Creatio development guide
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.10.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Section lists

Glossary Item Box

Section list is a list of records that can be displayed in one of two views.

A tile view displays the fields of each record in multiple lines. This is the default list view. In the [Contacts] section the following fields are displayed (Fig. 1)

  • Name (1)
  • Position (2)
  • Business phone (3)
  • Account (4)
  • Email (5)
  • Mobile phone (6)

Fig. 1. The [Contacts] section list elements in the tile view

A tile view displays records as a simple table in which each record corresponds to one line (Fig. 2). The sequence of fields in the list view may not coincide with the sequence of fields in the tile view.

Fig. 2. The [Contacts] section interface elements in the list view

To avoid redundancy of the reported data, the list section displays only the most significant table columns. All data are displayed and edited on the section edit pages. Learn more about them in the "Edit page" article.

Each section has its own business object schema that describes the structure of a database table, which stores the data records. It also provides specific instructions for processing these data. From these data the list section is formed. Each table line corresponds to a section record. For example, the [Contacts] section corresponds to the Contact business object schema (Fig. 3) that contains Contact table properties (Fig. 4). The full list of model schema columns and their properties can be found using the object designer which is described in the "Workspace of the Object Designer".

Fig. 3. Contact object schema in the objects designer

Fig. 4. Contact table

The layout and content of the displayed fields can be modified using the section wizard, or the drop-down list wizard available in the [View] button menu. More information on the section wizard can be found in the "Section wizard" article. 

If you want to add a custom column in the business object schema and display it in the list, it can be done in two ways.

The first way is to use the section wizard. Create a replacing Contact object In the current custom package, which will inherit all the columns of the base Contact object from the Base package, to which a new custom column will be added. More information about the section wizard can be found in the "How to create a new section" article.

The second way is, using the object wizard, create a replacing Contact object in the custom package, which will inherit all the columns of the base Contact object from the Base package. Then, add the required columns to the replacing object and set up their properties. Next, using the section wizard or the drop-down list wizard, set up the added columns display in the list. More information about the object wizard can be found in the "Workspace of the Object Designer".

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