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Version: 8.1Sales

Predictive scoring of leads

Lead predictive scoring enables your sales associates to minimize time spent on leads that have low potential and to increase the number of leads converted to opportunities. Creatio performs the prediction for every qualified lead. Lead parameters and working history are taken into account.

Predictive score is a machine learning tool that displays the probability of lead conversion to a new opportunity on a scale from 1 to 100 points (Fig. 1).


If the lead profile does not contain the predictive score, ensure that lead predictive scoring is turned on and the ML models section of Creatio contains a trained model instance.

Fig. 1 Lead profile that has a predictive score
Fig. 1 Lead profile that has a predictive score

Creatio scores leads based on the probability of lead conversion to opportunity:

  • 80-100 points: high predictive score

  • 50-79 points: medium predictive score

  • 1-49 points: low predictive score

Creatio does not perform predictive scoring for non-qualified leads. The predictive score for such leads is set to “0.”

The predictive score is recalculated regularly since lead management process has a constant impact on the conversion probability. The score can increase or decrease if the lead information is not updated for a long time.

Launch predictive scoring

Creatio launches lead predictive scoring automatically in the following cases:

  • During lead qualification. In this case, Creatio only predicts the score for the qualified lead.
  • Every day when Creatio is not used excessively. In this case, Creatio predicts the score prediction for all leads that you manage.

To set up the automatic launch of the predictive scoring process for all managed leads:

  1. Click icn_system_designer.png to open the System Designer.

  2. Go to the “System setup” block → “ML models.”

  3. Open either of the following pages depending on your product:

    • “Lead scoring (Sales) (7.14.0)” for Sales Creatio products.
    • “Lead scoring (Sales + Marketing) (7.14.0)” for Creatio CRM bundle.
  4. Open the Parameters tab → Setting up background update of prediction results detail.

  5. Switch the Perform background update of prediction results daily during the maintenance window toggle to the on position.

As a result, Creatio will launch the predictive scoring process for all managed leads automatically.


You can set up the period when Creatio is loaded the least (to run resource-heavy processes) in the Maintenance periods lookup.

Data processed during predictive scoring calculation

To execute the lead predictive scoring, the machine learning model analyzes data of the lead and its linked records. As such, we recommend adding as much lead information the machine model can use as possible to Creatio to ensure the most accurate predictive scoring.

During the scoring process, the machine learning model processes the following data of the lead and connected objects:

  • Lead need type.

  • Availability of a qualified contact and contact details (role, type, department, job title, mobile phone, business phone).

  • Availability of a qualified account and account details (category, industry, type, number of employees, web site, country).

  • Lead engagement data (source, channel, website events, landing page).

  • Aggregated lead indicators:

    • number of days after lead qualification

    • number of leads per contact

    • number of leads per contact registered within the last 2 weeks

    • number of phone calls and emails per lead (monthly, quarterly, total)

    • number of days after the last phone call

    • number of days after the last email

Lack of one or more types of data from the list can have considerable impact on the accuracy of the lead predictive score.

See also

Create a lead

Lead management process

Lead duplicate search

Leads FAQ


Lead management