Working with the portal main page
Once logged in, you will be redirected to the portal main page. The main page is designed to provide quick access to the most up-to-date information and common operations (Fig. 1).
Portal main pages can have several tabs, with different widgets and information on each. If several tabs are configured on the portal main page, the user will be redirected to the first tab in the tab area.
On the main page, you can access a list of the most popular knowledge base articles and search for the information you need, as well as go to other portal sections.
The navigation panel (1) is displayed on the left side of the portal page. Use it to switch between different portal sections and the portal main page.
At the top of the default main page, you can see a “banner” – an image you can customize to display a greeting, a company name, etc.
By default, the portal main page also contains:
Knowledge base search string to look for answers to your questions (2).
The list of available records. For example, your portal cases (3).
A list of popular knowledge base articles (4).
You can search for answers in the portal knowledge base by using the search string (Fig. 2), which is available on the portal main page by default
Fig. 2 Knowledge base search string
Enter the searched text in the search string and click or press the ENTER keyboard key. As a result, the [Portal Knowledge base] section will open. The records in the section will already be filtered according to the criteria you have set up. The text that you have entered will be placed between two percent signs – % to enable searching by text selection (Fig. 3).
Fig. 3 Knowledge base article search
By default, bpm’online searches knowledge base articles by their titles only.
List of portal cases (for service products)
The “My cases” block contains all your cases sorted in the descending order by registration date, i.e. the new cases are displayed at the top of the list (Fig. 4). Click [New] to submit a new support case.
The list of popular web site articles
The “Popular articles” block contains a list of knowledge base articles positively evaluated by users. The articles are sorted in the descending order by the number of “likes” ([ Like] button clicks), so popular articles are displayed at the top of the list. Click [Go to] (Fig. 5) to open the [Portal knowledge base] section.
Fig. 5 The [Popular articles] widget
See also
•Portal registration, login and password management
•Working with the portal knowledge base