Financial Services Creatio, lending edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

The [Dashboards] section

The Dashboards section displays data from different sections of the system. We recommend you use this section to analyze and plan the work of each employee, each department and the bank as a whole.

The functionality of this section is similar to that of the Analytics view in the system sections, and is described in the “Dashboards” chapter.


The [Loan portfolio review, current quarter] tab

The [Loan applications analytics, current month] tab

The [Loan portfolio review, current quarter] tab

The tab consists of several blocks that display statistics on the loan portfolio of your bank.

Portfolio allocation by product

The number of loans issued in the current quarter. The data are allocated by product type.

Portfolio allocation by branch

The number of loans issued by branch in the current quarter. The data are grouped by bank branches.

Portfolio allocation by client

Number of loan agreements with private and corporate customers signed in the current quarter. The data is grouped by dates of contracts.

Portfolio allocation by client

Sum of loan agreements with private and corporate customers signed in the current quarter. The data is grouped by dates of contracts.

Loan portfolio dynamics

Displays changes in the number of loan agreements signed in the current quarter. The data is grouped by dates of contracts.

The [Loan applications analytics, current month] tab

The tab consists of several blocks that provide information on the loan application processing dynamics.


The total number of applications submitted to the bank this month.

Closed successfully

The total number of applications accepted and processed by the bank this month.


The total number of applications submitted to the bank, processed and canceled by the bank this month.

In progress

The total number of applications submitted to the bank this month that are in progress.

Applications by branch

The number of applications submitted to the bank branch this month.

Applications by amount

The number of applications grouped by application status.

See also


Video tutorials

Analytics in Creatio. Working with dashboards


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