Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to configure validation actions

Validation actions may differ for applications for different products. You can configure the required parameters for existing validation actions or create new ones to match the actions performed by the verifier with bank's security policy.

How to add new validation actions

To create new validation action:

1.Open the system designer by clicking the system_designer.png button.

2.Click the [Lookups] link in the [System setup] block.

3.Open the [Validation items] lookup.

4.Click the [New validation action] button.

5.Specify the name of the new validation action and save it by clicking in the btn_save_record.png button.

How to add a conversation script to the validation action

Conversation scripts are created by the verifier supervisor. They used by the employees as the basis for the conversation while checking the data of the participants of the deal. To add the conversation script to the validation action:

1.Open the [Validation items] lookup and select the action to which the conversation script will be added. Click the btn_edit.png button.

2.On the opened edit page, select the [Conversation script] tab.

3.Enter the conversation script text.

4.Save the changes.

As a result, the conversation script will be available in the validation action window on the application page.

How to add a checklist to the validation action

The checklist is need to commit the validation results. To add the checklist to the validation action:

1.Open the [Validation items] lookup and select the action to which the checklist will be added. Click the btn_edit00001.png button.

2.On the opened edit page, select the [Check list] tab. Click the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png button.

3.Enter the question and specify if it is required. If the answer to the required question is not specified in the validation action window, verifier will not be allowed to save the results of the action.


When adding questions, take into account that they have "Yes", "No" and "Other" configured answers. In case of the latter a comment field will appear near the question.

4.Repeat steps 5 to 6  to add all the questions.

5.Save the changes.

How to add the attachments to the validation action

You can attach files (for example, regulatory documentation, internal regulations of the bank, instructions, examples of successful implementation of the validation action by bank employees, etc.) to validation actions. To do this:

1.Open the [Validation items] lookup and select the action to which the attachments will be added. Click the btn_edit00002.png button.

2.On the opened edit page, select the [Attachments] tab.

To add a file to the validation action, click the icn_add_attachment.png button on the [Attachments] detail and upload the file. You can also drag the file and drop it on the detail.

To add a link to the validation action, click the btn_com_roles_actions_menu.png button on the [Attachments] detail. On the displayed page, enter the link address in the [Name] field and save the page. As a result, the link will be added to the detail.

3.Repeat step 5 for all files and links to add them to the validation action.

4.Save the changes.

As a result, the attachments will be available in the validation action window on the application page.

See also

How to process an application

Application page

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