Service Creatio, customer center edition
This documentation is valid for Creatio version 7.16.0. We recommend using the newest version of Creatio documentation.

Description of system settings

Provided below is the list of system settings available in Creatio.


[Base personal calendar] (BaseUserCalendar) – sets the default calendar.

  • This system setting is used in Service Creatio, customer center edition and Financial Services Creatio, customer journey edition if another calendar is not specified on the service page.

  • This system setting is used in Service Creatio, enterprise edition if another calendar is not specified on the service page in the service agreement or on the service agreement page.

Type: lookup Default value: Default calendar.

[Configuration version] (ConfigurationVersion) – current workspace version. Type: text (50 characters).

[Caption for communication options block on login page] (LoginPageCommunicationBlockCaption) – contains the caption for the login page block that contains the communication options. Type: text (50 characters).

[Caption for useful links block on login page] (LoginPageLinksBlockCaption) – contains the caption for the login page block that contains the links. Type: text (50 characters).

[Notification monitor] (RemindingsCheckInterval) – sets the frequency of checking for new notifications. The value of this system setting is specified in milliseconds (ms). Type: integer Default value: Default value: 300000 ms (5 minutes).

[Number of records in Excel export batch] (ExcelExportBatchSize) – changing this value affects the speed of exporting large numbers of records to Excel and the amount of memory used.

[Logo] (LogoImage) – contains the logo displayed on the login page. Creatio logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a different image. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Upper panel logo] (HeaderLogoImage) – contains the image displayed at the top of Creatio pages. Creatio logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a different image. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Logo in main menu] (MenuLogoImage) – contains the image that will be displayed at the top of the page of the Creatio main menu (opens by default upon first login). Creatio logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a different image. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Product name] (ProductName) - sets the header of the browser tab with the opened Creatio application. Type: text (250 characters). Default value: Creatio.

[Case email body maximum length] (EmailBodyForCaseMaxLength) – sets the maximum number of characters from email, that will be displayed in the [Description] field of the case, created automatically from that email. Type: integer. Default value: 600 characters.

[Maximum number of records to import from Excel] (MaxImportExcelRecordCount) – limits the maximum number of records that can be imported from an Excel file. Type: integer. Default value: 2000.

[Maximum number of process item repetitions] (MaxProcessLoopCount) –  limits the maximum number of times the same process item can be run during a process. Type: integer. Default value: 100.

[Attachment max size] (MaxFileSize) – sets the maximum size of a file that can be added to the [Attachments] detail in system sections. The value of this system setting is specified in megabytes (MB). Type: integer. Default value: Default value: 10 MB.

[Minimum characters necessary to filter list] (StringColumnSearchMinCharCount) – determines the minimum number of characters that will be sufficient to filter records in the drop-down list of the lookup field. When you type the needed value directly in the lookup field (without opening the lookup), a drop-down list opens, containing the values that match the characters entered. The minimum number of characters sufficient to display the drop-down list is defined by this system setting. Type: integer. Default value: 3.

[Display pop-up window message] (ShowBrowserPopupWindowToolbars) – enables or disables browser toolbars in the Creatio pop-up windows. In Creatio, pop-up windows are used in system setup window to open designers, pages, lookup windows, etc. Type:  Boolean. Default value: “False”.

[String columns filter] (StringColumnSearchComparisonType) – type of search operator that is used to filter the records of the “lookup” field. Type: integer. Default value: 1. The setting can have one of two values:

0 – searched record must begin with the specified string.

1 – searched record must contain the specified string.

Updating contact ages

Use the settings below to manage the contact age calculation in Creatio. You can learn more about using this functionality in the “Contact age calculation” article.

[Enable updating contact ages] (ActualizeAge) – manages the functionality of automatic update of contact ages. Disabling this system setting will disable all functionality for automatic contact age calculation. The functionality includes: automatic updating of contact ages on saving a contact record, a regular scheduled update of contact ages on their birthdays, contact age update triggered by the [Update the values in the ‘Age’ column] action in the [Contacts] section. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True”.

[Enable automatic daily update of the contact ages] (RunAgeActualizationDaily) – manages the daily operation of updating the contact ages. If you enable this system setting, Creatio will run a daily check for contacts who have their birthday today and update their age. If you disable this system setting, Creatio will still use the general age calculation functionality, but without the automatic daily updates. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True”.

[Time of automatic daily update of the contact ages] (AutomaticAgeActualizationTime) – determines the time of performing the age updates for the contacts whose birthday falls on the current day. Users can set the value manually or by running the [Schedule daily update of the “Age” column] action in the [Contacts] section.


We recommend scheduling the daily update of contact ages on the non-business hours.

By default, the system setting value is set in the “UTC” format. However, if a user runs the [Schedule daily update of the “Age” column] action in the [Contacts] section and does not change the run time, the system setting value will be updated automatically – the time will be recalculated based on the user’s time zone. For example, a user in the UTC+1 time zone runs the [Schedule daily update of the “Age” column] action but does not change the value in the system setting. In this case, Creatio will display the default time as “02:30 AM” instead of 01:30 AM and change the displayed time zone from “UTC” to “UTC+1.” Type: time. Default value: 01:30 (UTC).


Note that if you change the time using the system setting and not via the action in the [Contacts] section, the new value will only apply after the next already scheduled age update, i.e., in 24 hours after modifying the system setting value. For example, if you change the system setting value from 01:30 AM to 04:30 AM on Monday at 3 PM, the nearest age update will occur at 01:30 AM on Tuesday and then – at 04.30 AM on Wednesday. If you change the time using the action in the [Contacts] section, the modifications will apply during the next age update.

[Date of the last update of the contact ages] (LastAgeActualizationDate) – use this setting to view the date of the last age update (performed as per schedule or by running the section action).

Business processes

Creatio can use custom business processes in place of the out-of-the-box business processes. The following system settings that determine whether custom or OOTB processes run in different circumstances.

[Process of adding invoice based on order] (CreateInvoiceFromOrderProcess) – process that starts when selecting the “Add invoice based on order“ command on the order page. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Adding invoices based on order The setting is available in all Creatio products containing the [Invoices] and [Orders] sections.

[Process of adding order based on opportunity] (CreateOrderFromOpportunityProcess) – process that starts when selecting the “Add order based on opportunity“ command on the opportunity page. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Add order based on opportunity. The setting is available in Sales Creatio, enterprise edition, sales commerce and CRM-bundles.

[Corporate sale process] (OpportunityManagementProcess) – process that starts when selecting the “Run corporate sales process“ command on the opportunity page. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Corporate sale. Available in all Creatio products containing the [Opportunity] section.

Process log

Use the system settings listed below to manage the Process Log operations in Creatio. You can learn more about working with the Process log in the “Process log“ article. These system settings are grouped in a separate [Process log] folder in the [System settings] section.

[Allowed time for process instances in the "Error" state (days)] (AllowedTimeForProcessInErrorState) – specifies the number of days during which the process instances in the “Error” state stay active in Creatio. After the specified time expires, these process instances will be canceled automatically. Default value: 20. If you set the value to “0”, the process instances in the “Error” state will not be canceled at all (the system setting will be disabled).


The [Allowed time for process instances in the "Error" state (days)] system settings lets Creatio clear the process log from the outdated process instances in the “Error” state.

[SysProcessLog archiving records count] (ProcessLogArchivingRecordsCount) – specifies the number of records of the [Process log] section that will be archived at a time according to the frequency of archiving the log records, which is specified in the [Frequency of running operations for process log maintenance (minutes)] system setting. Type: integer. Default value: 500.

[Archive data expiration term (days)] (ArchiveDataExpirationTerm) – all archived process instances that are older than the specified term will be deleted automatically. Default value: 20. If you set the value to “0”, the archived process instances will not be deleted at all (the system setting will be disabled).


In applications that update to version 7.15.3, the default values for the [Allowed time for process instances in the "Error" state (days)] and the [Archive data expiration term (days)] system settings will be set to “0” (the settings are disabled). You can enable the system settings by specifying the needed values. For newly deployed applications, the values will be as specified in the description of the corresponding system settings.

[Process log archiving period (days)] (ProcessLogArchivingPeriod) – specifies the number of days after which a new process record is archived. Type: integer. Default value: Default value: 30 days.

[Maximum time for the process log maintenance execution (minutes)] (ProcessMaintenanceJobTimeout) – specifies the time limit for process log maintenance. If the log data cannot be processed within the specified time, the operation will be paused and renewed as soon as the maintenance process runs again.

[Frequency of running operations for process log maintenance (minutes)] (ProcessMaintenanceJobFrequencyMinutes) – specifies the archiving frequency in minutes. Type: integer. Default value: Default value: 5 minutes.

Sending emails

The following settings are available in Service Creatio enterprise, Service Creatio customer center, Financial Services Creatio customer journey and CRM-bundles.

[Customer service email] (SupportServiceEmail) – contains the email address that receives automatic notifications of new cases created on the self-service portal. It is also used to send notifications to customers about the status of their case. Type: text (250 characters).

[Website URL] (SiteUrl) – web page URL that automatically opens to the user upon providing service quality feedback on the case. Type: text (250 characters).

[SMTP server login] (SmtpUserName) – full email address used to send customer notifications about case statuses. Type: Unlimited length string. Type: Unlimited length string.

[SSP registration mail box] (SSPRegistrationMailbox) – email address used to send notifications about self-service portal registration. Type: lookup

[SMTP server password] (SmtpUserPassword) – password of the email specified in the [SMTP server login] system setting. Type: Unlimited length string.

[SMTP server name or IP] (SmtpHost) – SMTP server coordinates used to send the outgoing emails. To populate this setting, please see your mail provider's documentation. Type: Unlimited length string.

[SMTP server port] (SmtpPort) – SMTP server port used to send emails. To populate this setting, please see your mail provider's documentation. Type: integer.

[Use SSL] (SmtpEnableSsl) – used for the support of the Secure Sockets Layer protocol. The possibility of SSL protocol usage please see in your mail provider's documentation. Type: Boolean.

[Logo - Feedback value not found] (ImageRaitingNotFound) – sets the logo on the web page that opens after a user evaluates the quality of service The logo is displayed if the settings of the rating range are incorrect. Standard logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a custom one. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Logo - Case not found] (ImageCaseNotFound) – sets the logo on the web page that opens after a user evaluates the quality of service. Displayed in case of invalid case number or if this case was deleted in the system. Standard logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a custom one. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Logo - Feedback has been already received] (ImageRaitingAlredyExist) – sets the logo on the web page that opens after a user evaluates the quality of service. Displayed if the case is closed or if the case [Rating] field is already populated. Standard logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a custom one. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

[Logo - Thank you for your feedback] (ImageThanksForRaiting) – sets the logo on the web page that opens after a user evaluates the quality of service Standard logo is displayed by default, but you can upload a custom one. PNG is the recommended image format. Type: image.

Bulk email

The following settings are available in Marketing Creatio.

[Turn on logging for webhooks] (EnableWebHooksLogging) – specifies whether to log recipient responses in Creatio. The log4net tool is used for logging. The log can be used by developers for debugging. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

[App external URL that is used to receive webhooks] (WebhooksApplicationUrl) – URL for receiving responses from the bulk email recipients (must be accessible from the Internet). The value of the system setting is specified, if during the system installation, the traffic routing has been configured using the firewall. Type: text (500 characters).

[App external URL used for bulk email unsubscribe queries] (UnsubscribeApplicationUrl) – URL for receiving requests to unsubscribe from bulk emails (must be accessible from the Internet). When unsubscribing, a parameter with the key value that is used to unsubscribe is added to this address. For example, if the value of the system setting is “” then the actual unsubscribe link is “еу=0123456789”. The system setting value is specified, if during the system installation, the traffic routing has been configured using the firewall. Type: text (500 characters).

[Interval for stats collection in bulk email, hrs] (BulkEmailHourlyStatisticPeriod) – period displayed in the Opens/clicks chart of the [Email totals] tab on the bulk email page. Specified in hours. Type: integer. Default value: 48.

[Test email recipient] (TestSendingBulkEmailContact) – contact, whose data will be substituted in the test emails as values for macros when running the [Send test email] action of the [Email] section. Type: lookup Default status:

[Unsubscribe user from all bulk email] (UnsubscribeFromAllMailings) – specifies whether to select the [Do not use Email] checkbox automatically for the contacts, who have unsubscribed from bulk email. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True”.

[Time period (days) to update bulk emails statistics] (MandrillStatisticUpdatePeriodDays) – determines the period, during which the final response is recorded for each contact, who participated in a bulk email. Any responses received from the contacts after the period is over will not affect the bulk email statistics. The value is specified in days. Field type: integer Default value: Default value: 30.

[Website to redirect the unsubscribed] (RedirectUnsuscribersTo) – URL, where users are redirected automatically, after they unsubscribe from a bulk email. Type: text (500 characters).

[Check interval for bulk email with "In progress" status, min] (MandrillShedulerTimeStep) – determines how often Creatio checks whether all due bulk emails have been launched. The value of the system setting is specified in minutes. Field type: integer Default value: Default value: 1.

["Domain list" field default name in Email] (GoogleAnalyticsTrackingDomains) –  a list of URLs, whose statistics will be tracked with Google Analytics. The values are entered separated by commas. Type: text (250 characters).

[Enable option "System email”] (SystemEmailIgnoreUnsubscribeFromAllMailings) – used to show/hide the [System email] checkbox on the [Parameters] tab of the bulk email page. This checkbox enables using the [Email] section for sending “system emails” – non-marketing notifications. System emails ignore the “Do not use email” checkbox value on the contact's [Communication channels] tab. Field type: Boolean. Default value: “true”.

[Prevent to send duplicated emails to recipients with the same address] (PreventDuplicatesSending) – if enabled, Creatio will identify duplicate email addresses in bulk email audiences and will send only one email per unique address. The contact for whom the email will be personalized is selected randomly among those with duplicate email addresses. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

Approving procedure

[Send email message if approval is required] (SendVisaEmail) – used to manage automatic sending of emails to approvers. If the checkbox is selected, the approvers will receive an email message in addition to the standard notification (the [Approvals] tab of the communication panel) when a document is sent for approval. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

[Mailbox for sending email with information on approval] (VisaMailboxSettings) – email account used to send the notifications about approvals. You can select any email account registered in the system. Type: lookup.

[Invoice approval process] (InvoiceVisaProcess) – the business process that is launched when an invoice is sent for approval. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Invoice approving”. Available in Creatio products that have the [Invoices] section.

[Order approval process] (OrderVisaProcess) – business process that launches when an order is sent for approval. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Order approving”. Available in Creatio products that have the [Orders] section.

[Contract approval process] (ContractVisaProcess) – business process that launches when a contract is sent for approval. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Contract approval”. The setting is available in Creatio products that have the [Contracts] section.

[Email template for sending invoice approval information] (InvoiceVisaEmailTemplate) – template for the email that is automatically sent to the approver user or user group when an invoice is submitted for approval. To add and edit templates, use the “Email message templates” lookup. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Template of new invoice approval notification”. Available in Creatio products that have the [Invoices] section.

[Email template for sending information about order approval] (OrderVisaEmailTemplate) – template for the email that is automatically sent to the approver user or user group when an order is submitted for approval. To add and edit templates, use the “Email message templates” lookup. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Template of new order approval notification”. Available in Creatio products that have the [Orders] section.

[Email template for sending contract approval information] (ContractVisaEmailTemplate) – template for an email that is automatically sent to the approver user or user group when a contract is submitted for approval. To add and edit templates, use the “Email message templates” lookup. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Template of new contract approval notification”. The setting is available in Creatio products that have the [Contracts] section.

Auto numbering of records

The following settings are available in Creatio products that have the corresponding sections.

System settings of this group facilitate automatic numbering of records, for example, invoice codes or account numbers. There are two types of settings: one specifies the static text (mask) of a number, and another one is used for saving the last generated number. For example, to generate a knowledge base article code like “Article-23”, where 23 is the current number of the invoice, enter the following mask: Knowledge base article-{0}.

Auto numbering is enabled for the following objects:

  • “Document” – via the [Document number mask] (DocumentCodeMask) and [Current number of document] (DocumentLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Contract” – [Contract number mask] (ContractCodeMask) and [Current contract] (ContractLastNumber) settings;

  • “Account” – via the [Account code mask] (AccountCodeMask) and [Current number of account] (AccountLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Knowledge base article” – via the [Knowledge base article number mask] (KnowledgeBaseCodeMask) and [Current number of knowledge base article] (KnowledgeBaseLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Invoice” – via the [Invoice number mask] (InvoiceCodeMask) and [Current number of invoice] (InvoiceLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Case” – via the [Case number mask] (CaseCodeMask) and [Current number of case] (CaseLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Service contract” – [Service agreement number mask] (ServicePactCodeMask) and [Current number of service agreement] (ServicePactLastNumber) settings.

  • “Operation” – via the [Cash flow number mask] (CashflowCodeMask) and [Current number of operation] (CashflowLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Problem” – via the [Problem number mask] (ProblemCodeMask) and [Current number of problem] (ProblemLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Change” – via the [Change number mask] (ChangeCodeMask) and [Current number of change] (ChangeLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Release” – via the [Release number mask] (ReleaseCodeMask) and [Current number of release] (ReleaseLastNumber) system settings.

  • “Order” – via the [Order number mask] (OrderCodeMask) and [Current number of order] (OrderLastNumber) system settings.

The [Mask number...] system setting is used during the process of generating the number or code of record when it is created. With the help of this setting you can specify a static text (mask) preceding or following the numeric value of number or code. Type: text (500 characters).

The [Current number of...] system setting is used for generating the number or code of record when it is created. Stores the numeric component of the last created record. Type: integer.


[Licensing company Id] (CustomerId) – stores the unique identifier of your company used for licensing purposes. Company Id is provided when purchasing licenses. Type: text (500 characters).

[Joined objects administering] (QueryJoinRightLevel) – manages access to viewing information from one of the joined objects. For example, when viewing information about primary contact (like job responsibility or birth date) from the [Accounts] section. Type: integer. Default value: 0. This system setting can have one of the following values:

0 – show data only from those records in the joined object for which the current user has access.

1 – show data only from those records in the joined object for which the current user has access. In case the user does not have access to a record, show data from the primary displayed column.

2 – show data from all records of joined object, regardless of whether or not the user has access to them.


If the current user doesn't have the access to the “Read” operation for the object that contains the connected record, then the data of the connected object will not be displayed regardless of the value of the [Joined objects administering] system setting.

Managing passwords

[Show message about locking account during logging in] (DisplayAccountLockoutMessageAtLogin), [Show message about incorrect password during logging in] (DisplayIncorrectPasswordMessageAtLogin) – the settings manage the message displayed if a user enters an incorrect username or password. The displayed value depends on both settings. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

If the “off” value is set for both settings, then when entering an incorrect password or username, the standard message is displayed: “Either invalid username or password specified, or your user account is inactive”.

If the “on” value is set for both settings:

  • If a user enters an incorrect username, the message will be “You have entered incorrect username”.

  • If a user enters an incorrect password, the message will be “You have entered incorrect password”.

  • If a locked user tries to authorize to the system, the message will be “Your user account is locked”.

If only the [Show message about locking account during logging in] setting is on:

  • If a user enters an incorrect username or password, the message will be “You have entered incorrect username or password”.

  • If a locked user tries to authorize to the system, the message will be “Your user account is locked”.

If only the [Show message about incorrect password during logging in] system setting is on:

  • If a user enters an incorrect username, the message will be “You have entered incorrect username or your user account is locked”.

  • If a user enters an incorrect password, the message will be “You have entered incorrect password”.

  • If a locked user tries to authorize to the system, the message will be “You have entered incorrect username or your user account is locked”.

[Quantity of login attempts for warning message] (LoginAttemptBeforeWarningCount) – number of failed attempts to enter the password before displaying the message about the number of remaining attempts before the user account is locked. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the message is not displayed. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[Number of login attempts] (LoginAttemptCount) – number of unsuccessful attempts to enter the correct password. If the number of login attempts exceeds specified threshold, the user account will be locked for the period specified in the [User locking time] (UserLockoutDuration) system setting. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the number of attempts is unlimited. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[Password validity term, days] (MaxPasswordAge) – number of days since the password was created or edited after which the user must change the password. The password is changed when logging in to the system. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the password never expires. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[Reminder about password change, days] (PasswordChangeReminding) –number of days before the password expires, upon next login attempt Creatio displays the message about the number of days left until the password must be changed and offers to open the password change page. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the message is not displayed. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[Quantity of analyzed passwords] (PasswordHistoryRecordCount) – the number of previous user passwords. Note that the new password must not match any of the previous passwords. When you enter a password that matches one of the previous passwords, the system will display the message containing the number of previous passwords that must not match the new password. Once the password is changed, the previous password will be saved in the system. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the new password can be identical to the previous one. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[User locking time] (UserLockoutDuration) – time period (in minutes) during which the user will not be allowed to log in to the system once the number of failed attempts to enter the password exceeds the set threshold. If the “0” value is set for the system setting, the user will not be locked. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

Password strength settings set the requirements that must be met by new passwords. The following settings define these requirements:

  • [Password complexity: Minimum length] (MinPasswordLength) – minimum number of characters in the password. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

  • [Password complexity: Minimum quantity of lower case characters] (MinPasswordLowercaseCharCount) – minimum number of lowercase letters in the password. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

  • [Password complexity: Minimum quantity of upper case characters] (MinPasswordUppercaseCharCount) – minimum number of uppercase letters in the password. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

  • [Password complexity: Minimum quantity of digits] (MinPasswordNumericCharCount) – minimum number of digits in the password. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

  • [Password complexity: Minimum quantity of special characters] (MinPasswordSpecialCharCount) – minimum number of special symbols that are not letters or digits (#, %, &, !, ?, etc.) Type: integer. Default value: 0.

Values by default

The following settings are available in Creatio products that have the corresponding sections.

[Attachments and notes default icon] (FileDetailDefaultIcon) – icon used in the tile view on the [Attachments] detail for the files, whose type is not specified in the [File resolutions] lookup. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: default.

[Default case source] (CaseOriginDef) – specifies a case type in the [Source] field on the case page. Type: lookup Default value: Consultation

[Default portal case source] (PortalCaseOriginDef) – specifies the type for cases created via the portal. Type: lookup Default value: Consultation

[Document status by default] (DocumentStatusDef) – specifies a default status for new documents. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Planned.

[Invoice payment status by default] (InvoicePaymentStatusDef) – specifies a default payment status for new invoices. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Not issued.

[Order delivery status] (OrderDeliveryStatusDef) – specifies a default status for a new order delivery. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Planned.

[Order payment status] (OrderPaymentStatusDef) – specifies a default payment status for new orders. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Planned.

[Order status] (OrderStatusDef) – specifies a default status for new orders. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: 1. Planned.

[Default unit of measure] (DefaultUnit) – specifies a default unit of measure for a new product. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: number.

[Project status by default] (ProjectStateDef) – specifies a default status for new projects. Type: lookup Default value: Planned.

[Default city for employees] (EmployeeCityDef)- specifies a default city used to build up routes for field sales employees if the current location is not defined.

[Default change source] (ChangeSourceDef) – specifies a default source for new changes. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Project

[Default change category] (ChangeCategoryDef) – specifies a default category for new changes. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Normal.

[Case closure code by default] (CaseClosureCodeDef) – specifies a default code for closed cases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Full solution provided.

[Default change priority] (ChangePriorityDef) – specifies a default priority for new changes. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Average.

[Case default priority] (CasePriorityDef) – specifies a default priority for new cases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Average.

[Default release priority] (ReleasePriorityDef) – specifies a default priority for new releases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Average.

[Default service agreement] (DefaultServicePact) – base service agreement used for the calculation of response and resolution time, if the case SLA cannot be determined by the case contact or account. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Service contract by default.

[Default change status] (ChangeStatusDef) – specifies default status for new changes. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: New.

[CI default status] (ConfigurationItemStatusDef) – specifies default status for new configuration units. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: In use.

[Case default status] (CaseStatusDef) – specifies default status for new cases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: New.

[Default problem status] (ProblemStatusDef) – specifies default status for new problems. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: New.

[Default release status] (ReleaseStatusDef) – specifies a default status for new releases. Type: lookup Default value: Planned.

[Default service status] (ServiceItemStatusDef) – specifies a default status for new statuses. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Provided.

[Default service agreement status] (ServicePactStatusDef) – specifies a default payment status for new service contracts. Type: lookup Default status: Default status: Active.

[Time for case overdue check, minutes] (CaseOverduesCheckTerm) – determines the frequency with which Creatio checks if cases are overdue. Overdue case has the date of planned reaction or planned resolution less than the current date and the date of actual reaction or the actual resolution is not specified. As a check result, the checkbox is selected in the [Reaction overdue] or [Resolution overdue] column on the case page. The setting value is set in minutes. Type: integer. Default value: 2.

[Default release type] (ReleaseTypeDef) – specifies default type for new releases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Low.

[Default service agreement type] (ServicePactTypeDef) – specifies default type for new service contracts. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: SLA.

[Default support line for case] (CaseServiceLevelDef) – specifies default support level for new cases. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: 1st line.

[Default change goal] (ChangePurposeDef) – specifies default purpose for new changes. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Standard changes.

[Base price list] (BasePriceList) – specifies a price list that determines the product price. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Base.


[Repository URI by default] (DefRepositoryUri) – contains the path to the package repository that is used in the system by default. The default path is used if the path to the package repository hasn't been specified. Type: text (500 characters).

[Base card page - Aggregate column] (StructureExplorerAggColumnEditPageSchemaUId) – page for aggregate columns used in the column setup window. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Aggregate column setup.

[Base column card page] (StructureExplorerColumnEditPageSchemaUId) – page for standard columns used in the column setup window. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Aggregate column setup.

[Base lookup card page] (DefLookupEditPageSchemaUId) – used in lookup registration. This system setting determines the page to be used as a base page for cards of standard lookups. Type: lookup. Default value: Base lookup card page.

[Base lookup page] (DefLookupGridPageSchemaUId) – used in lookup registration. Using this system setting you can specify the base page for displaying lists of records in standard lookups, as well as when opening a window for any lookup in the system. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Lookup page.


Lookups are registered in the [Lookups] section.

[Current package] (CurrentPackageId) – the package that contains all changes made via the Section Wizard. These can be, for example, changes associated with adding columns to the section object or adding a new section to the system. Type: lookup. The “Custom” package is set as the current package by default. To migrate configuration settings made in the Section Wizard to another application, be sure to change the value of this system setting. Select the package to save your configuration changes in the [Value by Default] field (this package can later be exported and installed on a new application).

[Mobile application manifest] (MobileApplicationManifest) – contains the name of the XML file that contains the configuration of the mobile application. If multiple manifests are specified, their names are separated with the “;” symbol. Type: text (50 characters).

[Calendar start date] (SchedulerTimingStart) – sets the start date for the period in the user calendar. Type: integer. Default value: 0.

[Calendar end date] (SchedulerTimingEnd) – sets the end date for the time period in the user calendar. Type: integer. Default value: 24.

[Configuration items can be saved without locking] (AllowSaveUnlockedSchema) – use this system setting to enable or disable saving changes in an unlocked solution item. You can enable this system setting when, for example, only one developer handles all the workspace. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

[Package repository path] (UpdateRepositoryUri) – path to a repository folder that contains updated base packages. Use this system setting to update the application version. The value of this system setting is provided by the support service. Type: text (500 characters).

[Display C# compiler warnings when publishing configuration] (CodeCompilerWarningLevel) – level of С# compiler warnings that will be displayed when compiling workspace files. Type: integer. Default value: 2.

[Publisher] (Maintainer) – identifies a party that makes changes to the configuration. The publisher name is assigned to each package separately. You can edit only packages that have been published by your company. The setting is used for developing user workspaces for the third parties. Type: text (250 characters).

[Maximum quantity of data strings to be bound to package] (MaxPackageSchemaDataRowsCount) – if the number of the bound records reaches the system setting value when binding the data to the package, the corresponding message will be displayed and the data binding should be confirmed. Type: integer. Default value: 100.


Binding large volumes of records to a package can take a long time.


[Base currency] (PrimaryCurrency) – sets a base currency used for financial calculations in the system. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Euro.

[Tax by default] (DefaultTax) – specifies default tax to use when adding a product. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Default value: VAT. Found in Sales Creatio enterprise, Sales Creatio commerce, Sales Creatio team products.

[Price includes tax] (PriceWithTaxes) – this system setting determines the taxation method used when calculating product cost. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True”. The setting is available in Sales Creatio enterprise, Sales Creatio commerce, Sales Creatio team and CRM-bundles.

Global Search

[Global search default entity weight] (GlobalSearchDefaultEntityWeight) – enables increasing the display priority of the search results that display records of the section where the search was performed. For example, if you enter a search query from the [Contacts] section, the records of this section will appear first in the list.

[Global search default primary column weight] (GlobalSearchDefaultPrimaryColumnWeight) – enables increasing the display priority of the specific search results. It applies to records, whose primary column value matches the search query (for example, [Full name] is a primary column for the contact and [Name] is a primary column for the account). If the search query matches the value in the primary column of the record, this record will be displayed at the top of the list of search results.

[Display search results with partial match] (UseInexactGlobalSearch) – enables displaying search results taking morphology, typos and fuzzy matches into account. Type: Boolean. Default value: “False”.

[Match threshold for displaying in search results (percent)] (GlobalSearchShouldMatchPercent) – enables managing the amount of displayed search results with partial match. For this system setting, you can set an integer value from 0 to 100. The lower the value is – the more results with partial match are displayed. This will increase the chances of finding the needed data for inaccurate search requests.

Duplicate search

[Date of last duplicate search by contacts] (LastContactDuplicatesSearch) – date and time of the last search for duplicate records in the [Contacts] section. Type: date/time.

[Date of last duplicate search by accounts] (LastAccountDuplicatesSearch) – date and time of the last search for duplicate records in the [Accounts] section. Type: date/time.

LDAP synchronization

The settings in this group are used to synchronize users with the LDAP server.


We recommend that you use the LDAP synchronization setup window for LDAP synchronization setup.

LDAP connection settings

[LDAP server name or IP] (LDAPServer) – address used to connect to the LDAP server. Type: text (50 characters).

[LDAP authentication type] (LDAPAuthType) – authentication type that is used when authorizing the LDAP users. For example, Ntlm, Anonymous, Basic, etc. Type: lookup.

[LDAP server user login] (LDAPServerLogin) – user login for connecting to the LDAP server. For example, it could be the system administrator domain name. Type: text (50 characters).

[LDAP server user password] (LDAPServerPassword) – user password for connecting to the LDAP server. For example, the system administrator's domain password. The password data is encrypted. Type: encrypted string.

User synchronization settings

[Name of attribute containing LDAP user full name] (LDAPUserFullNameAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the full name of a user. For example, this can be the “name” attribute. Type: text (50 characters).

[Name of attribute containing LDAP user login] (LDAPUserLoginAttribute)– attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the domain login of a user. For example, “AccountName”. Type: text (50 characters).

[Name of attribute to identify LDAP user] (LDAPUserIdentityAttribute) – any attribute of entry in the LDAP directory, whose value is unique for each entry. The value of this attribute is used as a unique identifier of records, when synchronizing users. For example, in Active Directory it could be “objectSid”. Type: text (50 characters).

[LDAP entry, which contains list of LDAP users] (LDAPUsersEntry) – unique name (distinguishedName, DN) of an entry in the LDAP directory organization structure (folders, groups, etc) that contains user-type entries. For example, “CN=Users,DC=example,DC=com”. If the directory contains a number of such entries, specify the unique name of their mutual parent entry. Type: text (50 characters).

[Condition to form list of LDAP users] (LDAPUsersFilter) – filter used to select LDAP entries for user synchronization. For example, for Active Directory this filter expression can be as follows:


Type: text (50 characters).

[Name of attribute containing LDAP current employment] (LDAPUserCompanyAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the place of work of the user. Used when importing users from LDAP to automatically fill in the [Account] field in the contact page. Type: text (250 characters).

[Name of attribute containing LDAP user email] (LDAPUserEmailAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the email of the user. Used when importing users from LDAP directory to automatically fill in the [Email] field in the contact page. Type: text (250 characters).

[Name of attribute containing LDAP user phone number] (LDAPUserPhoneAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the phone number of the user. Used when importing users from LDAP directory to automatically fill in the [Business phone] field in the contact page. Type: text (250 characters).

[Name of attribute containing LDAP user job title] (LDAPUserJobTitleAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the job title of the user. Used when importing users from LDAP directory to automatically fill in the [Job title] field in the contact page. Type: text (250 characters).

Folder synchronization settings

[Name of attribute containing LDAP group name] (LDAPGroupNameAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory that contains the name of the user group. For example, the “cn” attribute in Active Directory. Type: text (50 characters).

[Name of attribute to identify LDAP group] (LDAPGroupIdentityAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory whose value is unique for all entries. The value of this attribute is used as a unique identifier of records, when synchronizing groups. For example, in Active Directory it could be “objectSid”. Type: text (50 characters).

[LDAP entry containing list of LDAP groups] (LDAPGroupsEntry) – unique name (distinguishedName, DN) of an organization structure item in the LDAP directory containing user group entries. For example, “CN=Groups,DC=example,DC=com”. If the directory contains a number of such entries, specify the unique name of their mutual parent entry. Type: text (50 characters).

[Condition to form list of LDAP groups] (LDAPGroupsFilter) – filter used to select LDAP entries for group synchronization. For example, for Active Directory this filter expression can be as follows:


Type: text (50 characters).

[Condition to form list of LDAP users in group] (LDAPUsersInGroupFilter) – search filter that determines what users belong to which groups. For example: (memberOf=[#LDAPGroupDN#]). Use the following variables to specify filter parameters:

  • [#LDAPGroupDN#] – unique name (Distinguished Name) of the group being searched;

  • [#LDAPGroupName#] – name of the group. This variable will contain the value specified in the [Group name] field in the synchronization setup window;

  • [#LDAPGroupIdentity#] – unique id of the searched folder. The variable will contain the value of the attribute specified in the [Unique identifier of group] field of the LDAP synchronization setup window.

Type: text (50 characters).

Additional LDAP synchronization settings

[Name of attribute containing LDAP entry modification date] (LDAPEntryModifiedOnAttribute) – attribute of entry in the LDAP directory, which contains the date and time of the last modification of the entry in the “generalized time” format. Used for identifying new users in the LDAP group during the synchronization. Type: text (50 characters). Default value: “whenChanged.”

[LDAP synchronization interval, hours] (LDAPSynchInterval) – time between LDAP synchronization sessions, specified in hours. Type: integer. Default value: 1.

[Date of last synchronization with LDAP] – date and time of the last synchronization session. The value of this system setting is updated automatically. It is not recommended to edit it manually. This system setting is used for the automatic LDAP synchronization. Type: date/time.

Integration with external resources

The [Integration with external resources] system setting is used to register the application in the social networks and Google. Three system settings are used for each registration: [Application registration page] (FacebookRegistrationPage, GoogleRegistrationPage, TwitterRegistrationPage), [Access key] (FacebookConsumerKey, FacebookConsumerSecret, GoogleConsumerKey, GoogleConsumerSecret, etc.), and [Secret access key] (FacebookConsumerSecret, GoogleConsumerSecret, TwitterConsumerSecret). The “Application registration page” contains the address of an external resource that is used for registration, for example, “”.

The procedure of obtaining values for the “Access Key” and “Secret Access Key” system settings of this folder is explained when describing the procedure of signing up the application to social networks and Google.

Integration with message services

[Default message exchange library] (SysMsgLib) – sets the telephony integration library that is used by default. Type: lookup Default status:


The following settings are available in Service Creatio enterprise, Service Creatio customer center, Financial Services Creatio customer journey and CRM-bundles.

[1st-line support] (FirstSupportLine) – sets a user group that corresponds to the “1st-line support” value of the “Roles in the service team” lookup. Used in the incident management process in case of incident escalation. Type: lookup. Default value: “1st line of support”.

[2nd-line support] (SecondSupportLine) – sets a user group that corresponds to the “2nd line of support” value of the “Roles in the service team” lookup. Used in the incident management process in case of incident escalation. Type: lookup. Default value: “2nd line of support”.

[3rd-line support] (TrirdSupportLine) – sets a user group that corresponds to the “3rd line of support” value of the “Roles in the service team” lookup. Used in the incident management process in case of incident escalation. Type: lookup. Default value: “3rd line of support”.

[Create cases by junk emails] (CreateCasesFromJunkEmails) – determines whether to create cases by emails from the addresses and domains specified in the [Blacklist of email addresses and domains for case registration] lookup. Type: Boolean. Default value: “Switched of” (flag removed).

[Junk case default status] (JunkCaseDefaultStatus) – sets the default status for cases registered by emails and domains specified in the [Blacklist of email addresses and domains for case registration] lookup. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “Canceled”.

[Automatically create new contacts for unknown email addresses] (CreateNewContactsForUnknownEmailAddresses) – determines whether to create a new contact when registering a case from an unknown email. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True” (checkbox is checked).

[Number of waiting days to reevaluate resolved case] (FirstReevaluationWaitingDays) – after a case is resolved and case evaluation email is sent, Creatio will wait for case evaluation from the case client for the specified number of days before sending a second reminder. Type: integer. Default value: 1.

[Number of waiting days after second reminder of resolved case] (SecondReevaluationWaitingDays) – after sending a case evaluation email for the second time, Creatio will wait for the specified number of days before closing the case. Type: integer. Default value: 1.


Settings are available in Creatio lending and CRM bundle for bank products.

[Main participant role in application] (MainParticipantRole) – sets the role of a transaction participant specified in the [Client] field. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: Borrower.

[Main registration document type] (MainRegDocumentType) – sets the primary identity document for a contact. Type: lookup Default status: Default value: “National passport”.


Settings are available in Creatio enterprise and CRM-bundles.

[Check-in verification range] (CheckInRadius) – sets a distance that is the allowable discrepancy (in meters) between the coordinates of the employee and the actual coordinates of the check-in. Specified distance will be used for check-in verification.

[Use last known location of user] (UseMobileLastKnownLocation) – a system setting enabling a mobile device to use the latest cached employee’s location and save it as check-in location if the actual check-in coordinates are unknown. Type: Boolean. Default value: “True”.

Video tutorials

System settings and lookups


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