Creatio mobile
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.12.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Mobile application filters

You can filter records in bpm'online mobile app sections and details by the values specified in one or more columns. For example, using the filters you can quickly display all companies of a specific type or activities with a certain status and priority.

To access the filter, tap the icn_Funnel.png button to the right of the search field (Fig. 1) of the section or detail list. As a result, a filter page will open, where you can set up your filter.

Fig. 1 The filter button in a section



If you set a filter in a detail of one of the section records, same filter will be set for this detail in other records of this section.


In the [Activities] section, the filter is available in the list view only.

The filter page

Use the filter page (Fig. 2) to set up filter conditions. Tap a column that you want to filter records by and specify the filter value.

Fig. 2 The filter page


When opened, the filter page displays the same columns as the corresponding section page. If the application is in the online mode, tap [Show more] to display all section columns. In the offline mode, only preliminary configured columns will be displayed.


Use the [Search] field at the top of the filter page to quickly locate the needed columns.


The columns in the section record page can be configured in the Mobile application wizard in the System designer of the desktop application.

After selecting the filter values, tap icn_apply.png  to apply the filter. Filtered records will be displayed in the section or detail list (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3 Applying filters in a section


The number at the top right of the funnel icon represents the number columns used in the currently applied filter.


If a filter uses several columns, then only the values that match all filter conditions will be displayed after applying the filter (similar to using the "AND" logical operator to group filter conditions in the desktop application).

Tap the icn_Funnel1.png button to edit the filter condition.

Tap the icn_cross.png button to remove the filter.

The filter settings will persist after updating the page or switching sections. The filters will reset upon logout.

Text column filters

Tap a text column on the filter page and enter the filter value (fully or partially) using keyboard (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Filtering by a text column


By default, all text column filters use the “starts with” condition. This means, that to match a text field filter, the value of a corresponding record column must start with the text specified on the filter page. For example, if you enter the “Alpha” value in the [Name] column of the Account filter and apply the filter, all companies with the name starting with “Alpha” will be displayed.

Use the “%” character to set “wildcards” filter values. For example, in the [Accounts] section, enter the "%Global" as the value of a [Name] column filter to display all companies that contain “Global” in their names (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Using the“%” character to specify text filter values


Lookup column filters

Tap a lookup column and select the filter values from the list of the corresponding lookup records. If a several lookup values are selected, the records that contain any of selected values will match this filter. For example, you can view all accounts whose industry is either "Advertising", "Business services" or "Construction" (Fig. 6).

Fig. 6 Filtering by a lookup column


Date column filters

The filter by the date column can be set as a date range manually via date/time data picker or selected from presets.

To select date via the date picker (Fig. 7), tap the [Since] and/or [Till] field, select date and time and tap the [Select] button. To cancel the operation, tap the [Close] button and to clear a filter field, tap the [Reset button].

Fig. 7 Date/time picker for the [Since] and [Till] fields


As a result, after applying the filter, bpm'online will display a list of records, where corresponding date value falls within the specified filter range. For example, you can view all accounts created from 10/15/2017 and 11/2/2017.(Fig. 8)

Fig. 8 The date column filtering


Date/time filter presets (Fig. 9) contain most commonly used filter settings.

Fig. 9 Date/time filter presets


For example, you can view all activities that are due next week.

Numeric column filters

The filter value for the number column is selected as a range of numbers. To enter filter value, tap it and specify the boundaries of the numeric range in the [From] and/or [To] field, using keyboard. For example, you can view all contacts whose profile is from 50 to 95 percent complete (Fig. 10).

Fig. 10 The numeric column filtering


Quick filters in the [Activities] section

In addition to the standard filter icn_Funnel00001.png, the [Activities] section has two "quick filters": by activity start/end dates and by owner. Quick filters are permanently displayed at the top of the section in both list and the calendar views.


Filtering by owner is described in the "Viewing the calendar of another owner" article.

The "Period" filter manages the period for which the calendar is shown. You can set the date manually, by tapping icn_left_arrow.png or  icn_right_arrow.png at the top of the page (Fig. 11). You can also access filter presets by tapping icn_presets.png (Fig. 11).

Fig. 11 Start/end date in the [Activities] section


The standard filter settings are applied in parallel with the quick filters. For example, you can display all activities for the "Alpha" company in the previous week, by selecting the "Previous week" quick filter preset and setting a standard filter by the [Account] field (Fig. 12).

Fig. 12 Filtering of the activities



When a standard filter is applied in the activity calendar, the quick filters become inaccessible.

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