Send messages via WebSocket


WebSocket sends messages. Creatio broadcasts messages received via WebSocket to subscribers using the ClientMessageBridge client module schema. Within Creatio, messages are sent using a sandbox object. This is a broadcast message named SocketMessageReceived. You can subscribe to the message and handle the received data.

Implement custom logic that sends a message 

To implement custom logic that sends a message received via WebSocket:

  1. Create a replacing schema of the ClientMessageBridge client module schema. Learn more in a separate article: Client module.
  2. Add the message to the messages property of a client schema. Learn more in a separate article: messages property.
  3. Add the message received via WebSocket to the configuration object of schema messages. To do this, overload the init() parent method.
  4. Trace the message sending. To do this, overload the afterPublishMessage() base method.

Save the message to history 

Message history workflow is based on the Listener handler that is a part of message publishing process in Creatio.


If the Listener handler is not already loaded, Creatio executes the following actions:

  1. Save unhandled messages to history.
  2. Check availability of the Listener handler before publishing a message.
  3. Publish all saved messages in their order of reception after the handler is loaded.
  4. Clear history after publishing messages from history.

The following abstract methods of the BaseMessageBridge class implement saving messages to history and working with them via localStorage browser repository:

  • saveMessageToHistory(). Saves a new message to the message collection.
  • getMessagesFromHistory(). Receives an array of messages by name.
  • deleteSavedMessages(). Deletes saved messages by name.

The ClientMessageBridge schema implements the abstract methods of the BaseMessageBridge parent class.

To implement saving messages to history, set the isSaveHistory property to true when adding a configuration object.

Example that saves messages to history
init: function() {
   /* Call the parent init() method. */
   /* Add a new configuration object to the collection of configuration objects. */
       /* The name of the message received via WebSocket. */
       sender: "OrderStepCalculated",
       /* The name of the WebSocket message sent in Creatio via sandbox. */
       messageName: "OrderStepCalculated",
       /* Whether to save messages to history. */
       isSaveHistory: true

To implement working with messages via another repository:

  1. Specify the BaseMessageBridge class as a parent class.
  2. Implement custom saveMessageToHistory(), getMessagesFromHistory(), and deleteSavedMessages() methods in the class that inherits from the BaseMessageBridge class.
Implement a subscriber to a WebSocket message

Example. Publish the NewMessage message in the back-end when you save a contact. Send the message via WebSocket. The message must include the contact birthday and name. Implement the NewMessage message sending in the front-end. Display messages in the browser console.

1. Create a replacing object schema 

  1. Open the Configuration section and select a custom package to add the schema.
  2. Click AddReplacing object on the section list toolbar.

  3. Fill out the schema properties.

    • Set Code to "Contact."
    • Set Title to "Contact."
    • Select "Contact" in the Parent object property.
  4. Add an event to the schema.

    1. Open the Events node of the object structure.
    2. Go to the Saving block → select the After record saved checkbox. Creatio names the event ContactSaved.

    3. Click Save on the Object Designer's toolbar.
  5. Implement an event sub-process.

    1. Click Open process on the Object Designer's toolbar.
    2. Click System actions in the element area of the Designer and drag theEvent sub-process element to the working area of the Process Designer.

    3. Set the Title property in the element setup area to "Contact Saved Sub-process."
    4. Set up the event sub-process elements.

      1. Set up the Message start event.

        • Set Title to "After contact saved."
        • Set Which message event should start the process? to "ContactSaved."
      2. Add the Script task system action.

        1. Click System actions in the element area of the Designer and drag the Script task system action to the working area of the sub-process.

        2. Name the Script task system action "Publish a message via WebSocket."
        3. Add the code of the Script task system action.

          Code of the Script task system action
          /* Receive the contact name. */
          string userName = Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<string>("Name");
          /* Receive the date of the contact birthday. */
          DateTime birthDate = Entity.GetTypedColumnValue<DateTime>("BirthDate");
          /* Generate the message text. */
          string messageText = "{\"birthday\": \"" + birthDate.ToString("s") + "\", \"name\": \"" + userName + "\"}";
          /* Set the message name. */
          string sender = "NewMessage";
          /* Publish the message via WebSocket. */
          MsgChannelUtilities.PostMessageToAll(sender, messageText);
          return true;
        4. Click Save on the Process Designer's toolbar.
    5. Set up the sequence flow. Click in the menu of the Message start event and connect the Message start event to the Publish a message via WebSocket system action.

    View the event sub-process in the figure below.

  6. Click Save then Publish on the Process Designer's toolbar.

2. Implement message sending in Creatio 

  1. Open the Configuration section and select a custom package to add the schema.
  2. Click AddReplacing view model on the section list toolbar.

  3. Fill out the schema properties.

    • Set Code to "ClientMessageBridge."
    • Set Title to "ClientMessageBridge."
    • Select "ClientMessageBridge" in the Parent object property.
  4. Implement sending of the NewMessage broadcast message.

    • In the messages property, bind the NewMessage broadcast message that can be published in Creatio.
    • Overload the following parent methods in the methods property:

      • init(). Adds a message received via WebSocket to the schema's message configuration object.
      • afterPublishMessage. Monitors the message sending.

    View the source code of the replacing view model schema below.

    define("ClientMessageBridge", ["ConfigurationConstants"], function(ConfigurationConstants) {
        return {
            /* Messages. */
            messages: {
                /* Message name. */
                "NewMessage": {
                    /* Broadcast message. */
                    "mode": Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
                    /* The message direction is publishing. */
                    "direction": Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.PUBLISH
            /* Methods. */
            methods: {
                /* Initialize the schema. */
                init: function() {
                    /* Call the parent method. */
                    /* Add a new configuration object to the collection of configuration objects. */
                        /* The name of the message received via WebSocket. */
                        sender: "NewMessage",
                        /* The name of the WebSocket message sent in Creatio via sandbox. */
                        messageName: "NewMessage"
                /* Method executed after the message is published. */
                afterPublishMessage: function(
                    /* The name of the message used to send the message. */
                    /* Message body. */
                    /* Result of sending the message. */
                    /* Configuration object that sends the message. */
                    publishConfig) {
                    /* Verify that the message matches the message added to the configuration object. */
                    if (sandboxMessageName === "NewMessage") {
                        /* Save the body to local variables. */
                        var birthday = webSocketBody.birthday;
                        var name =;
                        /* Display the body in the browser console. */
              "Published message: " + sandboxMessageName +
                            ". Name: " + name +
                            "; birthday: " + birthday);
  5. Click Save on the Designer's toolbar.

3. Implement subscription to the message 

  1. Open the Configuration section and select a custom package to add the schema.
  2. Click AddReplacing view model on the section list toolbar.
  3. Fill out the schema properties.

    • Set Code to "ContactPageV2."
    • Set Title to "Display schema - Contact card."
    • Select "ContactPageV2" in the Parent object property.
  4. Implement subscription to the NewMessage broadcast message.

    • In the messages property, bind the NewMessage broadcast message to subscribe.
    • Overload the init() parent method in the methods property. The method subscribes to the NewMessage message. Implement the onNewMessage() handler method that handles the object received in the message and returns the result to the browser console.

    View the source code of the replacing view model schema below.

    define("ContactPageV2", [], function(BusinessRuleModule, ConfigurationConstants) {
        return {
            /* Object schema name. */
            entitySchemaName: "Contact",
            messages: {
                /* Message name. */
                "NewMessage": {
                    /* Broadcast message. */
                    "mode": Terrasoft.MessageMode.BROADCAST,
                    /* The message direction is subscription. */
                    "direction": Terrasoft.MessageDirectionType.SUBSCRIBE
            /* Methods. */
            methods: {
                /* Initialize the schema. */
                init: function() {
                    /* Call the parent method. */
                    /* Subscribe to the NewMessage message. */
                    this.sandbox.subscribe("NewMessage", this.onNewMessage, this);
                /* Handle the reception event of the NewMessage message. */
                onNewMessage: function(args) {
                    /* Save the message body to local variables. */
                    var birthday = args.birthday;
                    var name =;
                    /* Display the body in the browser console. */
          "Received message: NewMessage. Name: " +
                        name + "; birthday: " + birthday);
  5. Click Save on the Designer's toolbar.

Outcome of the example 

To view the outcome of the example:

  1. Clear the browser cache.
  2. Refresh the Contacts section page.
  3. Open the contact page. For example, Alexander Wilson.
  4. Open the Console tab in the browser console.
  5. Modify an arbitrary field.
  6. Save the contact.

As a result, the browser console will display the received and sent NewMessage messages.

ClientMessageBridge class

Creatio broadcasts messages received via WebSocket to subscribers using the ClientMessageBridge client module schema.



The name of the repository that stores the message history.

LocalStore Terrasoft.LocalStore

A class instance that implements access to the local storage.



Initializes the default value.

saveMessageToHistory(sandboxMessageName, webSocketBody)

Saves the message to the storage if the message has no subscribers and the configuration object indicates that saving is required.

sandboxMessageName: String The message name that Creatio uses while sending the message.
webSocketBody: Object A message received via WebSocket.

Returns an array of saved messages from repository.

sandboxMessageName: String The message name that Creatio uses while sending the message.

Deletes a saved message from repository.

sandboxMessageName: String The message name that Creatio uses while sending the message.