Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Introduction to Marketing Creatio

Marketing Creatio can be used to handle a wide range of tasks. These tasks can be grouped into a number of functional blocks:


360° customer view

Customer contact management

Communications history

Dynamic segments

Account management



Nurturing customer needs

Automated campaigns

Email marketing

Template designer

Dynamic personalization



Lead generation

Marketing plans

Capturing leads from web forms

Lead management

Lead source tracking




Efficiency tools

Goal and KPI tracking tools

Time management

Knowledge management

Document management

Communication panel


Approvals workflow




System designer





Business process automation

Business process management

Case management


360° customer view

With the help of the Accounts and Contacts sections Marketing Creatio maintains a centralized customer database. The application can be integrated with social networks, enabling you to populate the contact database with information. The information about customers needs, purchase history and service requests is stored in the system. The features include locating and merging duplicates, customer segmentation and advanced dashboards tools.

The [Accounts] section

The [Contacts] section

Managing internal communications

The corporate social network of the company is designed for the internal discussion and posting news. Marketing Creatio also provides convenient means for maintaining your work schedule and planning future appointments and tasks. The Activities and Feed sections are designed specifically for handling such tasks.

The [Activities] section

The [Feed] section

Managing leads

The Leads section is designed to manage both new and existing customer needs, and to monitor the sources of each lead.

The Leads section is based on the unique lead management process that you can use to “nurture” leads – from winning a potential customer, through qualification and distribution stages, to handoff. After you added a lead, the system will check the data, create a new contact and will guide you through the lead management process suggesting your next possible steps.

The [Leads] section

Managing products

The Products section of Marketing Creatio maintains information about product prices. Products can be added in the system manually or by importing them from an Excel file. The folders can be used to consolidate records by different criteria. The user-customizable product catalog is intended for structuring large nomenclature databases.

The [Products] section

Email marketing

The Email section contains all tools required for the bulk emails. Create the bulk email template and define a list of recipients. Use the Contacts section to add and segment the target audience. If it is required, define the time of the start delay. After sending the emails, some useful analytical information will be displayed in Marketing Creatio, including the delivery status with the Hard Bounce and Soft Bounce responses handling, opens and clicks dynamics, click heatmap, etc.

The [Email] section

Managing events

Use the events section to manage marketing communications. Plan event budget, event period and owners. Create target audience and store customer's responses as part of the event. The system will provide you with the reports to estimate in what way the activities are connected to the audience responses and the effectiveness of the events.

The [Events] section

Managing campaigns

Use the Campaigns section to create marketing campaigns using our handy visual designer. Add a measurable goal of the campaign, setup its target audience, plan communications with the customers. Marketing Creatio allows you to include bulk emails into the campaigns and events and define transitions conditions from one step to another.

Each next step depends on the previous recipient's response. Your task is to determine the logic and the goal of the campaign and the system will manage the audience transition from step to step.

The [Campaigns] section

Managing knowledge

Knowledge base is the source for work-related information for employees. Here, you can store answers to the most frequently asked questions, excerpts from documents, company regulations and other useful information. The articles can be supplemented with files or links to web sources, consolidated in groups, and commented on.

The [Knowledge base] section


Accelerate time-to-strategy execution with out-of-the box processes, templates and apps easily downloaded and installed from the Creatio marketplace. Extend the functionality of the Creatio platform with numerous applications, ranging from extensions to full-fledged products. Automate processes with ready to use business-processes and templates. Order services from certified Creatio partners.