Marketing Creatio
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

How to start a bulk email

Creatio enables you to run bulk emails manually or set a specific time for starting the email automatically. It also checks the recipients whenever you add them to the email audiences and when the email starts.


How to start a bulk email manually

How to start a postponed email

Verifications upon starting an email

How to start a bulk email manually

If the “run manually” value is selected in the [Send time] field, you can start an email manually at any time.

To start an email manually:

  • Open the needed email and click [Start sending]. Confirm the action in the new window.

Creatio will start sending emails in a few seconds after you click the [Start sending] button. During this time, you can stop the email, if necessary. You can specify the delay time in the “Delay time before sending email, seconds” system setting. The delay is 10 seconds by default.


Learn how to stop an email in a separate How to stop a bulk email article.


Email domain verification is required to start sending the email. Read more in the “Domain verification for the UniOne provider” and “Domain verification for the Elastic Email provider” articles.

How to start a postponed email

If the “at the specified time” value is selected in the [Send time] field, the email will start automatically at the specified time. To do this:

  • Open a bulk email record and click the [Schedule sending] button. Confirm the action in the new window.

As a result, the email will be scheduled and the emails will be sent at the specified time automatically.

If the due time has already passed when you click the [Schedule sending] button, Creatio will offer you to start sending the email immediately.


If you cannot start an email or the [Email totals] tab values do not update, the reason might be in the “System operations user” (SystemUser) system setting: the user value might have been changed or updated. Read more in the “System user (Supervisor)” article.

Verifications upon starting an email

To make the email analysis more convenient and minimize the number of delivery errors, Creatio verifies the email audiences before starting the email. To ensure a comprehensive email response analysis, all contacts can be added as email recipients, including contacts who have already unsubscribed from emails or contacts with invalid or incorrect email addresses. Use email responses on the [Audience] tab of the [Email] section page to analyze delivery errors. The responses are populated automatically after the email starts.


Read more about email responses in the “Recipient individual responses” article.

Contact data can be modified from the moment you add it to the audience until the email start. For example, during this period the customer may unsubscribe from your email or the customer's email box may become unavailable. To take into account such changes, an additional check is performed upon email sending.

  • Subscription to your emails. The [Do not use email] checkbox must be cleared on the contact page. Creatio will not send any emails to the contacts who have the [Do not use email] checkbox selected on their page. In this case, the “Canceled (unsubscribed from all emails)” response will be set in the [Response] column on the [Audience] tab.

  • Email address relevance. The [Valid] checkbox must be selected for the email address of each contact. The address is flagged as invalid automatically, upon receiving any “Hard Bounce” response. Creatio will not send any emails to the contacts, whose email address does not have the [Valid] checkbox selected. These contacts will have the “Canceled (invalid email)” response.

  • Email address availability. The system checks whether the [Email] field is populated on the contact page. Creatio will not send any emails to the contacts who have no email address in their profile. In this case, the “Canceled (email not provided)” response will be set in the [Response] column on the [Audience] tab.

  • Email address correctness An email will be considered “incorrect” if it does not correspond to the email address format. Creatio will not send any emails to the contacts who have an incorrect email address in their profile. In this case, the “Canceled (incorrect email)” response will be set in the [Response] column on the [Audience] tab.

  • Recipient communication limit reached. You can limit the number of emails sent to contact during a set time, for example, no more than 5 emails per week. Creatio checks for this limit are based on the rules in the [Email restriction rules] lookup. For example, if a rule is set to send not more than two emails per day while two emails have already been sent to the contact today, then the third email will not be sent. These contacts will have the “Email limit reached” response selected in the [Response] field of the [Audience] tab. Read more in the “Configure restriction of the number of emails for sending” article.


When you add the email audience, Creatio checks the subscription to the selected email type. You can check the subscription status on the contact page: use the [Email subscription] detail on the [Communication channels] tab. Contacts without a subscription to the selected email type are not added to the email audience.

See also

Add a bulk email

Email guidelines

How to stop a bulk email

How to send a test email

What happens after the email starts

Email marketing terms

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