Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to fill in deal participant application form

Application forms contain full information about a deal participant contacts - their family, income and expenses. A bank manager fills in the application form based on the information provided by the customer. Alternatively, you can copy the information from the application form filled out by the customer.


You can customize templates for printing application forms and other documents. The templates can be printed directly from the document page. Setting up printables is described in a separate article.

The borrowers application form is created automatically on the “Filling in the application form” stage of application processing. To add application form:

1.1.    Open the [Participants and documents] tab and click [+] in the [Application forms] detail. Select the type of deal participant. A new application form page will open. Select the [New contact] checkbox if there is not contact record for the deal participant in the system yet (a new contact record will be automatically created after you close the deal).


If you clear the [New contact], select an existing contact in the [Contact] field. All relevant contact information will be automatically copied to the application form.

2.Fill in the required fields on the [Contact info] tab:

[Last name]

[First name]

[Birth date]




[Social status]


3.Enter contact’s ID data in the [ID] fields block.

4.If required, fill in fields on other tabs.

5.Add a photo of the borrower.

6.Save the profile.


The profile will be saved only if the required fields are filled in.

In the application form created as part of a case, the borrower’s document bundle required for application processing will be generated automatically. The required documents for the deal will be automatically added in the application form after confirming the application.

See also

The application form page

How to create an application

How to process an application

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