Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Introduction to Financial Services Creatio, lending edition

Financial Services Creatio, lending edition can be used to handle a wide range of tasks. These tasks can be grouped into a number of functional blocks.


360° customer view

Contact management

Account management




Loan application management

Verifier’s workspace


Financial products

Product management

Financial account management

Card account management



Efficiency tools

Time management

Contract management

Document management

Knowledge management



System designer





Business process automation

Business process management

Case management


Maintaining general information about  accounts and contacts

With the help of the Accounts and Contacts sections Financial Services Creatio, lending edition maintains a centralized customer database. The application can be integrated with social networks, enabling you to populate the contact database with information. The features include locating and merging duplicates, customer segmentation, and advanced dashboards tools.

The [Accounts] section

The [Contacts] section

Managing communications

The corporate social network of the bank is designed for internal discussion and posting news. Financial Services Creatio, lending edition also provides convenient means for maintaining your work schedule and planning future appointments and tasks. The Activities and Feed sections are designed specifically for handling such tasks.

The [Activities] section

The [Feed] section

Application verifier’s home

The Home page section is designed to facilitate the work of application managers. Use the home page to manage cases in a single window with the help of out-of-the-box best practice processes, get instant access to customer's profile, and improve customer experience.

Quickly process tickets in the omnichannel mode, manage incoming and outgoing calls and work with other queue items. Read the feed, keep an eye on the analytical dashboards showing individual and team KPI.

The [Home page] section

Managing loan applications and profiles

Create and process loan applications in the Applications section. Quickly find and offer products that match customer’s needs the best.

Add deal participant profiles based on the information from applications with a single click, to begin processing the borrower’s documents. Track information on the deal participants in the Application forms section and use it to make informed decision on whether to grant or deny loans.

The [Applications] section

The [Application forms] section

Managing contracts

To add information about the contracts, track its status and validity period, use the Contracts section. The system allows you to view the individual parameters of each contract, for example, loan value and interest rate for the loan agreement; or currency and fee amount for the current agreement for opening a bank account.

To add information about commercial documentation such as contracts, agreements and specifications, track its status and validity period, use the Contracts section. The system allows you to store information about the contract amount, account's banking details, products in the contract and other data.

Also, Financial Services Creatio, lending edition features a standard approval process that allows you to automate commercial document approval procedure.

The [Contracts] section

Managing products

The Products section of Financial Services Creatio, lending edition maintains information about bank product parameters. Products can be added in the system manually or by importing them from an Excel file. The folders can be used to consolidate records by different criteria.

The user-customizable product catalog is intended for structuring large number of records. Catalog, groups and advanced search options enable you to match the optimal set of services for the customers.

The [Products] section

Managing financial accounts and cards

Due to CRM system integration with the in-house bank accounting system, you can accumulate information about cards, current and deposit accounts in Financial Services Creatio, lending edition. The Accounts and Cards sections display relevant information about the existing bank products, products in stock, status and other account or card parameters.

The [Financial accounts] section

The [Cards] section

Managing knowledge

Knowledge base is the source for information about case resolution Here, you can store answers to the most frequently asked questions, excerpts from documents, bank regulations and other useful information. The articles can be supplemented with files or links to web sources, consolidated in groups, and commented on.

The [Knowledge base] section


Accelerate time-to-strategy execution with out-of-the box processes, templates and apps easily downloaded and installed from the Creatio marketplace. Extend the functionality of the Creatio platform with numerous applications, ranging from extensions to full-fledged products. Automate processes with ready to use business-processes and templates. Order services from certified Creatio partners.