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Version: 8.1All Creatio products

Calculate contact age

Creatio automatically calculates contact age based on the value in the Birth date field for customer database segmentation. If the Birth date field is empty, the value in the Age field is “0.” Take this into account when setting up filters that use this field.

Creatio updates the value in the Age column in the following instances:

  • Whenever a new contact record is saved or the value in the Birth date field is updated. In this case, the value in the Age field is updated only for the current contact.
  • Daily, at a specific time. The age is calculated only for those contacts whose birthday is on the current day.

The following age calculation settings are available:

  • Schedule the time for the daily contact age update.

  • Disable the daily contact age update.

  • Disable all automatic contact age updates.

Change these settings using the system settings in the “Contact age” folder.

To specify the daily age update time, set the needed time in the “Time of automatic daily update of the contact ages” (the “AutomaticAgeActualizationTime” code) system setting.

To disable the daily update of the Age column, clear the checkbox in the “Enable automatic daily update of the contact ages” (the “RunAgeActualizationDaily” code) system setting. Once you do this, Creatio calculates the age only on saving contact records.

To disable the age calculation completely, clear the checkbox in the “Enable updating contact ages” (the “ActualizeAge” code) system setting. This disables the age calculation functionality regardless of the values of other system settings in the “Contact age” folder. If the age calculation functionality is disabled, the Age field on the contact page becomes editable.

See also

Create a contact