Manage job experience
Creatio stores the information about a contact’s employment and job experience on the Current employment tab of the contact page.
To add information about a contact's current employment:
Go to the Contacts section and open the needed record.
Populate the following fields on the Current employment tab:
Position held by the contact, for example, "Department manager."
Full job title
Exact job title, such as "Sales department manager." If you select a value in the Job title field, this field will be filled in with the selected value.
Department of the company where this contact works, for example, "Sales" or "Marketing."
The contact's influence in the decision-making process, for example, "Decision maker" or "Influencer."
The data on the Current employment tab is automatically synced to the Job experience detail.
This information includes the company name and a day when the contact started working at the company. The Primary and Current checkboxes are also selected. When a new record is added in the Job experience detail, the Primary and Current checkboxes are selected for this record, and the Started on field is filled in with the current date. The Current checkbox will be cleared for the previous place of work and the Worked till field will be filled in with the current date.
If you want to add more information about the current and previous employments of a contact, take the following steps:
Open the corresponding contact page and go to the Current employment tab.
on the Job experience detail to add a new record.
To change an existing record, select it in the detail list, click, and select Edit.
Populate or edit the following fields on the page that opens:Contact
Current contact. The field is non-editable.
Employer of the contact.
Job title
Position held by the contact, for example, "Department manager."
Full job title
Exact job title, such as "Sales department manager."
The department of the company where the contact works.
Contact's influence in the decision-making process, for example, "Decision maker" or "Influencer."
Start date
Date when the employee was assigned to work in this position.
Due date
Date when the employee left the job.
The checkbox indicates that this place of work is the principal one.
The checkbox indicates the company where the contact works at present.
Reason for job change
The reason why the employee decided to accept this position, for example, "Interesting work" or "Promotion."
Additional information about the contact's employment.
noteA job record with the Primary and Current checkboxes set will display in the Job experience detail.
The data on the Job experience detail is synchronized with the information in the Current employment field group. If either of the Primary and Current checkboxes is cleared for a record in the Job experience detail, the data about the place of work will be automatically cleared in the Current employment field group. When a record with the selected Primary and Current checkboxes is modified, the data in the Current employment field group is updated automatically. If you select the Primary checkbox for another record in the Job experience detail, the checkbox will be cleared automatically.