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Version: 8.1Marketing

View ad campaign data

View comprehensive information about an ad campaign in the Overall performance data area of the main Ad campaigns section page. Creatio updates data automatically daily.

Fig. 1 Overall performance data
Fig. 1 Overall performance data

To view information about an ad campaign by day, click the campaign name in the Overall performance data list → Daily insights list.

Creatio synchronizes both overall performance data and daily insights for the last 365 days when you connect an ad account and performs new synchronizations daily, adding new data and overwriting existing data where applicable. You can also run the synchronization manually.

Fig. 2 Daily insights
Fig. 2 Daily insights

View the metrics the Overall performance data and Daily insights lists contain below.

Column values imported from the ad account:



Amount spent

Amount of money spent on a campaign. Displays total amount in the Overall performance data area and amount per day in the Daily insights area.


How many times the ads were displayed.


How many times the ads were clicked.


The cost of ads per 1,000 impressions. Calculated using the following formula: Amount spent / Impressions * 1000.

CTR, %

Percentage of people who clicked the ads out of everyone who viewed them. Calculated using the following formula: Clicks / Impressions * 100.


The cost per click. Calculated using the following formula: Amount spent / Clicks.


How many times the users saw the ads over the period. Calculated using the following formula: Impressions / Reach. The column is hidden from the list out of the box.


Total number of people who saw the ads. Calculated using the following formula: Impressions / Frequency. The column is hidden from the list out of the box.

Values calculated in Creatio:


Creatio uses the “Submitted forms” data linked to Creatio contacts to calculate the metrics.




Total number of form submissions imported from the campaign. Сan be higher than the number of contacts since a single person can submit the form multiple times.

Out of the box, Creatio counts all submitted forms. To ensure the number of submissions is the same as the number of contacts, set up deduplication of form submissions in Creatio or validate the submissions in the form if the ad platform supports this functionality. Learn more about deduplication: Set up the duplicate search.


Total number of contacts that reacted to the campaign. Сan be lower than the number of submissions since a single person can submit the form multiple times. One contact can be a part of multiple ad campaigns.

Cost per submission

Acquisition cost of a single form submission. Calculated using the following formula: Amount spent / Submissions.

Cost per contact

Campaign engagement cost per single contact. Calculated using the following formula: Amount spent / Contacts.

See also

Overview of Digital Ads app

Integrate Facebook Ads with Creatio

Integrate Google Ads with Creatio