Service Creatio, customer center edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.15.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Customer satisfaction (CSAT)

We have implemented a “Customer SATisfaction” (CSAT) scale, which the customers can use to grade the quality of service.

How it works

As soon as the assignee changes the status of a case to “Resolved”, the customer receives an automatic email prompting them to assess the support service quality. Such notification can be sent with a certain delay. Depending on how the customer scores the contact center performance, the case status changes. If the support service quality is graded at 1–2 points, the case will be reopened; if the score is 3-5 points – the case status will be changed to “Closed”. If the customer does not assess the support service, a reminder email notification will be sent.

You can customize the CSAT process.

Configure CSAT

To set up the customer satisfaction evaluation:

  • Distribute a portal license to the SysPortalConnection Creatio portal user.

  • Configure the satisfaction scale and specify the rules for closing or reopening cases depending on the actual evaluation score in the [Satisfaction levels] lookup. Read more >>> 


If a case is reopened as a result of a low score point, its [Assignee] field will be cleared automatically and the case will be queued for processing. To disable clearing of the [Assignee] field, clear the [Default value] checkbox in the “Remove case assignee after case reopening” system setting.

  • Edit the content of the email template that contains a request to assess customer satisfaction. Localize the template. You can do it via the [Email templates] –> [Case resolution notification] lookup. Read more >>> 

  • Specify the usage rule (“Send immediate” or “Send after a delay”) in the [Case notification rule] lookup. Read more >>> 

  • Configure sending of a CSAT reminder if the customer has not assessed the quality of service after the first notification. The evaluation response waiting time is set in the [Number of waiting days to reevaluate resolved case] and [Number of waiting days after second reminder of resolved case] system settings. If the customer does not provide a score after the reminder, Creatio will automatically close the case after the time specified in the corresponding system setting.

Where to view CSAT results

The CSAT score and the comment that the customer leaves on the “thank-you” page are displayed on the [Closure and feedback] tab of the case page. General CSAT indicators are available on the [Feedback] tab in the [Dashboards] section.

Use the [Ability to change case satisfaction level] system operation to manage permissions for modifying information on the [Closure and feedback] tab.


By default, employee users do not have permission to edit the case feedback, while the portal users have such permission.
We recommend granting permission to the [Ability to change case satisfaction level] system operation only to senior managers of customer support department.

See also

User satisfaction scale setup

Setting up email templates

Set up contact case notification rules

Case resolution notification setup

Case page

Video tutorials

Managing feedback

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