Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.14.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Updating package from repository

Glossary Item Box


The package upgrade process is downloading to the application all changes of the selected package and all its dependencies changes from the version control system storage (SVN)

The sequence of package update from SVN

Open the context menu, go to the [Packages] tab and select the [Update package from storage] action (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1. The [Update package from storage] action

This will start the update process of the selected package and all its dependencies from the active SVN storages.

The system will detect all dependencies of the installed package specified in its metadata in the DependsOn property. The metadata and the package properties are described in detail in the "Package structure and contents” article.


If package dependencies are located in an inactive storage, the package update error message will pop up. When a package is updated, the whole hierarchy of its dependencies are updated as well, so all SVN storages, which can be contain package dependencies, must be activated.


Starting with version 7.11, after installing or updating a package from SVN, bpm'online application requires compilation (the [Compile all items] action in the [Configuration] section). In the process of compilation, the static content will be generated (see "Client static content in the file system" article).

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