited on the required documents page.

Required documents page in the application

The documents in application page consists of a group of fields at the top of the page and the [Files  and notes] where you can attach scanned copies of documents. If the required documents have been generated by the [Generate the list of documents] action, the field at the top of the page will be filled automatically with information from the document bundle that was set up for the corresponding product. You can add a custom document as well. The fields contain brief information on the document, its purpose and connection with the application:


Document name.


The deal stage at which the document must be provided. For example, "Application" or "Agreement".


Contact's role in the current deal. If the [Application form] field is filled in first, then the [Role] field is automatically populated with information from the deal participant’s application form.

Application form

Contact’s (deal participant’s) application form. The application form is selected from the list of all deal participants’ application forms.

Document group

A group containing documents of the same purpose. For example, “Income confirmation” or “Identification”.

Document type

The document type determines where the document can be used, for example, “Customer document” or “Protocol”.


The checkbox that determines whether it is required to provide the document to close the deal.

If the document template is configured, then the [Print] button will appear on the required documents page.

The [Decision] tab

The tab contains information about validation and application resolution.


The application decision. For example, “Approved” or “Pending”.

Decision maker

The employee who is the decision maker in this application.

Decision date

Date of application decision confirmation.


The detail contains a list of validation activities to be executed for the application. Information is entered and edited on the validation page, which you can open by clicking the btn_com_add_tab00005.png button.

Validation page

The validation page consists of a group of fields at the top of the page and several tabs.

Validation item

Validation stage For example, “Verify borrower’s communication options”. The field is required.


Validation result. For example, “Verified” or “For revision”.

Decision date

Date of application decision. Populated automatically after filling the [Result] field.


Verifier role in the company structure. For example, “Security”. If the [Owner] field is filled in, then user’s roles will be available in the [Role] field. If the Owner is included in one role, the field will be populated automatically.


The bank employee who performs validation action. If the value is not specified, the field will be populated with the data of the employee who modified the [Result] field.

Participant role

The role of the application participant whose information must be checked in the current action. For example, “Borrower” or “Guarantor”.

Application form

Application form of the application participant. If the [Application participant role] field is not filled in, any of the deal participants can be selected. If the [Application participant role] field is filled in, only application forms of participants with this role are available for selection.


The comment about the current validation action.

The [Check list] tab on the validation page

The [Check list] tab on the validation page contains a list of questions. The verifier must obtain and record the answers to the questions when performing the validation action. A list of questions is specified in the [Validation items] lookup. Preconfigured questions are added to the detail after saving the validation page. If the additional validation questions are required to perform the validation action, they can be added to the validation page by clicking the btn_com_add_tab00006.png button.

The [Conversation script] tab on the validation page

The [Conversation script] tab on the validation contains a recommended script for conversation between the verifier with the deal participants. Conversation scripts are specified in the [Validation items] lookup. On the validation page, the scripts are read-only.

The [Attachments] tab on the validation page

The [Attachments] tab on the validation page contains reference files for the verifier, general recommendations and links to best practices. Detail values are specified in the [Validation items] lookup. On the validation page, the scripts are read-only.

The [History] tab

 The tab contains a group of general fields, as well as the [Activities] and [Email] details that display records connected with the application.

Campaign profile

General information about the application.


Application status The field is populated automatically when the application passed to the new stage.


An employee responsible for creation and processing the deal.




Agreement signed after completing the deal.


Bank office that processes the application. The fields are populated automatically with the data from the mini page entered during application creation.


Registration date

Application creation date. The fields are populated automatically with the date and time of the application registration.

Closed on

Date when the application is closed. The fields are populated automatically with the date and time of passing the application to any final status.


Activities that are connected to the application. This detail displays information from the [Activities] section. To connect an activity to an application, fill in the [Application] field of the activity page.


Emails that are connected to the application. Emails are connected to the applications through the [Application] field.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

Detailed information about the application, as well as attachments and links to web resources. Read more >>> 


Use this detail to store files and links related to the application. For example, you can attach documents that display the history of the application resolution.


The detail is used to store additional text information about a request. You can edit and organize your lead notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the application page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

Feed messages connected to the current request.

See also

The [Products] section

The [Contacts] section

The [Activities] section

The [Contracts] section

The [Lookups] section


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