Sales Creatio, team edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Qualification] stage

The qualification stage is the first in the corporate sales process and is performed no matter how the process was started. Read more >>> 

Stage goal

The goal of this stage is to make sure that the customer has allocated a budget, that the need is well defined and that there is a scheduled time to make a decision and a presentation is prepared.

What happens in the system

The opportunity page opens. The “Set opportunity owner” task is displayed on the action panel. Perform the task by clicking the [Complete] button and save the changes.


The first task that is generated according to the corporate sales process has the “Set opportunity owner” title. To perform it, click the task title or click [Start] and save the changes on the opportunity page. The action panel will display the process tasks.

At this stage, 2 more tasks are generated. It is necessary to clarify the customer need, arrange the meeting time for a presentation and conduct the presentation. Task notifications will go to the responsible manager and appear in the calendar.

Perform tasks directly on the task bar via the activity mini page. If you are aware of some additional information at this stage, enter it on the opportunity page. Click [Save].

Stage results.

As a result, the process goes to the presentation stage.

See also

How to start the corporate sale process

How to work with the corporate sales process

Workflow bar

How to specify a customer in an opportunity

Opportunities FAQ

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