Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Response and resolution deadline calculation methods

The response and resolution deadlines are calculated base on the case, service,  as well as the corresponding calendar. More information about calendar setup is available in a separate article.

You can set up contingency plans for deadline calculation using 2 pre-defined calculation strategies: by service, by case priority. One of the strategies can be used by default, and other strategies can be set as alternatives. If Creatio is unable to calculate deadline using the default strategy, it will automatically attempt its alternative strategy. If the alternative strategy cannot be used, and if it has its own alternative strategy, Creatio will use that strategy. If an alternative strategy is not specified, the deadlines will not be calculated. Use the [Case deadline calculation schemas] lookup to set the default and alternative rules. For more information on importing communication options is available in a separate article.


New schemas are created with development tools in the Creatio platform

By service

This deadline calculation strategy is based on the service page data and the calendar of the service (). This strategy is preset as the default strategy.

Fig. 1 Data used for calculating deadlines by service


By priority

The system uses the [Case priorities] lookup data. This strategy is based on the response and resolution deadlines set for different case priorities (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Data used for calculating case deadlines by priority


See also

Calculating response and resolution deadlines using strategies

How to setup response and resolution time calculation

Calculating response and resolution deadlines using calendars

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