Service Creatio, enterprise edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The Configuration item page

The service configuration item page consists of the field group containing general data, and several tabs.

Common data

General information about configuration item.


Name of the configuration item.


Configuration item category, for example, “Peripherals” or “Software”.


Configuration item type, for example, “Printer” or “Operating system”. A list of possible values for the field depends on the selected configuration item. Configuration item dependency type from the category is defined in the [CI types] lookup


Model of the configuration item. A list of possible values for this field depends on the type of the selected configuration item. Configuration item model dependency on the category is defined in the [CI models] lookup.


The current status of the configuration item, for example, “In use” or “Under maintenance”.

Inventory number

Configuration item inventory number defined by the company to manage infrastructure items.

Serial number

Serial number of the configuration item. It is specified by the manufacturer.

The [CI details] tab

The [CI details] tab displays information related to the configuration item, including information about the users and configuration items components.


Creatio user responsible for updating the information related to the selected configuration item.

Parent CI

Configuration item that includes the selected one. When you save the record, the current configuration item will be displayed on the [Components] detail selected in the configuration item field.

Purchased on

Date of configuration item purchase.

Warranty valid until

Expiry date of the configuration item warranty period.

Retired on

Date when the configuration item stopped being in use.


Location of the configuration item. Enables to track the movement of the configuration item at different periods.


Location of the configuration item.

The [State/province] and [City] fields are connected to the [Country] field. For example, if a city is located in a certain country, the [Country] field will be populated automatically when you fill in the [City] field. Similarly, if you enter a state, the [Country] field will be filled in automatically.

When you fill in the [Country] field, the [State] and [City] fields will display only those regions and cities that correspond to the selected country. You can associate a state/province with a certain country in the [States/provinces] lookup, and associate a city with a country – in the [Cities] lookup.




The street on which the configuration item is located.


The start date for the location of the configuration item at the specified location.


The end date for the location of the configuration item at the specified location.


The full address of the location. The field is filled in automatically based on the information in the [Country], [Region], [City], [Street] fields and can be changed manually.


A list of the configuration item main users. For example, contacts, accounts or accounts' departments.

The [Add] button menu contains the following options:

  • [Contact] – add one or more configuration items users from the list of contacts.

  • [Account] – add one or more configuration items users from the list of accounts.

If you select an account on the [Users] tab, the [Select departments] option will become available in the [Actions] button menu. Click option to open a window where you can select one ore more departments that use the configuration item.


A list of configuration items that are physically integrated in the infrastructure object. The detail displays names and inventory numbers of the configuration items.

Click the btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role.png to add component or related component.

  • Related component is a component on which the functioning of this configuration item depends. When the related component is added, the current and related configuration items will be automatically connected at the [Connected configuration items] detail on the [Connected to] tab.

  • Component is a part of the current configuration item. The current configuration item and component will not be automatically connected on the [Connected configuration items] detail.


Use the resource model to display the chart of configuration item connections. More information about setting up a service model can be found in separate article.

The configuration item will be indicated as the parent for the added components.

To remove a configuration item from the list, select the [Delete] option.


A configuration item can be a component of one other configuration item only.

The [Connected to] tab

This tab contains a list of services and configuration items that have an effect on the current configuration item (affecting); and those services and configuration items whose working capacity depend on the working capacity of the current configuration item (depending). Use the data from the tab to design a service model.

A connection category ("Affecting" or "Depending") to a current service and its type (for example, depending service can use a current configuration item in its work or depend on the current configuration item) is specified for each connected service and configuration item.

When adding connection to the [Configuration items] or [Connected services] detail, inverse relation will be added automatically to the [Connected to] tab for the corresponding configuration unit or service. For example, for the "Email server" configuration item, a connection to the affecting "Internal network access" service has been specified. So, the [Connected to] tab of the "Internal network access" service will be filled in with the inverse relation of the "Email server" configuration item containing the "Installed on" type.


The inverse relation type is specified according to the "Object dependency type" lookup. More information about these settings is available in a separate article.

The [History] tab

The tab contains system records connected to the selected configuration item.


Incidents and service requests connected to the selected configuration item. This block displays information from the [Cases] section. To connect a case to a configuration item, fill in the [Configuration items] detail of a case page.

If you click btn_chapter_mobile_wizard_new_role00001.png on the [Configuration items] detail, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several cases that should be connected to the configuration item.

To remove a case from the list, use the [Delete] option.


Changes connected to the selected configuration item. It displays information from the [Changes] section. To connect a change to a configuration item, fill in the [Configuration items] detail on the [Classification] tab of the change page.

If you click the [New] button, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several changes that should be connected to the configuration item.

To remove a change from the list, select the [Delete] option.


Releases connected to the selected configuration item. It displays information from the [Releases] section. To connect a release to a configuration item, fill in the [Configuration items] detail on the [Release profile] tab of the release page.

If you click the [New] button, a lookup window will open, where you can select one or several releases that should be connected to the configuration item.

To remove a release from the list, select the [Delete] option.

The [Attachments and notes] tab

Additional information about the selected configuration item. Read more >>> 


Use this detail to store files and links related to the configuration item. For example, user guide or a photo.


The detail is used to store additional text information about the configuration item. You can edit and organize your lead notes on the detail. If you switch to another tab of the configuration item page, the information on the [Notes] detail will be saved.

The [Feed] tab

Feed messages connected to the selected configuration item.

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