How to import translations from Excel
You can use Excel import to quickly export and import translations. To do this:
1.Open the [Translations] section and select the needed strings. Searching and filtering translation strings is covered in a separate article.
2.Use the [Export list to file] action in the [Translation] section to obtain a template for the import table. An .xlsx file with the currently displayed records and columns will be downloaded.
Columns required for translation are the [Key] column, as well as source and target language columns.
3.Open the system designer and click the [Data import] link. Drag the XLSX file with translations and click [Other]. Select the “Translation” object (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 Importing the translation file
4.Set up duplicate check by the [Key] column and click [Start data import].
5.After importing, perform the [Apply transfers] action in the [Translation] section.
See also
•How to identify a translation string by a key