Our team at bpm’online is constantly working to deliver advanced capabilities to automate your sales, service, and marketing processes. Here are the new features included in bpm’online version 7.12.1. Benefit from the new functions by updating your application to the latest version using our update guide.
We have updated the campaign page. You can now see all the key campaign features on a single page.
•Page dashboards display the total number of participants and the number of participants who reached the target.
•The [Campaign flow] tab has been added. It displays your campaign diagram and contains a button for quick access to campaign designer. You can easily learn the number of participants per element for a specified time period. The diagram will help you define element conversion and find bottlenecks of the campaign.
•New [Linked entities] tab provides easy access to all bulk emails, landings, events and contact folders used on the campaign diagram.
The updated campaign page.
From now on you can switch to campaign log from the campaign page. When doing so, the log will be automatically filtered by the corresponding campaign.
New [Campaign] detail is now available on the [History] tab of contacts, landings and events, conveniently displaying the list of all linked campaigns.
You can now mark the [Exit from campaign] element as the “campaign target” when you set it up. All contacts who reach this element (or exit the campaign according to this element's conditions) will be considered as those who reached the campaign goal. Specifying a folder for the [Exit from campaign] element has become optional. Now campaign participants may exit the campaign if they meet specific folder conditions, or simply if they reach the [Exit from campaign] element via the campaign flows.
Bulk emails
You can now set up a text that will be displayed as a preview instead of the first email lines on recipient’s side (email pre-headers). For this, populate the [Pre-header] field in your email template.
Bulk email macros now work in the email subject. You can use any attributes and their linked records. For example, you can address a bulk email recipient by name directly in the email subject.
Adding macros to email subject.
Bpm'online now selects the contact's language automatically when creating new contacts by incoming mails. The language is determined based on the support mailbox settings. This enables sending case registration notifications in the language of a contact without additional settings.
Working with lists
We have fixed the data display error that occurred when one and the same aggregated column was set up in a list with different filter conditions.
Working with emails
There are more possibilities to create multilingual emails. You can now add and set up other template versions right from the content designer without having to go to the template page.
Adding new localization to multilingual template from content designer.
We have implemented copying of multilingual email templates. Now when you copy a template, all existing translations for that template will be copied as well.
We have implemented more macro capabilities in multilingual emails. Now email template macros can display data taking into account the contact’s preferred language. If bpm’online does not identify the lookup value in the contact’s language, the default language will be used.
Working with dashboards
You can now exit full screen mode of a dashboard tile by pressing [Esc] on your keyboard.
Filters and folders
You can now quickly convert a dynamic folder to a static one and save all records from the converted static folder in the new dynamic folder via the “Convert folder” action of the folder menu.
Predictive data analysis
We have added predictive scoring of leads. Bpm’online now automatically predicts successful closing of opportunities based on available information. This helps your managers to prioritize their work on specific opportunities.
Sales page with a calculated predictive probability
Web services
We have simplified the process of adding integrations with new web services. Specify the complete web service call URL and bpm’online will automatically populate web service integration data, such as web service URL, method address and parameters.
You can now manage the “required” property of the [Call web service] business process element parameters when you set up a web-service to avoid creating separate bpm’online methods or other work-around solutions when addressing the services, where such parameters are not required.
You can now set up default values of web-service parameters, including system setting values. Thus, you no longer need to indicate the parameter values every time you call a web-service, but apply the newly changed value to all business-processes using this web-service at once. If the default value contains a system setting, it will be automatically bound to the package containing the web-service.
To make the setup process more convenient and to be able to check web-service operation, you now have the request parameters displayed in the method full address string on the web-service call page in the following format: "?paramCode1=value1¶mCode2=value2”.
Web-service method setup has become easier due to mapping the request and response examples in the cURL, RAW HTTP or JSON formats, which you can find, for example, in web-service documents. Copy an example into bpm’online and it will populate the list of web-service parameters: type, method address, authentication (Basic) and call or response parameters. The method address string parameters enclosed in braces {} or in the "?paramCode1=value1¶mCode2=value2” format can also be mapped.
Parsing web-service parameters from the method URL string
The possibility to copy the service call and response parameters enables you to set up similar web-service parameters quicker and easier.
You can call a web-service without applying additional Basic authentication settings in a business process. All settings are done on the web-service page. The login and password are stored in the system settings. They are automatically bound to the package where the web-service is stored when you set up the Basic-authentication.
You can now quickly cancel multiple business processes in the process log. Select multiple process instances, for example, all processes run at a specific time period, as well as cancel their execution.
Canceling multiple business processes
Section wizard
We have added user error validation when working with package hierarchy. Bpm'online will now notify the users about common issues with package hierarchy when working with the Section Wizard and provide recommendations. We have covered the following errors:
•There are no dependencies on base packages in the current custom package.
•There are no dependencies on the packages with the section in the current custom package.
•The detail object schema is available in the current custom package, while the detail edit page is available in another package and there is no connection between these packages.
Business rules
The right side of a business rule condition now contains only the fields and variables that correspond to the left side settings.
When working with business rules, you can now select system variables, such as "Current user", from the list, without having to type in the variable code.
We have improved the restoring of scheduler tasks (Quartz). The “RequestsRecovery “ property value is now set to “true” by default. Thus, if the application server has been stopped during task execution, the task will be executed again after the server is restarted.