Service Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The service agreement page

The service agreement page consists of the field group containing general data, and several tabs.

Common data


Name of the service agreement. For example, it can be a combination of the agreement number and the name of the account: “24 – Axiom”.


Number of the service agreement. The system automatically generates numbers in accordance with a template. The auto numbering of service agreements can be set up using the “Service agreement current number" system setting. This is a non-editable field.


Type of the service agreement. SLA, OLA or UC. If you select the “UC” type on the [Contract provisions] tab, additional fields will be available to enter information about service provider.


Current status of the service agreement, for example, “Draft” or “Active”.


The start and end dates of the service agreement.

Expiration date


Name of the user responsible for managing and updating information about the service agreement.


Calendar that defines the work of the support team under an agreement. The system calculates the response and resolution time for the service-related cases based on the selected calendar. By default, the field is filled in with the value specified in the “Base calendar“ system setting. Custom calendars can be set up in the corresponding lookup.

Support line

Support package, that provided according service agreement. Response and resolution deadline values calculated according the specified level.

The [Contract provisions] tab

The [Contract provisions] tab contains information about the service recipients and the services provided under the selected agreement.

Service recipients

A list of service recipients under the selected service agreement. For example, contacts, accounts or accounts' departments. Information on this detail is used when selecting a service agreement on the case page.

The [Add] button menu contains the following options:

  • [Contact] – add one or more recipients from the list of contacts.

  • [Account] – add one or more recipients from the list of accounts.

If you select an account on the [Service recipients] tab, the [Select departments] option will become available in the [Actions] button menu. Click option to open a window where you can select one ore more departments that will receive services under the service agreement. The detail will then display as many records as you selected in the window. Name of contact and account will be filled in automatically for each record.

Provided services

A list of services provided under the selected agreement. Information on this detail is used when selecting customer service provisions. It is also used to calculate the response and resolution time for cases.

Click the [Add] button to open a window displaying a list of all services from the [Services] section. You can select one or more services and add them to a service agreement.

After you added a service using the [Actions] button menu, the [Edit] option will become available allowing you to open a service page within the selected service agreement. You can use this page to set specific provisions for the selected service agreement.


Name of service provided under the selected agreement. It is defined after adding the service to the agreement. This is a non-editable field.

Service agreement

Service agreement that the service was added to. This is a non-editable field.

Response time

Estimated response and resolution time used for processing service-related cases under the corresponding agreement. By default, the fields are filled in with the response and resolution time values specified on the service page of the [Services] section. However, you can set other values for the selected service. The entered data will be used to calculate the response and resolution time values for cases under the selected service agreement.

Resolution time


Status of the service provided under the selected service agreement.


Calendar used for providing services under the selected service agreement. If this field is empty, the calculation of the case-related response and resolution time values will be done using the calendar specified in the [Calendar] field of the service agreement page.

Service provider

If the [Type] field of the service agreement page contains “UC”, then the tab will display an additional detail containing service provider data.


Company that provides services under the corresponding service agreement. If you populate the [Contact] field, the [Account] field will be automatically populated with the account specified on the page of the selected agreement.


Contact person of the supplier that you work with under the agreement. If you populate the [Account] field, the contact lookup will contain contacts of the selected company only.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

The [Attachments and notes] tab contains additional information about the service agreement, and related links to web resources. Read more >>>


Use this detail to store files and links related to the service agreement. For example, here you can attach a photocopy of the service agreement signed.


The detail is used to store additional text information about the service agreement. You can edit and organize your notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the agreement page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

Feed messages related to the service agreement.

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