Access data directly


The back-end core components provide the following database access options:

  • access using the ORM model
  • direct access

We recommend using the ORM model to access data. That said, direct access to the database is also implemented in the back-end core components. Learn more about running database queries using the ORM model: Access data through ORM.

This article covers direct database queries.

Use the following classes to manage data directly:

  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select builds queries to retrieve records from the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert builds queries to add records to the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect builds queries to add records to the database table based on the results of the queries to retrieve records from the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Update builds queries to modify records in the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.UpdateSelect builds queries to modify records in the database table based on the results of the queries to retrieve records from the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Delete builds queries to delete records from the database table.
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBExecutor builds and runs complex database queries. For example, queries that contain several nested filters, various join combinations, etc.

Retrieve data from the database 

Use the following classes to retrieve data from the database:

  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select retrieves data by accessing the database directly.
  • Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery retrieves data using the ORM model. Learn more about running database queries using the Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery class: Access data through ORM.

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class is to build queries to select records from database tables. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build a SELECT query to the Creatio database. You can add icons, filters, and restriction conditions to the query.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class major features:

  • The resulting query does not apply the access permissions of the current user. The user can access every database table and record.
  • The resulting query does not use the cache repository data.

As result of the query, is an instance that implements the System.Data.IDataReader interface or a scalar value of the corresponding type.

If you need to build queries to select database records that apply the access permissions of the user and use the cache repository data, use the Terrasoft.Core.Entities.EntitySchemaQuery class.

Add data to the database 

Use the following classes to add data to the database:

  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect

Add data in bulk 

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert class is to build queries to add records to database tables. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build an INSERT query to the Creatio database.

As result of the query, is the number of records added using the query.

The class implements multiline insertion via the Values() method. After calling the Values() method, all subsequent Set() method calls fall into the new ColumnsValues instance. If the ColumnsValuesCollection collection contains more than one dataset, Creatio will build a query that includes several Values() blocks.

Multiline insertion example
new Insert(UserConnection)
    .Set("Column1", Column.Parameter(1))
    .Set("Column2", Column.Parameter(1))
    .Set("Column3", Column.Parameter(1))
    .Set("Column1", Column.Parameter(2))
    .Set("Column2", Column.Parameter(2))
    .Set("Column3", Column.Parameter(2))
    .Set("Column1", Column.Parameter(3))
    .Set("Column2", Column.Parameter(3))
    .Set("Column3", Column.Parameter(3))

As a result, Creatio will generate the SQL query.

SQL query
-- For Microsoft SQL or PostgreSQL
INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table] (Column1, Column2, Column3)
VALUES (1, 1, 1),
    (2, 2, 2),
    (3, 3, 3)
-- For Oracle
    into Table (column1, column2, column3) values (1, 1, 1)
    into Table (column1, column2, column3) values (2, 2, 2)
    into Table (column1, column2, column3) values (3, 3, 3)

The special aspects of multiline data insertion:

  • Microsoft SQL supports up to 2100 parameters when using Column.Parameter in the Set() expression.
  • If your query contains more parameters, the developer must divide the query into subqueries since Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert does not support this option.

    IEnumerable<IEnumerable<ImportEntity>> GetImportEntitiesChunks(IEnumerable<ImportEntity> entities, IEnumerable<ImportColumn> keyColumns) {
        var entitiesList = entities.ToList();
        var columnsList = keyColumns.ToList();
        var maxParamsPerChunk = Math.Abs(MaxParametersCountPerQueryChunk / columnsList.Count + 1);
        var chunksCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(entitiesList.Count / (double)maxParamsPerChunk);
        return entitiesList.SplitOnParts(chunksCount);
    var entitiesList = GetImportEntitiesChunks(entities, importColumns);
        .ForAll(entitiesBatch => {
            try {
                var insertQuery = GetBufferedImportEntityInsertQuery();
                foreach (var importEntity in entitiesBatch) {
                    SetBufferedImportEntityInsertColumnValues(importEntity, insertQuery,
                    insertQuery.Set("ImportSessionId", Column.Parameter(importSessionId));
            } catch (Exception e) {
  • The developer must confirm the column number matches the Set() condition number since Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert does not support this option. The mismatch will create an exception on the database level.

Add data from the selection 

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect class is to build queries to add records to the database tables based on the data of the queries to retrieve records from the database table. As such, the class uses the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class instance as a data source. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build an INSERT INTO SELECT query to the Creatio database.

The resulting query built using the Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect class does not apply the current user's access permissions to the corresponding records. The class uses the user connection only to access the database table.

As a result of the query, Creatio will add the records retrieved in the Select query to the database.

Modify the database data 

Use the following classes to modify the database data:

  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.Update
  • Terrasoft.Core.DB.UpdateSelect

Modify data in bulk 

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Update class is to build queries to modify records in the database tables. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build an UPDATE query to the Creatio database.

Modify data based on the selection 

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.UpdateSelect class is to build queries to modify records in the database tables based on the data of the queries to retrieve records from the database table. As such, the class uses the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class instance as a data source. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build an UPDATE FROM query to the Creatio database.

As a result of the query, Creatio will modify the records retrieved in the Select query in the database table.

Delete data from the database 

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Delete class deletes data from the database.

The purpose of the Terrasoft.Core.DB.Delete class is to build queries to delete records from the database tables. After you create and configure the class instance, Creatio will build a DELETE query to the Creatio database.

Use multithreading for database management 

Multithreading is the use of several parallel threads to send database queries via UserConnection.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBExecutor class supports multithreading. The class implements building and running several database queries in a single transaction. A single DBExecutor instance is available per user. The user cannot create new instances.

Multithreading may lead to synchronization issues related to transaction start and confirmation. The issue can occur even if you use the DBExecutor indirectly. For example, through EntitySchemaQuery.

If you use the Terrasoft.Core.DB.DBExecutor class, you must wrap the creation of the DBExecutor instance in the using operator. This is required since Creatio uses unmanaged resources to manage the database. You can also call the Dispose() method to free up resources. Learn more about using the using operator in the official Microsoft documentation.

Call the dbExecutor.StartTransaction method to start the transaction. Call dbExecutor.CommitTransaction or dbExecutor.RollbackTransaction to end the transaction. If the execution goes beyond the scope of the using block and you do not call the dbExecutor.CommitTransaction method, the transaction will roll back automatically.

Attention. If you run several queries in a single transaction, pass dbExecutor to Execute, ExecuteReader, ExecuteScalar methods.

View the source code snippets that use DBExecutor below. Do not call the methods of the DBExecutor instance in parallel threads.

/* Start using the DBExecutor instance in the main thread. */
using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
var select = (Select)new Select(UserConnection)
/* Continue using the DBExecutor instance in the main thread. */
using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
    using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor)) {
        while (dataReader.Read()) {
/* Create a parallel thread. */
var task = new Task(() => {

    // Start using the DBExecutor instance in a parallel thread.
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {

/* Run an asynchronous task in the parallel thread. Continue executing the program in the main thread. */
var select = (Select)new Select(UserConnection)

/* If you use the DBExecutor instance in the main thread, this will lead to an error since the parallel thread is already using the DBExecutor instance. */
using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection()) {
    using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor)) {
        while (dataReader.Read()) {
Retrieve data from the database

Note. The examples in this article are also implemented in the web service. The package that contains the web service implementation is attached in the Resources block.

The CreateJson method processes query results in the examples. View the method below.

CreateJson method
private string CreateJson(IDataReader dataReader)
    var list = new List<dynamic>();
    var cnt = dataReader.FieldCount;
    var fields = new List<string>();
    for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++)
    while (dataReader.Read())
        dynamic exo = new System.Dynamic.ExpandoObject();
        foreach (var field in fields)
            ((IDictionary<String, Object>)exo).Add(field, dataReader.GetColumnValue(field));
    return JsonConvert.SerializeObject(list);

Example 1 

Example. Select a number of records from the needed table (object schema).

SelectColumns method
public string SelectColumns(string tableName, int top)
    top = top > 0 ? top : 1;
    var result = "{}";
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 2 

Example. Select the IDs, names, and birth dates of contacts whose birth dates are later than the required year.

SelectContactsYoungerThan method
public string SelectContactsYoungerThan(string birthYear)
    var result = "{}";
    var year = DateTime.ParseExact(birthYear, "yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
            as Select;
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 3 

Example. Select the IDs, names, and birth dates of contacts whose birth dates are later than the specified year and who have the account specified.

SelectContactsYoungerThanAndHasAccountId method
public string SelectContactsYoungerThanAndHasAccountId(string birthYear)
    var result = "{}";
    var year = DateTime.ParseExact(birthYear, "yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
            as Select;
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 4 

Example. Select the IDs and names of all contacts by joining them to the IDs and names of the corresponding accounts.

SelectContactsJoinAccount method
public string SelectContactsJoinAccount()
    var result = "{}";
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
            .Column("Contact", "Id").As("ContactId")
            .Column("Contact", "Name").As("ContactName")
            .Column("Account", "Id").As("AccountId")
            .Column("Account", "Name").As("AccountName")
        .Join(JoinType.Inner, "Account")
            .On("Contact", "Id").IsEqual("Account", "PrimaryContactId")
            as Select;
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 5 

Example. Select the IDs and names of the primary account contacts.

SelectAccountPrimaryContacts method
public string SelectAccountPrimaryContacts()
    var result = "{}";
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
            .Exists(new Select(UserConnection)
                            .Column("A", "PrimaryContactId")
                        .Where("A", "PrimaryContactId").IsEqual("C", "Id"))
            as Select;
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 6 

Example. Select the countries and the number of cities in a country if such number is greater than the specified number.

SelectCountriesWithCitiesCount method
public string SelectCountriesWithCitiesCount(int count)
    var result = "{}";
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
            .Column(Func.Count("City", "Id")).As("CitiesCount")
            .Column("Country", "Name").As("CountryName")
        .Join(JoinType.Inner, "Country")
            .On("City", "CountryId").IsEqual("Country", "Id")
        .GroupBy("Country", "Name")
        .Having(Func.Count("City", "Id")).IsGreater(Column.Parameter(count))
            as Select;
    using (DBExecutor dbExecutor = UserConnection.EnsureDBConnection())
        using (IDataReader dataReader = select.ExecuteReader(dbExecutor))
            result = CreateJson(dataReader);
    return result;

Example 7 

Example. Retrieve the ID of the contact by their name.

SelectCountryIdByCityName method
public string SelectCountryIdByCityName(string CityName)
    var result = "";
    var select = new Select(UserConnection)
        .Where("Name").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(CityName)) as Select;
    result = select.ExecuteScalar<Guid>().ToString();
    return result;
Add data to the database

Note. The examples in this article are also implemented in the web service. The package that contains the web service implementation is attached in the Resources block.

Example 1 

Example. Add the contact that has the specified name.

InsertContact method
public string InsertContact(string contactName)
    contactName = contactName ?? "Unknown contact";
    var ins = new Insert(UserConnection)
        .Set("Name", Column.Parameter(contactName));
    var affectedRows = ins.Execute();
    var result = $"Inserted new contact with name '{contactName}'. {affectedRows} rows affected";
    return result;

Example 2 

Example. Add the city that has the specified name and connect it to the specified country.

InsertCity method
public string InsertCity(string city, string country)
    city = city ?? "unknown city";
    country = country ?? "unknown country";

    var ins = new Insert(UserConnection)
        .Set("Name", Column.Parameter(city))
            new Select(UserConnection)
    var affectedRows = ins.Execute();
    var result = $"Inserted new city with name '{city}' located in '{country}'. {affectedRows} rows affected";
    return result;
Add data to the database using subqueries

Note. The examples in this article are also implemented in the web service. The package that contains the web service implementation is attached in the Resources block.

Example 1 

Example. Add the contact that has the specified name and account.

InsertContactWithAccount method
public string InsertContactWithAccount(string contactName, string accountName)
    contactName = contactName ?? "Unknown contact";
    accountName = accountName ?? "Unknown account";
    var id = Guid.NewGuid();
    var selectQuery = new Select(UserConnection)
        .Where("Name").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(accountName)) as Select;
    var insertSelectQuery = new InsertSelect(UserConnection)
        .Set("Name", "AccountId")

    var affectedRows = insertSelectQuery.Execute();
    var result = $"Inserted new contact with name '{contactName}'" +
                $" and account '{accountName}'." +
                $" Affected {affectedRows} rows.";
    return result;

Example 2 

Example. Add the contact that has the specified name and bind it to all accounts

InsertAllAccountsContact method
public string InsertAllAccountsContact(string contactName)
    contactName = contactName ?? "Unknown contact";

    var id = Guid.NewGuid();
    var insertSelectQuery = new InsertSelect(UserConnection)
        .Set("Name", "AccountId")
            new Select(UserConnection)
                .From("Account") as Select);

    var affectedRows = insertSelectQuery.Execute();
    var result = $"Inserted {affectedRows} new contacts with name '{contactName}'";
    return result;
Modify data in the database

Note. The examples in this article are also implemented in the web service. The package that contains the web service implementation is attached in the Resources block.

In most cases, a modification query must contain the Where condition, which specifies the exact records to modify. If you do not specify the Where condition, Creatio will modify all records.

Example 1 

Example. Change the contact name.

ChangeContactName method
public string ChangeContactName(string oldName, string newName)
    var update = new Update(UserConnection, "Contact")
        .Set("Name", Column.Parameter(newName))
        .Where ("Name").IsEqual(Column.Parameter(oldName));
    var cnt = update.Execute();
    return $"Contacts {oldName} changed to {newName}. {cnt} rows affected.";

Example 2 

Example. Change the user that modified the contact record to the specified user for all existing contacts.

ChangeAllContactModifiedBy method
public string ChangeAllContactModifiedBy(string Name)
    var update = new Update(UserConnection, "Contact")
            new Select(UserConnection).Top(1)
    var cnt = update.Execute();
    return $"All contacts are changed by {Name} now. {cnt} rows affected.";

The Where condition refers to the Select query. The Update query does not contain the Where condition since the goal is to modify all records.

Delete data from the database

Note. The examples in this article are also implemented in the web service. The package that contains the web service implementation is attached in the Resources block.

In most cases, a deletion query must contain the Where condition, which specifies the exact records to delete. If you do not specify the Where condition, Creatio will delete all records.


Example. Delete the contact that has the specified name.

DeleteContacts method
public string DeleteContacts(string name)
    var delete = new Delete(UserConnection)
    var cnt = delete.Execute();
    return $"Contacts with name {name} were deleted. {cnt} rows affected";
Select class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.UpdateSelect class builds queries to select records in a Creatio database table. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of this class, Creatio will build a SELECT SQL query. You can add columns, filters, and restriction conditions to the query. The query results are returned as an instance that implements the System.Data.IDataReader interface or as a scalar value of the needed type.

Attention. When working with the Select class, Creatio does not apply the current user permissions. All Creatio database records are available. Creatio does not use the data in the cache repository as well. If you need additional Creatio permissions and cache repository management options, use the EntitySchemaQuery class.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the Select class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library.


Select(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance with the specified UserConnection parameter.

Select(UserConnection userConnection, CancellationToken cancellationToken)

Creates a class instance with the specified UserConnection parameter and the cancellation token for managed threads.

Select(Select source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

RowCount int

The number of records to return after the execution.

Parameters Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryParameterCollection

The query parameter collection.

HasParameters bool

Whether the query has parameters.

BuildParametersAsValue bool

Whether to add the query parameters to the query text as values.

Joins Terrasoft.Core.DB.JoinCollection

The collection of Join query expressions.

HasJoins bool

Whether the query has Join expressions.

Condition Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryCondition

The Where condition of the query.

HasCondition bool

Whether the query has the Where expression.

HavingCondition Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryCondition

The Having condition of the query.

HasHavingCondition bool

Whether the query has the Having expression.

OrderByItems Terrasoft.Core.DB.OrderByItemCollection

The collection of expressions by which to sort the query results.

HasOrderByItems bool

Whether the query has order expressions.

GroupByItems Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryColumnExpressionCollection

The collection of expressions by which to group the query results.

HasGroupByItems bool

Whether the query has grouping expressions.

IsDistinct bool

Whether to return only the distinct records.

Columns Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryColumnExpressionCollection

The collection of query column expressions.

OffsetFetchPaging bool

Whether to paginate the query results.

RowsOffset int

The number of rows to skip when returning the query result.

QueryKind Terrasoft.Common.QueryKind

The query type.


void ResetCachedSqlText()

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

void ResetParameters()

Clears the query parameter collection.

QueryParameterCollection InitializeParameters()

Initializes the query parameter collection.

IDataReader ExecuteReader(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the object that implements the IDataReader interface.

dbExecutor The DBExecutor instance required to run the query.
IDataReader ExecuteReader(DBExecutor dbExecutor, CommandBehavior behavior)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the object that implements the IDataReader interface.

behavior Describes the query results and how they affect the database.
dbExecutor The DBExecutor instance required to run the query.
void ExecuteReader(ExecuteReaderReadMethod readMethod)

Executes the query by calling the passed ExecuteReaderReadMethod delegate method for every record of the resulting set.

readMethod The ExecuteReaderReadMethod delegate method.
TResult ExecuteScalar<TResult>()

Executes the query. Returns the typed first column of the first record in the resulting set.

TResult ExecuteScalar<TResult>(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the typed first column of the first record in the resulting set.

dbExecutor The DBExecutor instance required to run the query.
Select Distinct()

Adds the DISTINCT keyword to the SQL query. Excludes record duplicates from the resulting set. Returns the query instance.

Select Top(int rowCount)

Sets the number of records to return in the resulting set. Also changes the RowCount property value. Returns the query instance.

rowCount The number of first records in the resulting set.
Select As(string alias)

Adds the last query expression alias specified in the argument. Returns the query instance.

alias The query expression alias.
Select Column(string sourceColumnAlias)
Select Column(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
Select Column(Select subSelect)
Select Column(Query subSelectQuery)
Select Column(QueryCase queryCase)
Select Column(QueryParameter queryParameter)
Select Column(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Adds an expression, a subquery, or a parameter to the column expression collection of the query. Returns the query instance.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the column for which to add the expression.
sourceAlias The alias of the source from which to add the column expression.
subSelect The added data selection subquery.
subSelectQuery The added subquery.
queryCase The added expression for the Case operator.
queryParameter The added query parameter.
columnExpression The expression for whose results to add the condition.
Select From(string schemaName)
Select From(Select subSelect)
Select From(Query subSelectQuery)
Select From(QuerySourceExpression sourceExpression)

Adds the data source to the query. Returns the query instance.

schemaName The schema name.
subSelect The selection subquery whose results become the data source for the current query.
subSelectQuery The subquery whose results become the data source for the current query.
sourceExpression The expression of the query data source.
Join Join(JoinType joinType, string schemaName)
Join Join(JoinType joinType, Select subSelect)
Join Join(JoinType joinType, Query subSelectQuery)
Join Join(JoinType joinType, QuerySourceExpression sourceExpression)

Joins a schema, a subquery, or an expression to the current query.

joinType The join type.
schemaName The joinable schema name.
subSelect The joinable data selection subquery.
subSelectQuery The joinable subquery.
sourceExpression The joinable expression.
Available values (Terrasoft.Core.DB.JoinType)
Inner Inner join.
LeftOuter Left outer join.
RightOuter Right outer join.
FullOuter Full join.
Cross Cross join.
QueryCondition Where()
QueryCondition Where(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Where(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Where(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Where(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the initial condition to the current query.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the schema for which to add the condition.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery for whose results to add the condition.
subSelectQuery The subquery for whose results to add the condition.
columnExpression The expression for whose results to add the condition.
condition The query condition.
QueryCondition And()
QueryCondition And(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition And(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition And(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition And(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query And(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the AND logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema for which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter for which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
QueryCondition Or()
QueryCondition Or(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Or(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Or(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition Or(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Or(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the OR logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema for which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data select subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter for which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, QueryFunction queryFunction)
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, Select subSelect)
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, Query subSelectQuery)
Query OrderBy(OrderDirectionStrict direction, QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Sorts the query results. Returns the query instance.

direction The sorting order.
sourceColumnAlias The alias of the column by which to sort the results.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
queryFunction The function whose value serves as the sorting key.
subSelect The select subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
subSelectQuery The subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
columnExpression The expression whose results serve as the sorting key.
Query OrderByAsc(string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderByAsc(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderByAsc(Select subSelect)
Query OrderByAsc(Query subSelectQuery)
Query OrderByAsc(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Sorts query results in the ascending order. Returns the query instance.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the column by which to sort the results.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The select subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
subSelectQuery The subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
columnExpression The expression whose results serve as the sorting key.
Query OrderByDesc(string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderByDesc(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
Query OrderByDesc(Select subSelect)
Query OrderByDesc(Query subSelectQuery)
Query OrderByDesc(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Sorts query results in descending order. Returns the query instance.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the column by which to sort the results.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The select subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
subSelectQuery The subquery whose results serve as the sorting key.
columnExpression The expression whose results serve as the sorting key.
Query GroupBy(string sourceColumnAlias)
Query GroupBy(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
Query GroupBy(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Groups the query results. Returns the query instance.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the column by which to group the results.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
columnExpression The expression whose results serve as the grouping key.
QueryCondition Having()
QueryCondition Having(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Having(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Having(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Having(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Having(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition Having(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Adds the group condition to the current query. Returns the Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryCondition instance that represents the group condition for the query parameter.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the column by which to add the group condition.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The select subquery for whose results to add the group condition.
subSelectQuery The subquery for whose results to add the group condition.
parameter The query parameter to add the group condition.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
Query Union(Select unionSelect)
Query Union(Query unionSelectQuery)

Merges the results of the passed query with the results of the current query. Excludes duplicates from the resulting set.

unionSelect The selection subquery.
unionSelectQuery The subquery.
Query UnionAll(Select unionSelect)
Query UnionAll(Query unionSelectQuery)

Merges the results of the passed query with the results of the current query. Does not exclude duplicates from the resulting set.

unionSelect The selection subquery.
unionSelectQuery Subquery.
Insert class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Insert class builds queries to add records to Creatio database tables. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of this class, Creatio will build an INSERT SQL query. The query returns the number of records involved.

Attention. When working with the Insert class, Creatio does not apply the default access permissions to the added records. The class uses the user connection only to access the database table.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the Insert class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


Entity(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a new Entity class instance for the set UserConnection user connection.

Insert(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance with the specified UserConnection.

Insert(Insert source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

Source Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQuerySource

The data source.

Parameters Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryParameterCollection

The query parameter collection.

HasParameters bool

Whether the query has parameters.

BuildParametersAsValue bool

Whether to add the query parameters to the query text as values.

ColumnValues Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQueryColumnValueCollection

The collection of query column values.

ColumnValuesCollection List<ModifyQueryColumnValueCollection>

The collection of column values required to add records in bulk.


void ResetCachedSqlText()

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

void ResetParameters()

Clears the query parameter collection.

void SetParameterValue(string name, object value)

Sets the value of the query parameter

name The parameter name.
value The value.
void InitializeParameters()

Initializes the query parameter collection.

int Execute()

Executes the query. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

int Execute(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the number of records that the query processed.

Insert Into(string schemaName)
Insert Into(ModifyQuerySource source)

Adds a data source to the current query.

schemaName The schema name.
source The data source.
Insert Set(string sourceColumnAlias, Select subSelect)
Insert Set(string sourceColumnAlias, Query subSelectQuery)
Insert Set(string sourceColumnAlias, QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Insert Set(string sourceColumnAlias, QueryParameter parameter)

Adds a SET clause to the current query. Required to assign the passed expression or parameter to the column. Returns the current Insert instance.

sourceColumnAlias The column alias.
subSelect The select subquery.
subSelectQuery The subquery.
columnExpression The column expression.
parameter The query parameter.
Insert Values()

Initializes the values required to add records in bulk.

InsertSelect class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect class builds queries to add records to Creatio database tables. The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class instance serves as a data source. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of Terrasoft.Core.DB.InsertSelect, Creatio will build an INSERT INTO SELECT SQL query.

Attention. When working with the InsertSelect class, Creatio does not apply the default access permissions to the added records. Moreover, Creatio does not apply any permissions to such records, including object operation permissions, record permissions, column permissions. The class uses the user connection only to access the database table.

Note. As a result of an InsertSelect query, Creatio will add all records returned in the Select subquery to the database.


InsertSelect(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance with the specified UserConnection.

InsertSelect(InsertSelect source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

Source Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQuerySource

The data source.

Parameters Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryParameterCollection

The query parameter collection.

HasParameters bool

Whether the query has parameters.

BuildParametersAsValue bool

Whether to add the query parameters to the query text as values.

Columns Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQueryColumnValueCollection

The collection of query column values.

Select Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select instance that the query uses.


void ResetCachedSqlText()

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

void ResetParameters()

Clears the query parameter collection.

void SetParameterValue(string name, object value)

Sets the value of the query parameter

name The parameter name.
value The value.
void InitializeParameters()

Initializes the query parameter collection.

int Execute()

Executes the query. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

int Execute(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

InsertSelect Into(string schemaName)
InsertSelect Into(ModifyQuerySource source)

Adds the data source to the current query.

schemaName The schema name.
source The data source.
InsertSelect Set(IEnumerable<string> sourceColumnAliases)
InsertSelect Set(params string[] sourceColumnAliases)
InsertSelect Set(IEnumerable<ModifyQueryColumn> columns)
InsertSelect Set(params ModifyQueryColumn[] columns)

Adds a set of columns to the current query. The subquery assigns values to the columns. Returns the current InsertSelect instance.

sourceColumnAliases A method parameter collection or array, which contains the column aliases.
Columns A method parameter collection or array, which contains the column instances.
InsertSelect FromSelect(Select subSelect)
InsertSelect FromSelect(Query subSelectQuery)

Adds the SELECT clause to the current query.

subSelect The select subquery.
subSelectQuery The subquery.
Update class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Update class builds queries to modify records in Creatio database tables. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of this class, Creatio will build an UPDATE SQL query.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the Update class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


Update(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance using UserConnection.

Update(UserConnection userConnection, string schemaName)

Creates a class instance for the specified schema using UserConnection.

Update(UserConnection userConnection, ModifyQuerySource source)

Creates a class instance for the specified data source using UserConnection.

Update(Insert source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

Condition Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryCondition

The Where condition of the query.

HasCondition bool

Whether the query has a Where expression.

Source Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQuerySource

The query data source.

ColumnValues Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQueryColumnValueCollection

The collection of query column values.


void ResetCachedSqlText()

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

int Execute()

Executes the query. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

int Execute(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the number of records that the query processed.

QueryCondition Where()
QueryCondition Where(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Where(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Where(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Where(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the initial condition to the current query.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the schema to which to add the condition.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery to whose results to add the condition.
subSelectQuery The subquery to whose results to add the condition.
columnExpression The expression to whose results to add the condition.
Condition The query condition.
QueryCondition And()
QueryCondition And(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition And(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition And(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition And(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query And(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the AND logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema to which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter to which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
QueryCondition Or()
QueryCondition Or(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Or(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Or(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition Or(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Or(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the OR logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema to which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data select subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter to which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
Update Set(string sourceColumnAlias, Select subSelect)
Update Set(string sourceColumnAlias, Query subSelectQuery)
Update Set(string sourceColumnAlias, QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Update Set(string sourceColumnAlias, QueryParameter parameter)

Adds a SET clause to the current query. Required to assign the passed expression or parameter to the column. Returns the current Update instance.

sourceColumnAlias The column alias.
subSelect The select subquery.
subSelectQuery The subquery.
columnExpression The column expression.
parameter The query parameter.
UpdateSelect class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.UpdateSelect class builds queries to modify records in a Creatio database table. The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Select class instance serves as a data source. As a result of creating and configuring the instance of the UpdateSelect class, Creatio will build an UPDATE FROM SQL query.


public UpdateSelect(UserConnection userConnection, string schemaName, string alias)

Creates a class instance for the specified schema using UserConnection.

userConnection User connection that the query uses.
schemaName Schema name.
alias Table alias.


SourceAlias string

Alias of the data table to modify.

SourceExpression Terrasoft.Core.DB.QuerySourceExpression

SELECT query expression.


public UpdateSelect From(string schemaName, string alias)

Adds the FROM expression to the query.

schemaName Name of the table to modify.
alias Alias of the table to modify.
public UpdateSelect Set(string sourceColumnAlias, QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)

Adds the SET column expression to the query.

sourceColumnAlias Column alias.
columnExpression Expression that contains the column value.
Delete class

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.Delete class builds queries to delete records from Creatio database tables. As a result of creating and configuring an instance of this class, Creatio will build a DELETE SQL query.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the Delete class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


Delete(UserConnection userConnection)

Creates a class instance using UserConnection.

Delete(Delete source)

Creates a class instance that is a clone of the instance passed as the argument.


UserConnection Terrasoft.Core.UserConnection

The user connection that the query uses.

Condition Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryCondition

The Where condition of the query.

HasCondition bool

Whether the query has a Where expression.

Source Terrasoft.Core.DB.ModifyQuerySource

The query data source.


void ResetCachedSqlText()

Clears the cached query text.

QueryParameterCollection GetUsingParameters()

Returns the parameter collection that the query uses.

int Execute()

Executes the query. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

int Execute(DBExecutor dbExecutor)

Executes the query using the DBExecutor instance. Returns the number of records that the query involved.

QueryCondition Where()
QueryCondition Where(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Where(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Where(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Where(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Where(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the initial condition to the current query.

sourceColumnAlias The alias of the schema to which to add the condition.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery to whose results to add the condition.
subSelectQuery The subquery to whose results to add the condition.
columnExpression The expression to whose results to add the condition.
condition The query condition.
QueryCondition And()
QueryCondition And(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition And(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition And(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition And(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition And(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query And(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the AND logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema to which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data selection subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter to which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
QueryCondition Or()
QueryCondition Or(string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(string sourceAlias, string sourceColumnAlias)
QueryCondition Or(Select subSelect)
QueryCondition Or(Query subSelectQuery)
QueryCondition Or(QueryParameter parameter)
QueryCondition Or(QueryColumnExpression columnExpression)
Query Or(QueryCondition condition)

Adds the condition (predicate) to the current query condition using the OR logical operation.

sourceColumnAlias The name of the schema to which to add the predicate.
sourceAlias The alias of the source.
subSelect The data select subquery that serves as a predicate.
subSelectQuery The subquery that serves as a predicate
parameter The parameter to which to add the predicate.
columnExpression The expression that serves as a predicate.
condition The query condition.
Delete From(string schemaName)
Delete From((ModifyQuerySource source)

Adds the data source to the current query. Returns the current Delete instance.

schemaName The schema name (tables, views).
source The data source.
QueryFunction class

The Terrasoft.Core.DB.QueryFunction class implements the expression function.

The following classes implement the expression function:

  • QueryFunction. The base class of the expression function.
  • AggregationQueryFunction. Implements the aggregate expression function.
  • IsNullQueryFunction. Replaces null values with the replacing expression.
  • CreateGuidQueryFunction. Implements the expression function for a new ID.
  • CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction. Implements the expression function for the current date and time.
  • CoalesceQueryFunction. Returns the first non-null expression from the argument list.
  • DatePartQueryFunction. Implements the expression function for a part of a Date/Time type value.
  • DateAddQueryFunction. Implements the expression function for the date, calculated by adding the period to the date.
  • DateDiffQueryFunction. Implements the expression function for the difference between the dates, calculated by subtracting the dates.
  • CastQueryFunction. Casts the argument expression to the specified data type.
  • UpperQueryFunction. Converts the argument expression characters to uppercase.
  • CustomQueryFunction. Implements a custom function.
  • DataLengthQueryFunction. Calculates bytes used to represent the expression.
  • TrimQueryFunction. Removes whitespaces from both ends of the expression.
  • LengthQueryFunction. Returns the expression length.
  • SubstringQueryFunction. Retrieves a part of the string.
  • ConcatQueryFunction. Creates a string by merging the string arguments of the function.
  • WindowQueryFunction. Implements an SQL window function.

QueryFunction class 

The Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The base class of the expression function.

Note. View the entire list of methods of the QueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


static QueryColumnExpression Negate(QueryFunction operand)

Returns the expression that negates the value of the passed function.

operand The expression function.
static QueryColumnExpression operator -(QueryFunction operand)

Overloads the operator that negates the passed expression function.

operand The expression function.
static QueryColumnExpression Add(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Returns the expression that adds the passed expression functions.

leftOperand The left operand in the addition operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the addition operation.
static QueryColumnExpression operator +(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Overloads the operator that adds two expression functions.

leftOperand The left operand in the addition operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the addition operation.
static QueryColumnExpression Subtract(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Returns the expression that subtracts the right expression function from the left function.

leftOperand The left operand in the subtraction operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the subtraction operation.
static QueryColumnExpression operator -(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Overloads the operator that subtracts the right expression function from the left function.

leftOperand The left operand in the subtraction operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the subtraction operation.
static QueryColumnExpression Multiply(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Returns the expression that multiplies the passed expression functions.

leftOperand The left operand in the multiplication operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the multiplication operation.
static QueryColumnExpression operator *(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Overloads the operator that multiplies two expression functions.

leftOperand The left operand in the multiplication operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the multiplication operation.
static QueryColumnExpression Divide(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Returns the expression that divides the left expression function by the right function.

leftOperand The left operand in the division operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the division operation.
static QueryColumnExpression operator /(QueryFunction leftOperand, QueryFunction rightOperand)

Overloads the operator that divides the expression functions.

leftOperand The left operand in the division operation.
rightOperand The right operand in the division operation.
abstract object Clone()

Makes a copy of the current QueryFunction instance.

abstract void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the passed StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
virtual void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
QueryColumnExpressionCollection GetQueryColumnExpressions()

Returns the collection of query column expressions for the current query function.

QueryColumnExpression GetQueryColumnExpression()

Returns the query column expression for the current query function.

AggregationQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the aggregate expression function.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the AggregationQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new AggregationQueryFunction instance.

AggregationQueryFunction(AggregationTypeStrict aggregationType, QueryColumnExpression expression)

Initializes a new AggregationQueryFunction instance with the specified type of the aggregate function for the specified column expression.

aggregationType The aggregate function type.
expression The column expression to apply the aggregate function.
AggregationQueryFunction(AggregationTypeStrict aggregationType, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a new AggregationQueryFunction instance with the specified type of the aggregate function for the column expression.

aggregationType The aggregate function type.
expression The column expression to apply the aggregate function.
AggregationQueryFunction(AggregationQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new AggregationQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed aggregate expression function.

source The aggregate function of the AggregationQueryFunction expression to clone.


AggregationType AggregationTypeStrict

The aggregate function type.

AggregationEvalType AggregationEvalType

The aggregate function scope.

Expression QueryColumnExpression

The function argument expression.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current AggregationQueryFunction instance.

AggregationQueryFunction All()

Sets the To All Values scope for the current aggregate function.

AggregationQueryFunction Distinct()

Sets the To Unique Values scope for the current aggregate function.

IsNullQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class replaces null values with the replacing expression.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the IsNullQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new IsNullQueryFunction instance.

IsNullQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression checkExpression, QueryColumnExpression replacementExpression)
IsNullQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible checkExpression, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible replacementExpression)

Initializes a new IsNullQueryFunction instance for the check expression and the replacing expression.

checkExpression The expression to compare to null.
replacementExpression The expression the function returns if checkExpression is null.
IsNullQueryFunction(IsNullQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new IsNullQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed expression function.

source The aggregate function of the IsNullQueryFunction expression to clone.


CheckExpression QueryColumnExpression

The function argument expression to compare to null.

ReplacementExpression QueryColumnExpression

The function argument expression to return if the check expression is null.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current IsNullQueryFunction instance

CreateGuidQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the expression function for a new ID.

Note. View the entire list of methods of the CreateGuidQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new CreateGuidQueryFunction instance.

CreateGuidQueryFunction(CreateGuidQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new CreateGuidQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The CreateGuidQueryFunction function to clone.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override object Clone()

Clones the current CreateGuidQueryFunction instance.

CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction class 

The Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the expression function for the current date and time.

Note. View the entire list of methods of the CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction instance.

CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction(CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction function to clone.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current CurrentDateTimeQueryFunction instance.

CoalesceQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class returns the first non-null expression from the argument list.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the CoalesceQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new CoalesceQueryFunction instance.

CoalesceQueryFunction(CoalesceQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new CoalesceQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The CoalesceQueryFunction function to clone.
CoalesceQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpressionCollection expressions)

Initializes a new CoalesceQueryFunction instance for the passed collection of column expressions.

expressions The collection of query column expressions.
CoalesceQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression[] expressions)
CoalesceQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible[] expressions)

Initializes a new CoalesceQueryFunction instance for the passed array of column expressions.

expressions The array of query column expressions.


Expressions QueryColumnExpressionCollection

The collection of function argument expressions.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current CoalesceQueryFunction instance.

override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.

DatePartQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the expression function for a part of a Date/Time type value.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the DatePartQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the DatePartQueryFunction class.

DatePartQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunctionInterval interval, QueryColumnExpression expression)
DatePartQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunctionInterval interval, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a new DatePartQueryFunction instance with the set expression of the Date/Time type column and the specified date part.

interval The date part.
expression The expression of the Date/Time type column.
DatePartQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new DatePartQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The DatePartQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the function argument.

Interval DatePartQueryFunctionInterval

The date part that the function returns.

UseUtcOffset bool

Whether to use the Universal Coordinated Time (UTC) offset relative to the set local time.

UtcOffset int?

The UTC offset.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current DatePartQueryFunction instance.

DateAddQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the expression function for the date, calculated by adding the period to the date.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the DateAddQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the DateAddQueryFunction class.

DateAddQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunctionInterval interval, int number, QueryColumnExpression expression)
DateAddQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunctionInterval interval, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible numberExpression, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)
DateAddQueryFunction(DatePartQueryFunctionInterval interval, int number, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a DateAddQueryFunction instance with the specified parameters.

interval The date part to add the period.
number The value to add to interval.
expression The expression of the column that contains the original date.
DateAddQueryFunction(DateAddQueryFunction source)

Initializes a DateAddQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The instance of the DateAddQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the column that contains the original date.

Interval DatePartQueryFunctionInterval

The date part to add the period.

Number int

The period to add.

NumberExpression QueryColumnExpression

The expression that contains the period to add.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current DateAddQueryFunction instance.

DateDiffQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements the expression function for the difference between the dates, calculated by subtraction.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the DateDiffQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


DateDiffQueryFunction(DateDiffQueryFunctionInterval interval, QueryColumnExpression startDateExpression, QueryColumnExpression endDateExpression)
DateDiffQueryFunction(DateDiffQueryFunctionInterval interval, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible startDateExpression, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible endDateExpression)

Initializes a DateDiffQueryFunction instance with the specified parameters.

interval The date interval unit.
startDateExpression The expression of the column that contains the start date.
endDateExpression The expression of the column that contains the end date.
DateDiffQueryFunction(DateDiffQueryFunction source)

Initializes a DateDiffQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The instance of the DateDiffQueryFunction to clone.


StartDateExpression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the column that contains the start date.

EndDateExpression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the column that contains the end date.

Interval DateDiffQueryFunctionInterval

The date difference’s measurement unit that the function returns.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current DateDiffQueryFunction instance.

CastQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class casts the argument expression to the specified data type.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the CastQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


CastQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression, DBDataValueType castType)
CastQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression, DBDataValueType castType)

Initializes a new CastQueryFunction instance with the specified column expression and target data type.

expression The query column expression.
castType The target data type.
CastQueryFunction(CastQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new CastQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The CastQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the function argument.

CastType DBDataValueType

The target data type.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current CastQueryFunction instance.

UpperQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class converts the argument expression characters to uppercase.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the UpperQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the UpperQueryFunction class.

UpperQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression)
UpperQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a new UpperQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression.

expression The query column expression.
UpperQueryFunction(UpperQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new UpperQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The UpperQueryFunction function to clone.



The expression of the function argument.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current UpperQueryFunction instance.

CustomQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements a custom function.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the CustomQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the CustomQueryFunction class.

CustomQueryFunction(string functionName, QueryColumnExpressionCollection expressions)

Initializes a new CustomQueryFunction instance for the specified function and passed collection of column expressions.

functionName The name of the function.
expressions The collection of query column expressions.
CustomQueryFunction(string functionName, QueryColumnExpression[] expressions)
CustomQueryFunction(string functionName, IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible[] expressions)

Initializes a new CustomQueryFunction instance for the specified function and passed array of column expressions.

functionName The name of the function.
expressions The array of query column expressions.
CustomQueryFunction(CustomQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new CustomQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The CustomQueryFunction function to clone.


Expressions QueryColumnExpressionCollection

The collection of function argument expressions.

FunctionName string

The name of the function.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the specified parameters to the collection.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current CustomQueryFunction instance.

DataLengthQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class calculates bytes used to represent the expression.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the DataLengthQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the DataLengthQueryFunction class.

DataLengthQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression)

Initializes a new DataLengthQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression.

expression The query column expression.
DataLengthQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible columnNameExpression)

Initializes a new DataLengthQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression.

columnNameExpression The query column expression.
DataLengthQueryFunction(DataLengthQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new DataLengthQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The DataLengthQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The function argument expression.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current DataLengthQueryFunction instance.

TrimQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class removes whitespaces from both ends of the expression.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the TrimQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


TrimQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression)
TrimQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a new TrimQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression.

expression The query column expression.
TrimQueryFunction(TrimQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new TrimQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The TrimQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the function argument.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current TrimQueryFunction instance.

LengthQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class returns the length of the expression.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the LengthQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.



Initializes a new instance of the LengthQueryFunction class.

LengthQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression)
LengthQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression)

Initializes a new LengthQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression.

expression The query column expression.
LengthQueryFunction(LengthQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new LengthQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The LengthQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The function argument expression.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current LengthQueryFunction instance.

SubstringQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class retrieves a part of the string.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the SubstringQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


SubstringQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpression expression, int start, int length)
SubstringQueryFunction(IQueryColumnExpressionConvertible expression, int start, int length)

Initializes a new SubstringQueryFunction instance for the specified column expression, starting position and the substring length.

expression The query column expression.
start The starting position of the substring.
length The length of the substring.
SubstringQueryFunction(SubstringQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new SubstringQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The SubstringQueryFunction function to clone.


Expression QueryColumnExpression

The expression of the function argument.

StartExpression QueryColumnExpression

The starting position of the substring.

LengthExpression QueryColumnExpression

The length of the substring.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current SubstringQueryFunction instance.

ConcatQueryFunction class 

Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class creates a string by merging the string arguments of the function.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the ConcatQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


ConcatQueryFunction(QueryColumnExpressionCollection expressions)

Initializes a new ConcatQueryFunction instance for the passed expression collection.

expressions The collection of query column expressions.
ConcatQueryFunction(ConcatQueryFunction source)

Initializes a new ConcatQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The ConcatQueryFunction function to clone.


Expressions QueryColumnExpressionCollection

The collection of function argument expressions.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current ConcatQueryFunction instance.

WindowQueryFunction class 

The Terrasoft.Core.DB namespace.

The class implements an SQL window function.

Note. View the entire list of methods and properties of the WindowQueryFunction class, its parent classes, as well as the interfaces it implements, in the .NET class library documentation.


WindowQueryFunction(QueryFunction innerFunction)

Implements an SQL window function.

innerFunction The nested function.
WindowQueryFunction(QueryFunction innerFunction, QueryColumnExpression partitionByExpression = null, QueryColumnExpression orderByExpression = null) : this(innerFunction)

Implements an SQL window function.

innerFunction The nested function.
partitionByExpression The expression that separates the query.
orderByExpression The expression that sorts the query.
WindowQueryFunction(WindowQueryFunction source) : this( source.InnerFunction, source.PartitionByExpression, source.OrderByExpression)

Initializes a new WindowQueryFunction instance that is a clone of the passed function.

source The WindowQueryFunction function to clone.


InnerFunction QueryFunction

The function to apply.

PartitionByExpression QueryColumnExpression

Partition by items.

OrderByExpression QueryColumnExpression

Sorts by items.


override void BuildSqlText(StringBuilder sb, DBEngine dbEngine)

Generates the query string using the specified StringBuilder instance and the DBEngine query builder.

sb The StringBuilder instance required to create the query string.
dbEngine The instance of the database query builder.
override void AddUsingParameters(QueryParameterCollection resultParameters)

Adds the passed collection of parameters to the function arguments.

resultParameters A collection of query parameters to add to the function arguments.
override object Clone()

Creates a clone of the current WindowQueryFunction instance.